what does crisp mean in apples

It took over 20 years to develop the Cosmic Crisp® apple. After all, it takes time to work hand in hand with Mother Nature to classically breed the right varieties until you find The One.

Bruce Barritt, horticulturist and developer of the Cosmic Crisp® apple, set out on a mission to fill a produce void for a firm, crisp, and juicy apple. After decades of cross-pollinating, tasting, and testing, along with research and development with Washington State University’s world-class tree fruit breeding program, the Cosmic Crisp® apple was discovered. Thanks to the care and attention of choosing the perfect cross of Honeycrisp and Enterprise varieties, the apple is non-GMO and naturally slow to brown.

WSU researchers, including pome fruit breeder Kate Evans are proud to have introduced The Apple of Big Dreams™ to the market that is exclusive to Washington State. The Cosmic Crisp® apple has earned high marks from consumers and chefs for its perfectly balanced flavor, crisp texture, juiciness and striking color. From snacking and baking to drinks and decor, the Cosmic Crisp® apple brings star power to all the ways we enjoy apples.

Why are some apples mealy while others are crisp? A. “When apples are mealy, the cells split apart from each other when you bite into the fruit, whereas with crisp fruits the cells rupture and release juice,” said Susan Brown, an expert in apple breeding at Cornell University who has helped develop several varieties.
what does crisp mean in apples

How the Cosmic Crisp® Apple Got Its NameNaming this Washington apple involved several meetings with consumer focus groups around the state with sessions in Pullman, Yakima and Seattle. The “Cosmic” factor of the name was developed because of the “striking” lenticels on the apple surface; they reminded the tasters of outer space and the cosmos. “Crisp” also links to its parent, ‘Honeycrisp’. One of the outstanding attributes of the apple is its crisp texture.

Explore the five main apple growing regions of Washington State.

what does crisp mean in apples

what does crisp mean in apples

The Cosmic Crisp® apple demonstrates how the science of breeding and the art of imagination can work together to create an utterly new and delightful apple.

what does crisp mean in apples

How The Cosmic Crisp Is Taking On America’s Favorite Apples


What makes apples crisp?

What makes an apple crisp and juicy? When the cells of an apple are young, they contain abundant cytoplasm, and their vacuoles are filled with water and sugar. Pressure from the vacuole and the cytoplasm pushes against the cell wall like the water inside a very full water balloon, making the cell rigid.

What are the crisp apples?

So, if crunch is such a factor in the apple-eating experience, what are the crunchiest apples? Some may attest that Honeycrisp and Pink Lady® are the crunchiest, while others would shake their heads pointing to Cosmic Crisp® and SweeTango.

What does crisp mean in fruit?

A crisp is “a type of dessert consisting of fruit baked with a crumble topping,” according to the Oxford English Dictionary’s definition, citing an early use in a 1916 recipe for an apple crisp with a topping of butter, sugar, and flour that’s mixed together by rubbing your fingertips “until crumbly.” Often, at least …

Is An apple crispy or Crunchy?

Unripe or overripe apples may have a soft or mealy texture. When an apple is mature, its cells are fully developed and filled with moisture, contributing to its crisp texture. This ideal moisture level is best achieved with refrigeration to extend the apple’s crunchy texture.

Which Apple is best for a crisp?

Less tart than other baking apples, Crispins, also known as Mutsus, are very firm and are great for recipes that call for gentle cooking. Fuji. This apple has everything going for it—it’s very sweet, very juicy, and very crisp. That makes it a good choice for a juicy apple crisp that still holds together. Golden Delicious.

What is Apple Crisp made of?

Apple crisp is a traditionally fall dessert made of stewed apple filling and a crumbly oat topping. Baked in the oven, apple crisp showcases the best of both worlds when it comes to texture. The inside is gooey but the outer oat crumble is crispy and crunchy. What’s the only thing that makes this dish better? A heaping scoop of vanilla ice cream.

What is the difference between Crisp Apples and mushy apples?

The cells of crisp apples stay intact and full of juice until they are bitten into, while cell walls of mushy fruit have weakened and simply separate from each other upon pressure without providing any snap. There can be several reasons for the differences, Dr. Brown said.

Is apple crisp the same as apple pie?

Oh, yeah! Apple crisp is similar to apple pie and uses many of the same ingredients. However, apple crisps tend to use additional ingredients such as oats and nuts for the toppings. Also, crisps have more of a crunch due to the crumbly topping, whereas pies have a flaky crust with a soft apple-filled center.

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