what are the 8 ingredients in v8 juice

A simple method on how to make your own V8 juice at home. Homemade V8 juice costs a fraction of the price and is loaded with nutrients from all the fresh vegetables. You control the flavors and the salt!

Last week before a flight out to California I bought my first V8 juice. I paid $4.29 plus tax for it thanks to the lovely price gouging at JFK.

It was a last ditch attempt to get some vegetables in a pretty lackluster airport dinner.

I’ve had the tomato juice airlines carry before. Once, as a “hmm, let me try that out since everyone on a plane seems to love this stuff” kind of whim and many other times in the form of a Bloody Mary after a lucky upgrade to first class here and there.

I have a strong hatred towards jarred/canned tomato sauces and to me, that’s exactly what that stuff tastes like.

Fast forward 3 hours later and somewhere over the plains of Kansas, I broke it open, asked for a glass of ice and tried it out.

First thought — hmm, not bad at all. A bit earthy but I guess that’s the point.

It really is like drinking your vegetables, their marketing is on point. Of course my immediate thought was — I totally need to try making this at home and tweaking it to my flavor/spice liking.

When you pile up all the vegetables that eventually end up being gulped down in a glass, it’s pretty impressive. Or weird, depending on how you look at it.

Carrots, celery, beets, parsley, lettuce, watercress and spinach juice are blended to create our unique flavor. These vegetables are grown mostly in the U.S. and then driven to our processing facility in Napoleon, Ohio where they are washed, pureed, and concentrated.
what are the 8 ingredients in v8 juice

Can I make this without a food mill?

If you don’t have access to a food mill in your kitchen, you can still make this V8 juice!

Blend the mixture until smooth straight from the pot (adding water if desired to dilute) then strain through a fine-mesh sieve. It will take some batch work and a little more time than a food mill but still result in a delicious tasting V8 copycat.

what are the 8 ingredients in v8 juice

The original V8 juice recipe

V8 juice, whether it comes in a can or a bottle, includes 8 ingredients: tomatoes, carrots, spinach, lettuce, watercress, parsley, celery and beet.

It’s pretty balanced in flavor and can be used for many things besides just drinking. V8 juice can be frozen into cubes and added to smoothies for a nutritional boost or used in soups, stews and even chilis to replace tomato sauce.

Homemade V8 Juice Using Fresh Ingredients From The Garden


What are the ingredients in original V8?


Is V8 actually healthy for you?

With a short and mostly recognizable ingredient list, V8 juice is a healthy option, says Crumble Smith, but it doesn’t come anywhere close to eating real whole fruits and vegetables. “Unless you’re getting the low sodium (V8), there’s a ton of sodium in that,” Crumble Smith says.

What are the 8 vegetables in V8 juice?

The original V8 is a savory juice. It is made mainly from water and tomato concentrate, and reconstituted vegetable juice blend: water and concentrate of eight vegetables, specifically: beets, celery, carrots, lettuce, parsley, watercress, spinach, and tomato.

What is the healthiest vegetable to juice?

Leafy Greens Most healthy juices feature some type of leafy green like kale, spinach, or arugula. These ingredients are high in fiber and low in calories.

What are the ingredients in V8 juice?

Original V8 juice ingredients include a blend of carrots, watercress, lettuce, parsley, spinach, beets, celery, and tomatoes. The juice is low in fat and sugar and contains some vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in vegetables. One cup of V8 juice (240ml) provides 50 calories, 2g of protein, 10g of carbohydrates, and 0g of fat.

Is V-8 juice good or bad for you?

I’ve never taken it, so I don’t know about the taste, but in terms of its nutritional composition, the ingredients seem to be harmless, but the amount of sodium is very high! While at most it should be up to 5% of the daily value, the original 100% vegetable V-8 juice has 28% sodium. So I don’t see it as being one of the best choices.

What vitamins are in V8 fruit & vegetable juice blends?

• Vitamin A (Beta Carotene): The Vitamin A in V8 Fruit & Vegetable Juice Blends products is provided through the addition of Beta Carotene. The vitamin A for V8 Blends Carrot Mango and Orange Carrot comes from beta carotene naturally present in the carrot juice. Your body converts beta carotene to Vitamin A.

What vegetables are in V8 juice?

The original recipe calls for eight vegetables: tomatoes, carrots, spinach, lettuce, watercress, parsley, celery, and beet. Yes, please. This homemade version is delicious, wholesome, and surprisingly versatile. The key to the smooth, rich flavor of V8 juice is steaming or simmering the vegetables before blending.

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