what compliments key lime

At first glance, Key limes are hard to resist. Bright green, shading to lemon yellow, smooth, compact and tiny, they’re adorably cute — yeah, cute, just like a little puppy. It’s hard not to want to snatch a bag or two along with your other groceries.

Of course, once you have gotten them home, you have to use them. You can break out the cocktail shaker — a no-brainer — Key limes have often been referred to as the “bartender’s lime,” and they readily complement a whole host of libations. But then what? Fix margaritas for a small party and you may still be left with several cute little limes, sitting sadly alone on your counter like a tragic still life. What to do?

You might be tempted to substitute them for the larger limes, lemons or even some other citrus in a recipe, but be careful, because these cute little puppies pack a powerful bite. Advertisement

Pair them with the right ingredients, however, and they can brighten an otherwise ordinary dish, adding depth and dimension. Give them a little room and they can add wonderful complexity, shining as a main flavor, highlighting a layered harmony, even working as a seasoning. They’ve got a wonderful personality if you just get to know them.

Like all members of the citrus family, Key limes have a definite acidity. They’re tart, sharp and incredibly sour, even more so than other limes — they’re almost borderline bitter. Key limes are extreme. And despite their yellowish cast, don’t confuse them with lemons.

But after you get over the initial acidity, you might notice the herbal notes — Key limes have their own harmony going on — a bouquet almost. They’re not a one-note fruit.

The key to cooking with them is balance. Because their flavor and nose are so assertive, Key limes don’t always go well with other flavors. They won’t readily share the stage. You really need to fine-tune to get a good balance.

There are differences between Key limes and the limes we find in stores (commonly called “Tahitian” or “Persian,” even though they are not grown in Iran). Key limes (also called Mexican or West Indian limes) are the most common lime found throughout the world; the U.S. is the exception in preferring the Persian lime. Advertisement

That’s largely due to an accident of history. Key limes were commercially produced in Florida back at the turn of the last century, but the crop was wiped out by a hurricane in 1926. When the growers replanted, they chose the Persian lime, which is more disease-resistant and heavier bearing, though Key lime trees can still be found in many residential backyards.

Along with cocktails, probably the most popular way to use Key limes is in the eponymous pie. About the only thing everyone agrees on is that it includes Key lime juice, but that’s where the agreement ends. Most recipes combine the juice with sweetened condensed milk (some devotees swear by Borden’s, now marketed as Eagle Brand) and egg to form a rich custard. After that, almost anything goes. It can be spooned into either a graham cracker or pastry crust, and topped with either meringue or whipped cream.

Many older recipes do not call for baking the custard even; the lime juice alone thickens the mixture over time to “set” the custard.

Cookbook author Rose Levy Beranbaum takes the pie in a different direction, which I like better. She lightens the custard with a bit of Italian meringue. Not only does it improve the texture, but it also helps distinguish the flavors on the palate, brightening the lime. The custard is baked in a classic graham cracker crust (baking helps to thicken the texture and firm up the slices) and topped with the remaining meringue, which is baked just long enough to slightly brown the edges.

Incidentally, Beranbaum prefers the Persian lime for the pie. She says the Key lime’s “bitterness seemed to penetrate the sweetness.” I prefer the punchiness of the Key lime.

The recipe is simple. Probably the hardest part is waiting long enough for the pie to chill sufficiently to eat. Advertisement

One quick note here: You can’t bottle fresh flavor. Packaged Key lime juice may look easy, but it tastes like the shortcut that it is. Generally made from concentrate and treated for preservation, it lacks punch and often has metallic undertones.

Anyway, it’s not hard to find fresh Key limes in most Mexican markets (technically, they have a season, but they’re grown in so many places that you can find them year-round). Look for limes that are heavy for their weight, green shading to yellow (yellow signals ripeness, and makes for a slightly less tart lime). Store them at cool room temperature because refrigeration can speed decay.

It seems, more often than not, that Key limes (and limes in general) appear in sweet recipes, but they can be just as great in savory dishes.

Again, balance is the key. Sweet dishes tend to “tame” lime with sugar or other sweeteners, toning it down and softening it. At the same time, in many savory dishes, the sharp flavor is often contrasted with a spice and/or rich texture, as with guacamole. Lime juice is frequently used in marinades and dressings. Toss some arugula with grapefruit and avocado, then finish the salad with a light dressing of lime juice, honey and cumin. It’s a simple presentation, but the flavors can be stunning — the balance comes from the sweetness of honey, the spice of cumin and the richness of avocado.

Or try a ceviche. Toss cubed fish in lime juice just until it turns opaque. The acid from the lime firms the fish, much like cooking, and it’s balanced by fresh-chopped serrano or jalapeño chile and cilantro. Indeed, lime and chile are frequently paired. Try combining them for a spicy, tangy marinade. It works well with chicken and makes for a particularly fun take on hot wings. Advertisement

Or try a spicy Thai-inspired marinade: lime juice, chiles, onion, ginger and garlic. Season with a little soy sauce and toss in a bit of chipotle powder to add a smoky element. Marinate a couple pounds of chicken wings for a few hours, up to overnight, then fry until golden. Brush the wings with a sweet peanut sauce and finish them in the oven until the sauce cooks to a nice shellac. The combination of flavors is striking: First, you get the sweet peanut sauce, followed by the sharp acid and heat from the marinade.

Key limes also go particularly well with coconut. While the lime can be overwhelmingly tart, it works nicely with the rich, sweet flavor of coconut.

Try pairing Key lime and coconut in a scone. Substitute coconut milk and a little fresh lime juice for the liquid in a standard recipe, adding some toasted coconut for crunch and a little fresh lime zest to brighten the composition.

