what can i substitute for cereal

“Never ever skip breakfast,” they say… So if you’re one of the many unsure of cereal sugar content, but would like to eat before you leave the house, try these super healthy and quick breakfasts to keep you full of energy and ready for your day.

Here are our Top 6 Easy Alternatives to CerealAvocado and Scrambled Eggs. … Greek Yoghurt, Fresh Fruit and Oats. … French Toast. … Porridge and Peanut Butter. … Chia Pudding. … Spinach Pancakes.

  • Avocado and Scrambled Eggs. …
  • Greek Yoghurt, Fresh Fruit and Oats. …
  • French Toast. …
  • Porridge and Peanut Butter. …
  • Chia Pudding. …
  • Spinach Pancakes.

what can i substitute for cereal

Muesli is the German’s twist on cereal. Typically a mix of oats, dried fruit, nuts & seeds offering a supply of complex carbohydrates and healthy fats to help you start your morning off with some energy! Enjoy with milk, almond milk, coconut milk, Greek yogurt, coconut yogurt or just dry!

All you have to do is mix plain Greek yogurt, ½ a scoop of vanilla or chocolate protein and ½ cup of your choice of berries. For extra flavor add cinnamon or chopped nuts.

Stop and think for a second about what nutritional value a bowl of highly processed, sugar filled breakfast cereal provides for body as you fuel up for the day… not much. The majority of cereals, although marketed as “a complete breakfast”, are simply a bowl of sugar, dyes and preservatives offering little to no nutritional value.

Apple almond oatmeal is just a delicious, healthy spin off of the sugar-filled apple cinnamon pre-packaged oatmeal.

Author Michelle Mudge is a Senior VP at Tops Fitness Management and is a nutrition coach.

As the name suggests, this requires making the night before. Mix half a cup of milk, 1/3 cup of oats and half a mashed banana. If you want to add nuts or cinnamon for flavour, or protein powder they work well. Place the mixture in Tupperware and leave it in the fridge overnight. In the morning, just eat!

“Never ever skip breakfast,” they say… So if you’re one of the many unsure of cereal sugar content, but would like to eat before you leave the house, try these super healthy and quick breakfasts to keep you full of energy and ready for your day.

Sweet Freedom Sunday – 5 Alternatives to Breakfast Cereal

What is a good substitute for cereal?

When looking for milk substitutes for cereal, plant-based milks are the first thing to come to mind. One of the best plant-based milks you can use for cereal is almond milk. Almond milk is not only delicious, but it is also healthy. This dairy-free milk contains fewer calories than cow’s milk and has a high nutritional value.

What is the best cereal for refined grains?

Cereal grain itself is high in fiber. However, when the fiber part of the cereal is removed and mixed with sugar, flavorings and other forms of sweetener, the cereal itself loses its nutrients and becomes high sugar and high calorie foods. It is best to choose whole-grain as the nutrients are retained.

Can you substitute milk for cereal?

When we talk about cereal, we imagine it to be accompanied by milk. But you may want to substitute milk for cereal for something from time to time. What are the best milk substitutes for cereal? You can use plant-based milk instead of cow’s milk for cereal, including almond milk, soy milk, oat milk, and coconut milk.

Is oat milk a good substitute for cereal?

Oat milk is another great plant milk to use for cereal if you need a milk substitute that is nutritious as well as lactose- and soy-free! It is a good source of B vitamins and is often fortified with vitamin D and calcium to promote bone health.

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