what cheese goes with grapes

Grapes are probably the most common fruit to grace a cheese plate. They fill up space beautifully, theyre easy to pluck off and eat, and all of us have probably eaten cheese and grapes together and enjoyed the experience. So why do some cheesemongers and fromagers advise against eating cheese and grapes together?

what cheese goes with grapes

Tannins Are the Culprit

Tannins are naturally-occurring, astringent compounds found in grape skins, seeds, and stems (as well as in tea). Tannins are usually associated with wine and can play a role in whether or not a particular cheese and wine pair well together. Tannins are also in the skins of regular table grapes and can affect the flavor of the cheese you are eating.

Grapes can, in some instances, make a cheese taste bitter. This usually happens when grapes are paired with a washed rind or bloomy rind cheese. It happens less often when grapes are paired with hard cheeses.

Its easy to figure out whether or not grapes are affecting the flavor of the cheese youre eating, for better or for worse. With a fresh palate (have a drink of water first, or eat a neutral-flavored cracker) taste the cheese. After you taste the cheese alone, then start eating the grapes and cheese together. What do you think? Does the cheese taste the same, better or worse?

In some cases, grapes might not make the cheese taste bad, but they might not enhance the flavor of the cheese, either. In these cases grapes are fine, but not magical or memorable, pairing with cheese.

Green seedless grapes are crunchy and mild with a sweet yet slightly tart flavour. Green grapes tend to pair well with soft, creamier cheeses.

Black seedless grapes are juicy with a sweet, grapey muscat flavour. They pair perfectly with rich, strong flavoured cheeses.

Red seedless grapes are crisp and sweet with a mild, neutral flavour. Rich cheeses that contain tiny crystals complement their flavour excellently.

Grape & Cheese Platter : Cheese & Appetizer Dishes

What cheese goes well with red grapes?

Gruyere is a hard cheese with a rich, nutty flavor that pairs well with red grapes. It is a popular choice for cheese plates and can be used in a variety of recipes, including cheese sauces and gratins. When it comes to selecting the best cheese for red grapes, gruyere is an excellent choice.

Can I substitute gruyere cheese with cottage cheese?

Gruyere cheese is hard whereas cottage cheese is soft. Depending on what dishes you would like to make. They both have different textures and tastes. In terms of nutrients, cottage cheese has much lower calorie and fat content compared to Gruyere cheese. So, it will be dependent on the use of the substitution.

Can you eat cheese with grapes?

Cheese and grapes have a long history of being served together, both as a snack or part of a full meal. They complement each other surprisingly well, but the secret lies in choosing the right cheese for your grapes. When it comes to pairing cheese with fruits, there are no hard rules.

Do cheese & grapes go together?

This is a question that has puzzled many food enthusiasts, and one that we are going to explore in this article. Cheese and grapes have a long history of being served together, both as a snack or part of a full meal. They complement each other surprisingly well, but the secret lies in choosing the right cheese for your grapes.

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