what does spatchcock mean in slang

From the Urban Dictionary: Spatchcock…the act of striking a male in the genitals with a spatula.
what does spatchcock mean in slang

Other Word Forms of Spatchcock

  • Perhaps short for dispatch cock a cock or chicken that has been killed and dressed in summary manner (from dispatch) (cock) or perhaps alteration of spitchcock an eel cut into short pieces, dressed with bread crumbs, and broiled (of unknown origin) From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
  • Related to spitchcock (“to split and broil an eel”), of uncertain origin. From Wiktionary

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What is the meaning of the word SPATCHCOCK?


What is the meaning of spatchcock?

to prepare a chicken or other type of bird for cooking by cutting it open down the middle, and then pressing it flat: First, spatchcock the chicken (see our step-by-step video here). The contestants had to attempt to spatchcock a poussin and then make a lemon curd.

What is the meaning of Spatch?

: to prepare (as a fowl) for eating as or as if a spatchcock. 2. : to introduce by or as if by interpolation or insertion. task of attempting to spatchcock the new evidence into an existing framework Times Literary Supplement. all the random majesty of the place appeared spatchcocked, rectified, and jumbled John …

Why do they call it spatchcock?

The real term is to “spatchcock.” Alan Davidson explains in The Oxford Companion to Food: “The theory is that the word is an abbreviation of ‘dispatch the cock,’ a phrase used to indicate a summary way of grilling a bird after splitting it open down the back and spreading the two halves out flat.” Davidson speculates …

What is the meaning of spatchcock Cotch?

But colloquially, spatchcocking a chicken is the process of removing the backbone of a whole chicken so that the bird lays flat, regardless of whether or not you plan to grill it.

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