what does it mean when someone says a huevo

Even though each Spanish speaking country has its own slang words, there will be cases where we all share the same informal words or expressions. This is the case of ahuevo in Spanish. However, keep in mind that, depending on both the country and the context, ‘ahuevo’ can have different meanings and uses.

So what does ahuevo mean? ‘Ahuevo’ is an informal expression whose meanings and uses vary depending on the country and the context. These are the closest ways to translate it into English:

As you can see, ‘ahuevo’ can be used in a wide range of situations. Since this word is applied in different ways, in this article, we’ll talk more in-depth about the meanings and uses of ‘ahuevo’ in Spanish. We’ll also provide you with common examples that you can use in real situations. By the end of this, you will be able to use this slang Spanish expression properly.

“fuck yeah” “A huevo” is one of the many Mexican slang terms that uses the word “heuvo”, which literally means “egg”, but figuratively refers to testicles. You can use this phrase when somethings cool happens or as a form of agreement.
what does it mean when someone says a huevo

To express agreement

Since ‘ahuevo’ can be translated as ‘yes’, heck, yes’, or ‘of course’, Spanish speakers also use this phrase to show agreement with someone’s statement. On top of being translated as ‘of course’ or ‘yes’, in this context, ‘obviously’ would be another word close in meaning.

Countries where you can use ‘ahuevo’ in this context

‘Ahuevo’ works as our response to someone’s sentence. Here are some examples that could help you understand this meaning a little bit better.

Spanish English
Tú: ¿Verdad que Paola es buena onda? You: Wouldn’t you say that Paola is nice?
Tu amigo: ¡A huevo! ¡Es muy agradable! Your friend: Of course! She’s very nice!
Spanish English
Persona 1: ¿Siempre sí vamos ir al cine mañana? Person 1: Are we still going to the movies tomorrow?
Persona 2: ¡A huevo! Ya habíamos dicho, ¿no? Person 2: Heck, yes! We said we would, right?

As a way to say ‘yes’ or ‘of course’

In some Spanish speaking countries, it’s also very common to use ‘ahuevo’ as an informal way to say ‘yes’. In this context, this expression could be translated as ‘heck, yeah’, ‘of course’ or ‘yes’.

Countries where you can use ‘ahuevo’ in this context

In this situation, ‘a huevo’ can be used either to respond to someone’s questions or to build affirmative statements. Here are some example conversations:

Spanish English
Tu amigo: ¿Vas a ir a México con nosotros? Your friend: Are you going to Mexico with us?
Tú: ¡A huevo! You: Heck, yeah!
Spanish English
Tú: ¿Quieres otro pedazo de pizza? You: Do you want another slice of pizza?
Tu amigo: ¡A huevo! Dame uno de peperoni. Your friend: Yes! Give me a pepperoni slice.

As mentioned before, ‘ahuevo’ can also be used to build affirmative sentences. In this case, you will be emphasizing the fact that you will do certain things.

A huevo + que + [verb conjugated]

¡A huevo que quiero ir a México! ¿Cuándo nos vamos?Of course I want to go to Mexico, when are we leaving?

¿Eso te dijo? ¡Está loca! ahuevo que tiene tus cosas Did she tell you that? She’s insane! Of course she has your things

When using this structure, keep in mind that the presence of ‘que’ will help you emphasize your information.

HUEVO: A word with many meanings in MEXICAN SPANISH | Mextalki


What does a huevo mean slang?

10. ¡A huevo! While the word ‘huevo’ in Spanish means ‘egg’, the phrase ‘¡A huevo! ‘ has nothing to do with food. It actually means ‘hell yeah!

What is the Mexican slang for beer?

The traditional word for “beer” is cerveza, but in Mexico, you’ll want to say chela. In parts of Latin America, the literal translation of chela is “blonde,” which is why some light-haired women in Mexico have Chela as their first name.

What does the Spanish cuss word Guey mean?

The word güey comes from the Spanish word buey, which literally means “ox” or “steer.” As early as the 1840s, buey came to refer to a “cuckold.” The slang insult güey, for “idiot” or “stupid person” emerges from the “cuckold” sense of buey.

What does Simon mean in Spanish slang?

Interjection. simón. (colloquial, Mexico) yes, hell yeah (commonly used to respond affirmatively to a question) synonyms ▲ Synonyms: sí, sipi, síp.

What does A ‘Huevo’ mean in Spanish?

In some Spanish speaking countries, it’s also very common to use ‘ahuevo’ as an informal way to say ‘yes’. In this context, this expression could be translated as ‘ heck, yeah’, ‘of course’ or ‘yes’. In this situation, ‘a huevo’ can be used either to respond to someone’s questions or to build affirmative statements.

What does Oy a Huevos mean?

Oy a huevos is a Spanish expression that literally means “ oh, to the eggs! ” It is used to emphasize the intensity or magnitude of something, and is often translated as “oh my gosh” or “wow.” Where does the word huevos come from? Etymology. Spanish huevo (“egg; testicle”). Doublet of egg, ey, oeuf, and ovum. What do Mexicans say when mad?

What does poner a Huevo mean?

I don’t know about the Mexican usage, but in Spain “poner a huevo” means that someone left something for you to do really easily. “Huevos” is slang for testicles in Spain, but I don’t think is related to the expression “poner a huevo”. A huevo = right on, of course. It is slang. That was sick, a huevo.

What is the difference between a huevo and a huevón?

However, a huevo (more commonly written a webo) actually means ‘hell yeah!’ On a similar note, hueva means laziness, as does floja, and a huevón is a lazy person. Ex.: ‘Tengo mucha hueva, ya no quiero salir.’ = ‘I’m feeling lazy, I don’t fancy going out now.’

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