It’s a fun recipe, not overly sweet, and you don’t have to wait as long for scones to chill as you would a pie. Besides, they’re cute. But these puppies won’t bite.

What Flavors Go Well With Key Lime? Key limes are delicious with coconut, blueberries and raspberries. By itself, the lime can be very tart, but it works nicely with the rich, sweet flavor of coconut.
what compliments key lime

Of course, once you have gotten them home, you have to use them. You can break out the cocktail shaker — a no-brainer — Key limes have often been referred to as the “bartender’s lime,” and they readily complement a whole host of libations. But then what? Fix margaritas for a small party and you may still be left with several cute little limes, sitting sadly alone on your counter like a tragic still life. What to do?

Like all members of the citrus family, Key limes have a definite acidity. They’re tart, sharp and incredibly sour, even more so than other limes — they’re almost borderline bitter. Key limes are extreme. And despite their yellowish cast, don’t confuse them with lemons.

That’s largely due to an accident of history. Key limes were commercially produced in Florida back at the turn of the last century, but the crop was wiped out by a hurricane in 1926. When the growers replanted, they chose the Persian lime, which is more disease-resistant and heavier bearing, though Key lime trees can still be found in many residential backyards.

Anyway, it’s not hard to find fresh Key limes in most Mexican markets (technically, they have a season, but they’re grown in so many places that you can find them year-round). Look for limes that are heavy for their weight, green shading to yellow (yellow signals ripeness, and makes for a slightly less tart lime). Store them at cool room temperature because refrigeration can speed decay.

There are differences between Key limes and the limes we find in stores (commonly called “Tahitian” or “Persian,” even though they are not grown in Iran). Key limes (also called Mexican or West Indian limes) are the most common lime found throughout the world; the U.S. is the exception in preferring the Persian lime. Advertisement

The birthplace of the key lime is believed to be in Southeast Asia. However, the fruit owes its name to the Florida Keys where it was widely grown before the devastating hurricane of 1926. Despite this setback, the key lime has continued to thrive, its cultivation spreading across multiple continents. Today, the main growing regions for key limes include Mexico, the Florida Keys, and other parts of the United States, as well as in several Asian and African countries. Its resilience and adaptability make it a beloved citrus gem on a global scale, thus ensuring that its distinctive flavor continues to delight taste buds in a variety of culinary applications.

As the trend towards fresh and natural ingredients continues to rise, the key lime’s potential is rising too. Whether it’s in dips, dressings, infused oils, ice cream, refreshing smoothies, or nutritional gummies, key lime flavor is a zesty alternative to traditional citrus offerings. Use it to elevate your food or beverage portfolio today!

Welcome to the zesty world of natural key lime flavor! It’s a tangy, vibrant taste that instantly transports you to a sunny, tropical paradise. Often overlooked, this humble citrus fruit is a gem in the flavor industry, infusing a refreshing and complex taste into a wide array of culinary creations. Join us as we unravel the layers of this unique flavor, its intriguing origins, and its versatile applications in the food and beverage universe.

There are subtle yet distinct differences between key lime flavor and conventional lime flavor. These differences can have a significant impact on the taste and aroma of the food or beverage application. Key lime, with its smaller size and more intense aroma, tends to have a stronger, more concentrated citrus flavor with a sharp zesty and slight bitter undertone. On the other hand, the conventional lime, also known as Persian lime, delivers a milder, less tart taste, making it versatile for a wider range of uses. It imparts a clean and refreshing citrus flavor without overpowering other ingredients. Whether you choose key lime or conventional lime depends on the desired intensity of citrus flavor in your application.

What can you use key lime for? Key lime flavor conquers sweet, savory, and refreshing applications with style and ease. On the beverage side, its tart kick breathes life into cocktails like margaritas and mojitos, while its natural citrus flavor gives iced teas and lemonades a fresh twist, perfect for those hot summer days. It’s even found its way into the craft beer and artisanal soda scene, where its sour punch balances out the sweetness for a well-rounded taste. And for the health-conscious, it’s the go-to ingredient in detox waters and smoothies, adding a burst of invigorating fruit flavor that consumers love.

Key Lime Pie


What flavor goes good with key lime?

The sweet flavor of coconut is a match made in heaven for tart key lime pie.

What flavor compliments lime?

Lime: Pairs well with apple, berries, cherry, ginger, papaya, plum, strawberry, and tropical fruits, but it’s usually an accent for beverages.

What does Key lime pie pair with?

Key Lime Pie & Plumeria Moscato d’Asti DOCG Try pairing it with a sweet, bubbly wine like Plumeria Moscato d’Asti DOCG.

What goes with key lime pie?

Key lime pie is a delicious, tangy dessert that deserves to be accompanied with the perfect side dish. Here are ten options that will go perfectly with key lime pie – from salads to fruits, and even some savory sides! Ah, Strawberries and Cream, the classic combo that never gets old.

What is the best type of lime?

Key Lime is considered to be the best tasting lime. Key Lime is one of the most typical varieties of limes. It has a more yellow shade on the skin than most other limes, and its acidic juice is high quality with a sweet and sour flavor.

What can I substitute for Key lime juice?

This is also a case where fresh is best. You may also substitute a combination of lemon and lime juice for a closer variation of key lime juice. Simply use 1/2 fresh lemon juice with 1/2 fresh lime juice for a key lime juice substitute. Store-bought is fine!

What do key lime bars taste like?

These Key lime bars combine the taste of the classic pie with a blondie batter and cream cheese frosting. You can make a thicker crust if desired. —Kristin LaBoon, Austin, Texas I modified this old family recipe to use healthier ingredients. The texture is so smooth and light. It is a favorite dessert that is enjoyed by all.

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