what can i do with pizza savers

Don’t toss that pizza saver in the trash once you’ve finished dinner! Wash it off and save it — because you can use it as a handy phone holder. Flip the pizza saver upside-down and prop your phone between its prongs. This way, you can easily look at recipes or cooking videos as you’re making your own pizza.
what can i do with pizza savers

Pizza savers to assorted hangers

First, he’s been sticking the savers to the wall and using them as hangers for assorted bits and bobs.

He’s found a use for them in every room in your house, from your kitchen…

Yeah, you get the idea.

Singaporean Man Repurposes Pizza Savers With 3 New & Ingenious Uses

Do you like pizza? Of course you do.

But no doubt you’ve looked at those tiny plastic tables that come with your order – which are actually called pizza savers – and wondered if they could somehow be reused.

Well since you enjoy the convenience of having food delivered to you, now you can have answers delivered to you too.

A Singaporean man named Tom Yan has found 3 new uses for your used pizza savers so that you never have to feel like a giant throwing away tiny furniture ever again.

Ever wonder what this is? What is the purpose of this little triangle in Pizza Boxes?


How does a pizza saver work?

A pizza saver, sometimes referred to as pizza table or pizza stool, is an object used to prevent the top of a food container, such as a pizza box or cake box, from collapsing in at the center and touching the food inside.

Can pizza saver cut pizza?

Pizza: A brief history When you order a pie of pizza, you can use the pizza saver as a serving tool if there’s no knife or pizza cutter in sight.

Why do we need pizza savers?

The pizza saver, as it’s officially called, plays a crucial role in keeping your pizza pretty. Its height and center positioning prevent pizza box lids from drooping, which was a real problem before its invention in 1985.

How do you use a pizza saver?

Flip the pizza saver upside-down and prop your phone between its prongs. This way, you can easily look at recipes or cooking videos as you’re making your own pizza. Or you can read your book while you eat said pizza at the table, keeping your hands free for holding a slice and your drink.

What is a pizza saver & why do you need one?

Pizza savers are responsible for your pizza making it home safe and sound, without the melted cheese sticking to the lid of the pizza box. Without them, we’d all be eating ugly pizzas stripped of their cheese and other delicious toppings. That said, be sure to thank your pizza savers properly and then toss them in the trash.

What is a plastic pizza saver?

The plastic pizza saver is turning 35 this year after being first patented on February 12, 1985, by Carmela Vitale of Dix Hills, New York. She envisioned a plastic divider that would prevent the tops of pizza boxes from bowing inwardly and pressing against the pizza toppings, causing it to rip off all the cheese when the box is opened.

Can you use a pizza saver as a phone holder?

Don’t toss that pizza saver in the trash once you’ve finished dinner! Wash it off and save it — because you can use it as a handy phone holder. Flip the pizza saver upside-down and prop your phone between its prongs. This way, you can easily look at recipes or cooking videos as you’re making your own pizza.

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