what does soaking chicken in buttermilk do

So let’s talk fried chicken. I recently chatted with a chef friend and he revealed that he likes to brine his chicken in a seasoned saltwater mixture overnight before tossing in a light coat of flour and frying. I questioned, and came back with a strong rebuttal that buttermilk was the superior choice of marinade pre-frying. He did not agree. That sparked my quest to find out what the best way to prep chicken before frying actually is. The great fried chicken goal is, of course, a crispy, not-so-greasy outer crust with a juicy, well-seasoned interior. With that in mind, I asked home cooks, bloggers, professional chefs, and Time Inc. Food Studios staff about their preferences regarding soaking chicken in either buttermilk vs. a saltwater brine.

To understand both sides, let’s take a look at what buttermilk and salt water actually do to chicken. A basic brine is the combination of salt and water (about 4 tablespoons salt to 4 cups water); and usually, a brine also contains sugar, spices, and herbs for more flavor. The brine penetrates the chicken with flavor, but also makes the chicken too wet to fry. You have to actively pat the chicken dry to a degree before dredging it in the flour. Brining poultry is, from what I understood, more ideal for roasting, as the salty solution can help lock moisture into the flesh of the bird even throughout the high-heat temperatures of the roasting process. According to On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals published by Prentice Hall, (often used in culinary school curriculums), the procedure for pan-fried chicken is to dip your chicken in buttermilk and then dredge the chicken in seasoned flour. Robby Melvin, Time Inc. Food Studios recipe developer, also shares my sentiments about buttermilk. He says, “Soaking chicken in buttermilk acts as a brine.” The buttermilk adheres to the chicken much better and allows for the breading to also have more sticking power. It also has fat and acids that helps break down the outer skin for a crispy crust. Just as you can season a brine, hot sauce and herbs can also be used to impart added flavor to the natural tanginess of the buttermilk. However, Melvin does not completely discount the saltwater brine, “You can absolutely do both. Buttermilk is a classic Southern style… but it’s all about preference.” Melvin likes to soak the chicken overnight in buttermilk, but says that if you are short on time, 2 hours minimum will yield similar results. When you dredge the chicken in flour, one coat is enough. Double breading weighs the chicken down with unnecessary extra coating. You want a “nice thin coating, where you still taste the chicken,” Melvin says.

I also took my question to Facebook and found a more mixed bag of opinions. One commenter noted that she prefers using a saltwater mixture because she (like a few others who responded) is lactose intolerant. Another person commented saying, “Brine is Bible.” One comment even suggested to do both: Brine in salt water overnight, rinse chicken, dry, coat in buttermilk, dredge in flour, fry. I posed the question to Chef “JJ” Joseph Johnson, James Beard nominee, on Twitter and he replied, “I am [a] brine guy.” In my search for a definitive answer, I found that there was a split vote. All the Time Inc. recipe developers went with buttermilk, while more home cooks polled went with the saltwater brine. Personally, I’ve only had one, not-so-good, experience with brine that yielded an overly salty and rubbery textured chicken-fried chicken. But one experience is enough for me. Since then, I’ve vowed to never go back. I am a buttermilk girl.

Another key note to frying chicken worth mentioning is the temperature at which your oil is heated. Melvin says, “Thermometers are key; 325°F is the magic temperature.” Keeping a watchful eye over the temperature during the frying process will make this cooking method a bit less intimidating. You can precisely gauge when to turn up or reduce the heat with every new batch of chicken. Usually, when you add a few pieces of raw chicken to the oil, your oil temp cools slightly and takes a few minutes to get back up to the ideal heat. So grab a kitchen thermometer, and go with the marinating method that speaks to you. It is truly your preference, so go find your chicken-fried bliss.

The secret to making the perfect fried chicken is the use of buttermilk, as it helps tenderize each piece while leaving each bite juicy and crispy. After marinating, dredge your chicken pieces in the flour mixture and get to frying!
what does soaking chicken in buttermilk do

I also took my question to Facebook and found a more mixed bag of opinions. One commenter noted that she prefers using a saltwater mixture because she (like a few others who responded) is lactose intolerant. Another person commented saying, “Brine is Bible.” One comment even suggested to do both: Brine in salt water overnight, rinse chicken, dry, coat in buttermilk, dredge in flour, fry. I posed the question to Chef “JJ” Joseph Johnson, James Beard nominee, on Twitter and he replied, “I am [a] brine guy.” In my search for a definitive answer, I found that there was a split vote. All the Time Inc. recipe developers went with buttermilk, while more home cooks polled went with the saltwater brine. Personally, I’ve only had one, not-so-good, experience with brine that yielded an overly salty and rubbery textured chicken-fried chicken. But one experience is enough for me. Since then, I’ve vowed to never go back. I am a buttermilk girl.

