what can i substitute for egg in peanut butter cookies

This recipe is for ONE egg substitution. Use 1–1/2 tablespoon vegetable oil, 1–1/2 tablespoons water, and 1 teaspoon baking POWDER, not SODA. So if you needed 2 eggs, you would just double the recipe: 3 T veg oil, 3 T water, and 2 t baking powder. For 3 eggs, 4–1/2, 4–1/2, 3.
what can i substitute for egg in peanut butter cookies

2-Ingredients Peanut Butter Cookies Without Flour Eggs Butter or Refined Sugar


What makes peanut butter cookies fall apart?

One reason could be that you overcooked them. Another reason could be that you didn’t add enough moisture to the dough. Finally, your peanut butter cookies might be dry and crumbly if you used a natural peanut butter that doesn’t have any added oil.

Can I use oil instead of eggs?

For recipes which use eggs primarily as a leavening agent you can try a commercial egg replacement product (see above) or the following mixture: 1-1/2 tablespoons vegetable oil mixed with 1-1/2 tablespoons water and 1 teaspoon baking powder per egg.

What is the best egg substitute for peanut butter cookies?

In my experience, corn starch mixed with water with a 1:1 tablespoon ratio is the best egg substitute for peanut butter cookies. After mixing them, you should let the mixture stay for a while so that they can become thicker before using. How do you make peanut butter cookies taste better? Add butter or shortening instead of margarine.

What are some substitutes for peanut butter?

Some good substitutes for peanut butter includes tree nut butters like almond, walnut, hazelnut, and pecan butters. These substitutes all have similar nutritional profiles including healthy fats, fiber, and antioxidants which are good for your health.

What is a good substitute for eggless cookies?

Ingredients like yogurt, applesauce, oil + water, and flax eggs (ground flax + water) are common egg substitutes for eggless cookies. These ingredients mimic the role that eggs typically play: they have a thick, viscous consistency that binds the cookies together, and they add moisture for a soft, chewy texture.

What kind of milk do you use for eggless peanut butter cookies?

Milk of Choice. Dairy and nondairy milks are suitable for this eggless peanut butter cookie recipe. I typically use a 2% or whole dairy milk, but you could also try almond milk, cashew, coconut, soy milk—whatever suits you. Optional Mix-Ins. If you want to jazz up your easy PB cookies a bit, add a few tablespoons of tasty mix-ins!

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