what are the most popular desserts in argentina

Argentina takes dessert so serious that it even has its own dairy country, La Paila.

It’s here that the cows undergo a special milking process that helps in making the famous dulce de leche. Argentinian desserts range from pastries bursting with cream caramel to coffee-soaked chocolate cakes.

A Local’s Guide to Argentinian Desserts: the Famous, the Unexpected and the Dulce de Leche on EverythingDulce de leche.Alfajores.Conitos.Flan Mixto.Helado or argentine gelato.Panqueques.Budín de Pan.Postre Vigilante.

  • Dulce de leche.
  • Alfajores.
  • Conitos.
  • Flan Mixto.
  • Helado or argentine gelato.
  • Panqueques.
  • Budín de Pan.
  • Postre Vigilante.

what are the most popular desserts in argentina

Budín de Pan

This dessert is the Argentinian version of bread pudding. It gets favored as an easy and affordable dessert as you can use leftover bread.

The bread gets soaked in milk, eggs, vanilla, and sugar.

It can also contain spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. The dessert can sometimes include lemon or raisins as well.

Argentina also has another authentic pudding recipe called Mazamorra.

It’s much like rice pudding yet it gets made with leftover corn.

This popular dessert features a creamy custard in a cake shape.

Flan is one of the most recognized dessert options in South America and Spain.

It often shows up at birthday celebrations and on many restaurant’s dessert menus.

It gets made using fresh milk, eggs, and sugar.

Flan can get served plain or topped with dulce de leche caramel.

Rogel is a soft decadent cake that is as pretty as it is delicious.

It gets made with eggs, butter, flour, and sometimes a bit of cognac for flavor.

The cake is more like a pastry, as it features many thin layers.

Dulce de leche also gets layered between each of these thin pieces of cake.

You’ll also find sweet and creamy meringue on the top layer of the cake.

Pastafrola or Pasta Frola

Pastafrola is an Argentinian layered shortcrust pie filled with jam.

It features a crust topping in a pretty lattice pattern.

The jelly filling can be guava, dulce de membrillo (quince paste), dulce de batata (sweet potato paste), or strawberry flavored.

Some bakers even make it with dulce de leche inside.

Top 9 Deserts of ARGENTINA


What is the national sweet of Argentina?

Dulce de leche It is present in most national desserts, and its texture is perfect even to eat it on its own (spooning it out from the pot is a typical Argentinian thing). The origins of this confection aren’t very clear, but we do know that it has become popular across the country and quickly conquered hearts.

What are pastries called in Argentina?

Spanish Name
North American Equivalent
Facturas de Crema Pastelera
Custard Cream Pastries
Sweet Rolls
Tortitas Negras
Caramelized Sugar Pastries

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