To understand both sides, let’s take a look at what buttermilk and salt water actually do to chicken. A basic brine is the combination of salt and water (about 4 tablespoons salt to 4 cups water); and usually, a brine also contains sugar, spices, and herbs for more flavor. The brine penetrates the chicken with flavor, but also makes the chicken too wet to fry. You have to actively pat the chicken dry to a degree before dredging it in the flour. Brining poultry is, from what I understood, more ideal for roasting, as the salty solution can help lock moisture into the flesh of the bird even throughout the high-heat temperatures of the roasting process. According to On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals published by Prentice Hall, (often used in culinary school curriculums), the procedure for pan-fried chicken is to dip your chicken in buttermilk and then dredge the chicken in seasoned flour. Robby Melvin, Time Inc. Food Studios recipe developer, also shares my sentiments about buttermilk. He says, “Soaking chicken in buttermilk acts as a brine.” The buttermilk adheres to the chicken much better and allows for the breading to also have more sticking power. It also has fat and acids that helps break down the outer skin for a crispy crust. Just as you can season a brine, hot sauce and herbs can also be used to impart added flavor to the natural tanginess of the buttermilk. However, Melvin does not completely discount the saltwater brine, “You can absolutely do both. Buttermilk is a classic Southern style… but it’s all about preference.” Melvin likes to soak the chicken overnight in buttermilk, but says that if you are short on time, 2 hours minimum will yield similar results. When you dredge the chicken in flour, one coat is enough. Double breading weighs the chicken down with unnecessary extra coating. You want a “nice thin coating, where you still taste the chicken,” Melvin says.

So let’s talk fried chicken. I recently chatted with a chef friend and he revealed that he likes to brine his chicken in a seasoned saltwater mixture overnight before tossing in a light coat of flour and frying. I questioned, and came back with a strong rebuttal that buttermilk was the superior choice of marinade pre-frying. He did not agree. That sparked my quest to find out what the best way to prep chicken before frying actually is. The great fried chicken goal is, of course, a crispy, not-so-greasy outer crust with a juicy, well-seasoned interior. With that in mind, I asked home cooks, bloggers, professional chefs, and Time Inc. Food Studios staff about their preferences regarding soaking chicken in either buttermilk vs. a saltwater brine.

Another key note to frying chicken worth mentioning is the temperature at which your oil is heated. Melvin says, “Thermometers are key; 325°F is the magic temperature.” Keeping a watchful eye over the temperature during the frying process will make this cooking method a bit less intimidating. You can precisely gauge when to turn up or reduce the heat with every new batch of chicken. Usually, when you add a few pieces of raw chicken to the oil, your oil temp cools slightly and takes a few minutes to get back up to the ideal heat. So grab a kitchen thermometer, and go with the marinating method that speaks to you. It is truly your preference, so go find your chicken-fried bliss.

Marinate Chicken in Buttermilk


How long can I soak chicken in buttermilk?

You can leave chicken in a buttermilk brine for up to 24 hours before frying, depending on your preference and the recipe you are following. Brining chicken in buttermilk helps to tenderize the meat, add flavor, and keep it moist during frying.

What is the purpose of buttermilk in chicken?

What effect does buttermilk have on chicken? Buttermilk is slightly acidic, so as the chicken marinates, the buttermilk breaks down the proteins in the chicken, tenderising it. Its thicker texture helps completely coat the chicken in the spiced flour mixture so it crisps up well when fried.

Do you rinse chicken after soaking in milk?

It’s not necessary to rinse the chicken after marinating it in milk. Simply pat the chicken dry with paper towels before cooking it. This will help to ensure that the milk and any added flavors from the marinade are absorbed into the chicken during the cooking process.

Does buttermilk change the taste of chicken?

Marinating too long in buttermilk tends to rob the meat of chicken flavor. If you are then spicing heavily it probably does not matter that much. But if not spicing then you want the chicken flavor to shine through.

Why do you soak chicken in buttermilk?

Buttermilk is a sour-tasting cultured, fermented dairy product. That ingredient is buttermilk. Soaking chicken in a buttermilk marinade will give you the most tender, succulent, juicy meat you’ve ever had, as well as being truly effortless to make. But Why Soak The Chicken In Buttermilk And Why Does It Give You Such A Delicious, Tender Result?

Why do you marinate chicken in buttermilk?

This is where the buttermilk marinade comes into play. A buttermilk soak is the secret to soft, tender chicken due to lactic acid. That acidity is what helps to breakdown the protein structures and muscle fibers in chicken, therefore, rendering the meat to be more tender and to retain better moisture. How long should you marinate the chicken?

How long do you soak chicken in buttermilk?

You’ll want to soak the chicken in buttermilk for a minimum of 8 hours, but you can soak the chicken for up to 24 hours. Be sure the chicken is in a glass large bowl, rather than a plastic bag, and is covered. Then allow the chicken to marinate in the refrigerator.

How do you cook chicken in buttermilk?

Pour 1 cup of buttermilk into a bowl. Take a piece of chicken from the buttermilk soak and allow it to drip for a few seconds. Place the chicken in the flour mixture and turn to coat. Dip the chicken in the bowl of buttermilk. Coat one last time with flour. Place the chicken on a plate to rest. The chicken should rest for 20 minutes before frying.

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