what are shelled sunflower seeds called

I’ll be the first to admit that I am now a bird nerd. And not that I didn’t appreciate birds before, but as soon as I installed a bird bath and a bird feeder, the game changed. Now I happily sit and watch the avian action, admire the feathers and frolics, and try to identify the different visitors. (I geek out with Sibley’s Backyard Birds of Northern California guide). I have also experimented with different store-bought bird food, noticing what made a total mess, what the birds seemed to devour, and what wasn’t cost-effective. This seed journey has led me to the almighty sunflower seed—and then ultimately to the no-waste cracked sunflower seed.

what are shelled sunflower seeds called

What birds like them?

what are shelled sunflower seeds called

Most birds seem to love this stuff. The birds that I see visit my filled feeder are goldfinches, pine siskins, sparrows, western scrub jays, oak titmouses (titmice?), and house finches. This is the selection of visitors at my Northern California garden, but elsewhere you can expect birds such as Carolina wrens, pine grosbeaks, white-throated sparrows, and a variety of woodpeckers.

An easier and safer alternative to whole, roasted seeds is shelled sunflower seeds. If you desire, you can season them with olive oil, salt, and any spices you like.

Sunflower seeds have a white and grayish-black striped outer shell that holds a kernel (1).

The kernel, or meat, of a sunflower seed is the edible part. It’s tan, soft to chew, and has a slightly buttery flavor and texture.

The shells, also called hulls, are tough, fibrous, and difficult to chew. They’re high in fibers called lignin and cellulose, which your body can’t digest (2).

Whole sunflower seeds are often roasted, salted, and seasoned in their shells, and many people enjoy munching them this way. They’re a particular favorite at baseball games.

How are Sunflower Seeds Shelled? Automatic Sunflower Seed Shelling Machine


What are the three types of sunflower seeds?

There are three types of commonly used sunflower seeds: linoleic (most common), high oleic, and sunflower oil seeds. Each variety has its own unique levels of monounsaturated, saturated, and polyunsaturated fats.

What is the difference between hulled and unhulled sunflower seeds?

And sunflower seed hulls have a growth inhibitor; in the natural world, this helps sunflowers eliminate competing plants, but in our yards can be a genuine nuisance. Hulled seeds—those that have already been separated from their shells—provide a no-mess alternative.

Are sunflower seeds better shelled or unshelled?

Ultimately, the choice between shelled and unshelled sunflower seeds depends on personal preference, convenience, and the desired snacking or culinary experience. Some individuals prefer the ease of shelled seeds, while others enjoy the process of cracking open the shells of unshelled seeds.

What is the shell of a sunflower seed called?

The outside shell of the sunflower seed is actually referred to as the hull. When the hull is left intact, the seeds are called in-shell sunflower seeds. When the hull is removed, the seeds themselves are called kernels.

What are unshelled sunflower seeds?

Unshelled sunflower seeds are also called raw sunflower seeds. They have a hard black shell that needs to be removed before eating. Shelled sunflower seeds are just the seeds without the hard outer shell. The outer shell is usually black or white. Shelled sunflower seeds are often sold as a snack food.

What are shelled sunflower seeds?

Shelled sunflower seeds are often sold as a snack food. They are also used in baking and other recipes. The main difference between shelled and unshelled sunflower seeds is that shelled sunflower seeds have had the hard outer shell removed.

Which is better shelled or unshelled sunflower seeds?

Unshelled sunflower seeds are more affordable than shelled sunflower seeds. They are also more nutritious because the shell is where most of the nutrients are stored. They can be harder to eat and can get stuck in your teeth. Which Option Would Satisfy Your Needs Better, Sunflower Seeds Shelled Or Unshelled?

Are sunflower seed shells edible?

The shell that encases the sunflower seed is called the hull. “Most people choose to crack and remove the hull, but it’s edible,” says Jennifer Silverman, CNS, a holistic nutritionist in Bethesda, Maryland. That said, sunflower seed shells are tough and made of indigestible fiber.

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