what does chorizo go well with

Chorizo is a delicious spanish and latin sausage that can combine well with all sorts of food.

In Spain, chorizo is regarded as one of the country’s most popular foods. Same goes with Mexico.

With its highly distinct, spicy flavors, it adds a lot to a variety of dishes and can help make anything unique and delicious.

Some of the foods on this list will amplify chorizo’s fatty, spicy nature, while others seek to cut it and let more subtle flavors come through.

Others still focus on merely combining the right foods into great meals that revolve around chorizo.

Everyone will find their own preferences for how to use chorizo in their cooking by exploring this list.

Chorizo is a dry-cured pork sausage with a salty, smoky, slightly sweet flavour. Perfect in pasta, or paired with chicken in paella, and you can’t beat a tomato and chorizo risotto or frittata.
what does chorizo go well with

Use Citrus Flavors Like Oranges and Limes To Cut The Fatty Flavor Of Chorizo

Citrus cuts through both the fat and heat of chorizo and fits into most Mexican or Spanish dishes, making it an easy addition to a whole host of foods.

Whether you are merely eating fried chorizo with the addition of an orange or sprinkling lemon zest onto an alternative dish, the addition of any sort of citrus will amplify chorizo to the next level.

Fried chorizo had in combination with an orange or grapefruit is a perfect snack that combines savory and fruity flavors. The chorizo offsets the sweetness of the fruit, and the fruit offsets the spice.

Despite being one of the simplest ways to enjoy chorizo, it is an instant classic that you are likely to return to.

Other options for using citrus in combination with chorizo commonly come in the form of adding various zests or peals to other meals.

There are a variety of complete dishes that use chorizo, including some mentioned later on this list.

Anytime that the meal focuses on chorizo, try adding a sprinkle of lemon or lime juice on top.

Not only will this provide the dish with a new taste that likely combines well, but it will also cause the same reaction as fruit with chorizo.

Some of the most common dishes where zest would be appreciated on top include:

  • Chorizo and potato casseroles
  • Burritos or other wraps with chorizo
  • Red sauce pasta dishes focusing on chorizo
  • Shellfish or other nautical dishes which want to keep things light

Try adding just a small amount to any dish you make with chorizo, and the results may surprise you!

Sauté Chorizo With Veggies And Peppers

Sautéeing chorizo with a variety of vegetables and peppers creates a great, smoky dish that is suitable at any time of the day.

It can also be eaten in a variety of ways, including as is, in a sandwich roll, or combined with other ingredients like eggs or burritos.

The process for making this is exceptionally simple. Fry the chorizo first, letting the fat render out into the pan.

This houses a significant amount of the smoky and fatty flavors that chorizo is known for.

Once the fat is rendered out, sauté your vegetables in the same pan, mixing them around constantly to grab all the chorizo flavor.

Once the vegetables are finished sautéing, you are done! From here, you can eat the dish immediately, place it into sandwich rolls, or anything else you can think of.

Some of the best vegetables to use here are bell peppers and onions. These two foods come up often when talking about chorizo, and for good reason; they compliment the nature of chorizo incredibly well.

Other vegetables that are less common but still prove tasty are corn, broccoli, and kale.

This breaks away from the traditions of the combination but still results in a fun, easy dish to make.

Consider adding some orange peels or lemon zest as well to create a combination that works well for light brunches.

Almost due to how delicious this dish is, it is fairly unhealthy. Be careful not to add any additional oil or butter to the pan and instead rely on sautéing everything in the chorizo’s own fat.

How to make The BEST Mexican Chorizo Recipe


What is the best pair for chorizo?

I love pairing chorizo with clams, bell peppers and, surprisingly, pears, which balance out the smoky heat of the chorizo with a fresh, sweet flavor. All of these types can be used interchangeably, but don’t forget to cook the fresh Mexican variety before eating!

How is chorizo traditionally served?

South American chorizos are a deep red color and is mostly eaten with eggs, mashed potatoes, salads, and avocado. In South American, the chorizo is a sausage link that is mostly fried when eaten.

What is good about chorizo?

However when you are putting together a balanced and nutritious diet, there is no reason why a good quality Spanish chorizo should not be included on the list in moderation. A good source of protein, B vitamins and useful trace minerals, Spanish chorizo packs a lot of flavour into a small space.

What goes well with chorizo?

One of the things you need to know about cider is that it pairs well with food, just like wine. According to Vinepair, funky Spanish cider from Asturias will bring out the rustic notes of chorizo, especially when paired with a funky sheep’s milk cheese called Torta de Casar.

What foods can be mixed with chicory?

All foods can be mixed/consumed together with chicory. She is rich in vitamins A, C and complex B, as well as being a good source of phosphorus, iron and calcium. The leaves can be braised with beans, rice, chickpeas, soybeans, lentils and as a filling for dumplings, pies and sandwiches. The leaves can also be eaten raw in salads. The root, dried and ground, is used in many parts of the world as coffee – a drink known as “war coffee”.

Does chorizo go well with seafood?

Chorizo pairs exceptionally well with most seafood due to the neutral, low-fat flavor of most things from the sea. Many Mediterranean dishes combine the salt and heavy feelings of chorizo with light alternatives to produce full meals that cover the spectrum between savory and delicate.

Does chorizo have a good flavor?

Chorizo has the benefit of having immediately recognizable flavors that cover the range of fatty to spicy. To most palettes, chorizo does not contain any poor flavors; almost everyone enjoys fatty foods or a certain level of spice when used in moderation.

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