should you refrigerate avocado oil after opening

Avocado oil is a popular cooking oil, thanks in part to its high smoke point (no smoky kitchens while cooking, here!) and heart-healthy nutrition stats.

If you’re a user of avocado or are thinking about trying it, you might wonder – how long until avocado oil goes bad?

When sealed, avocado oil should last around 1-2 years. Once opened, avocado oil has a shelf life of around six months for unrefined oil and around eight months for refined versions.

What’s the best way to store avocado oil – and how can you prolong its shelf life? We have the answers!

should you refrigerate avocado oil after opening

How long does avocado oil last after opening?

The shelf life of avocado oil is pretty straightforward when it’s sealed, but what about after it’s been opened?

Once you break the seal of avocado oil, it’s exposed to elements like oxygen, light, and heat, which can slowly break the fats down and make them go rancid. The good news is that this process is generally quite slow, so you should have plenty of time to use your avocado oil after it’s opened.

After opening, avocado oil should last around six months while maintaining its ideal nutritional and flavor profile. Refined versions of avocado oil might last a bit longer than that (compared to unrefined avocado oil), so around eight months after opening. There aren’t any hard-and-fast differences in the shelf lives of refined vs. unrefined avocado oils – just estimations.

You can store avocado oil in the fridge, which will help prolong its shelf life even more. You can also freeze avocado oil and it’ll last two years in the freezer – but you’ll need to allow plenty of time for it to thaw before you use it!

Room temperature/pantry Refrigerator Freezer
Opened avocado oil 4-6 months unrefined; around 8 months refined ~8 months unrefined; ~12 months refined Up to 2 years
Sealed avocado oil 2 years 2 years 2 years

Can you use avocado oil after its expiration date?

Avocado oil, like other types of liquid vegetable oils, should come with a “best by” or “use by” date printed on the bottle. This isn’t necessarily an expiration date, but an estimate as to when the avocado oil will start to lose its freshness.

If it’s been sealed, it’s likely fine to use avocado oil after its best-by date. However, don’t expect its shelf life to be as long as the dates in the table in the last section if you open a bottle of avocado oil that’s already past its printed date. You’ll likely get one or two months of good use out of it, but after that, it’s best to replace it with a fresher bottle.


Can avocado oil be refrigerated?

Do not refrigerate your avocado oil—it should be kept at room temperature or slightly cooler. You can use the extra virgin avocado oil for up to 6 months. The best way to store avocado oil is to keep it in the refrigerator, which will last up to six months. If you are extending its shelf life, you can place it in a tightly-sealed bottle or jar.

How to store avocados?

When trying to ripen avocadoes, they should be stored wrapped in newspaper in a dark cupboard or next to bananas, which will help them ripen. Once ripe, avocadoes should be stored in the refrigerator to ensure the ripening does not continue until you are ready to consume it. An avocado sliced in half should have the pip removed, lemon juice brushed over the inside of the avocado half you intend to store and tightly sealed in cling wrap (without any air bubbles). The lemon juice and air bubble free cling wrap will help to prevent oxidation of the avocado.

How do you store avocado oil?

A dark cabinet in the kitchen or pantry is a great choice. If you bought a large bottle and are worried it will go rancid prematurely, you can store your avocado oil in the fridge. The only caveat here is that the oil will thicken and look cloudy when it’s cool, but things will get back to normal once it warms up to room temperature.

How long can you keep unopened avocado oil?

You can store your unopened avocado oil for up to five years. The oil won’t go rancid if stored properly—in cool, dry conditions, in glass or plastic containers with tight-fitting lids. However, you mustn’t keep your unopened avocado oil in direct sunlight or near heat sources such as stoves and other appliances.

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