what are some bar words

Skim through our little bartender dictionary, so the next time you hear one of the words hop around the bar, you know exactly what they mean.Aperitif. These shot-sized alcoholic beverages are meant to be consumed prior to eating a meal. … Bitters. … Blend. … Call Drink. … Chaser. … Digestif. … Dash. … Flame.

  • Aperitif. These shot-sized alcoholic beverages are meant to be consumed prior to eating a meal. …
  • Bitters. …
  • Blend. …
  • Call Drink. …
  • Chaser. …
  • Digestif. …
  • Dash. …
  • Flame.

what are some bar words

Bartender Lingo: Bar Terminology Every Bartender Knows

Whether you call them bar terms, bartender terminology or bartender lingo, it all equates to the same thing – bartender language: the words you need to know to become a good bartender. Learning proper bar terms is not difficult – they’re aren’t that many and much is self-explanatory. Consider the list of bartending terms below to be a kind of bartending dictionary – a literal A – Z of bar terms.

Stir: One of the primary methods of mixing and chilling a drink, along with shaking and building, stirring is usually the preferred technique for drinks comprised entirely of spirits, with no fruit or citrus juices. The aim is for less agitation of the ingredients, and controlled water dilution.

Well: Also called the “house” liquor, this is the bar’s default bottle when no specific spirit brand is requested. Unfortunately assumed by many to mean the worst/cheapest liquor in the bar, it can also be where the bartender stocks hidden gems and lesser-known, undervalued standouts that were found at a good price.

Martini: Traditionally a formulation of gin, vermouth and sometimes a dash of bitters, it unfortunately began to be used as a catch-all phrase that encompassed any cocktail served in a V-shaped martini glass.

Highball: Drinks served in tall, straight-sided highball or Collins glasses. These generally include a spirit and non-alcoholic mixer. The narrowness of the glassware, in comparison to the rocks glass, makes it preferable for drinks with carbonated mixers, as the reduced surface area cause them to retain effervescence longer before they become flat.

Call: The opposite of well drinks. These are drinks ordered by calling out a specific brand of liquor, e.g. Tanqueray and tonic, or Espolón and grapefruit.

Common Bartending Terms


What is perfect in bar terms?

Asking for a drink ‘perfect’ gets you a drink made with equal amounts of dry and sweet vermouth. “If you ask for something perfect, for instance, if you ask for a perfect Manhattan, that means you would like equal parts dry and sweet vermouth,” Vose told INSIDER.

What is the safe word at a bar?

While they can vary at different establishments, the most common coded phrases include an “angel shot neat,” which means the bartender will arrange for you to be escorted safely to your car. Ordering an “angel shot with ice” signals the bartender to call you a ride.

What is a fun way to say alcohol?

Some common street names and nicknames for alcohol include: Booze. Juice. Giggle juice.

What is a shot of alcohol slang?

In modern drinking times, a ‘shot’ means a small measure of alcohol. A ‘shot’ generally refers to an ounce of straight spirit i.e tequila, vodka, Highland Boundary. A quick one-gulp ounce of spirit, which is usually taken as a side to a larger drink.

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