what does honey do to bread

Honey helps extend the shelf life of baked goods, which in particular is important for loaves of bread that need to stay fresh and moist. Honey is a humectant, a substance that prevents moisture transfer in bakery foods. Honey does not give up water easily; in fact, it collects moisture from the atmosphere.
what does honey do to bread

Adding honey to a recipe

I’m fairly new to making bread but have been able to make a couple loaves a week. Currently I’m working with Ken Forkish’s book, and the ingredients only call for flour, water, salt, and yeast. I’ve tried add-ins multiple times before and they worked wonderful but I cannot find any information for adding honey!

I’m looking to make a loaf with maybe honey, cinnamon, and raisins. The recipe is an overnight white bread. My problem, however, is honey. I know as sugar it feeds the yeast, and also adds moisture, helps preserve the bread, and gives it a good browned crust, and that too much (over 8% in comparison to flour) will inhibit the yeast. What I can’t figure out if it’s ok to add to the original recipe alone. In all the recipes I’ve looked at and referenced, they all add milk and/or butter, which I know adds moisture for a softer crumb and, again, preserves the bread. So are those ingredients necessary in order to add honey/sugar to bread? Or can I just add honey? I was thinking maybe 1-2 Tablespoons (I’ll have to weigh it out and compare to bakers percentage) per loaf, and adding it during mixing.

Another thing I heard is that the addition of sugar needs fewer/shorter rises, as to not overferment or add a beery flavor. Has anyone heard anything about that? Does it ring true?

I might just add the honey to a whole wheat loaf, and then make the cinnamon raisin in another white loaf. But the same question with the honey still stands.

Thanks!!! I appreciate any feedback 🙂

Milk & Honey White Bread


What happens when you add honey to bread?

Color: Honey can give bread a darker crust and crumb color due to its natural sugars caramelizing during baking. This can result in a golden or amber hue, depending on the type and amount of honey used. Tenderizing: Honey can act as a dough conditioner, making the bread softer and more tender.

Is honey on bread good?

Bread, in particular, can greatly benefit from a sweet infusion. One of the best pairings for bread is honey. They work well together, as honey can provide excellent flavor, functionality and moisture to this product. Bakeries across the country experience this firsthand with their own unique varieties.

Does honey prevent bread from rising?

Because of this, the yeast needs some kind of sugar to eat in order to produce the gas to raise the dough. You could use any kind of natural sugar, such as honey, corn syrup or any form of sugar. An artificial sweetener would not provide the food the yeast needs to ferment.

Is honey good for yeast in bread?

And then, there’s the odd effect it can have on yeast in your bread-baking. Since it contains sugars, honey can work to feed your yeast, helping it produce the natural byproduct of carbon dioxide and alcohol.

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