should i put vodka in the fridge or freezer

Storing foods in the fridge or freezer makes them stay fresher for longer, but there may just be something taking up real estate in the freezer right now that actually doesnt belong there.

For anyone who has ever wondered why a cocktail made at home doesnt taste as good as it should (or as good as it does when a professional bartender whips it up), it may come down to where the vodka, gin, tequila, whiskey or bourbon is being stored.

“No spirit should ever be stored in the freezer if you want to use it in a cocktail,” Jason Cott, bartender and co-owner of Pouring Ribbons and Alchemy Consulting in New York City, told TODAY Food.

One reason to never freeze alcohol is that “making it super cold takes away some of the flavor and makes it lose its botanicals and floral essences,” Cott said.

Another reason not to ice out those liquors is that spirits that have been frozen do not create balanced cocktails.

“A frozen vodka will not interact with the ice appropriately and will not create the correct water dilution to temper the proof of the alcohol and create the most balanced and delicious cocktail,” Cott said.

For example, he noted that in a vodka cocktail, the vodka should be responsible for melting the ice. “If the vodka is frozen, it will not melt the ice efficiently,” he said.

Only a room temperature vodka will be able to create the correct water content in the cocktail, and “water content is the hidden ingredient in every cocktail” that makes it balanced, he explained.

“If you are drinking vodka shots with caviar and blini, I would highly recommend drinking it ice cold right from the freezer,” Cott told TODAY Food.

There are a few spirits that should be stored in the refrigerator, but vodka, gin, tequila, whiskey and bourbon are not among them.

“Vermouth, a fortified wine, and wine-based aperitifs like sherry and amaro should be refrigerated because they are wine and wine should be refrigerated once opened because it oxidizes,” said Cott.

Placing wine-based spirits in the fridge will extend their life span, but everything else will keep its flavor best by being stored on a bar or counter at room temperature and away from lights, including florescent lights and sunlight.

Even though frozen liquor shouldnt be used for crafting upscale cocktails, its just fine to get into the spirit of the holiday season with festive, ice-covered alcohol bottles. Theyre fun, theyre easy to make and they keep bottles cold throughout the party so youre not constantly opening and closing the freezer door.

Vodka is a spirit that can either be kept at room temperature or kept in the fridge. It’s really down to individual preference. In fact, vodka can even be stored in the freezer. This is because drinks with an alcohol content higher than 35% can be stored in the freezer and won’t freeze.
should i put vodka in the fridge or freezer

For most vodka, storing it in the freezer is the way to go because it has been distilled to the point of being pretty much odorless and flavorless, so keeping it and serving it at a freezing temperature isn’t going to impact it all that much. In fact, it will probably make the shot much easier to handle.

Growing up, my parents had friends from Ukraine who used to throw the craziest parties. Living in a small college town, it was rare that the professors, including my parents and their friends, hit the bar scene where they might run into their students. Instead, they had raging house parties, and whenever this couple was the one to throw the party, I would hear stories from my parents about cold vodka shots followed by a dill pickle as a chaser. That’s how I first learned that vodka was supposed to be stored in the freezer, so that it could be ready at a moment’s notice for an ice-cold shot. It was important to always have a jar of dill pickles around, too.

But if you’re dealing with a premium vodka that does have some nuance to it, pulling it straight out of the freezer and pouring it into a shot glass means you’re going to miss a lot of that nuance. It will sadly be muted by the freezing temperature. So, if you have a really nice vodka, store it on your bar cart instead and then stir with ice and strain to serve. And you can still follow it with a pickle.

Even though frozen liquor shouldnt be used for crafting upscale cocktails, its just fine to get into the spirit of the holiday season with festive, ice-covered alcohol bottles. Theyre fun, theyre easy to make and they keep bottles cold throughout the party so youre not constantly opening and closing the freezer door.

There are a few spirits that should be stored in the refrigerator, but vodka, gin, tequila, whiskey and bourbon are not among them.

For anyone who has ever wondered why a cocktail made at home doesnt taste as good as it should (or as good as it does when a professional bartender whips it up), it may come down to where the vodka, gin, tequila, whiskey or bourbon is being stored.

“A frozen vodka will not interact with the ice appropriately and will not create the correct water dilution to temper the proof of the alcohol and create the most balanced and delicious cocktail,” Cott said.

“No spirit should ever be stored in the freezer if you want to use it in a cocktail,” Jason Cott, bartender and co-owner of Pouring Ribbons and Alchemy Consulting in New York City, told TODAY Food.

You Should Never Put Vodka In The Freezer. Here’s Why


Does putting vodka in the freezer make it smoother?

As the temperature of vodka drops, the viscosity (thickness) of the liquid increases and textural differences become more apparent. It becomes thicker, creating a smoother and richer mouthfeel. Drinking Vitzellen Vodka should be enjoyable, so chilling (not freezing) it creates the best drinking experience.

Is it better to freeze or refrigerate alcohol?

Is it safe to store rum in the freezer? Why would you want to store it in the freezer. The alcohol in rum means it’s perfectly safe to store at room temperature even once opened. Freezing spirits or serving the cold (refrigerated) impairs the flavour.

What happens if you don’t refrigerate vodka?

It can sit in the liquor cabinet for years. It will not become unsafe, but if you’ve kept it many years it can taste bad. It depends on whether you prefer it cold. I’ve even put vodka in the freezer and the high proof doesn’t allow it to freeze.

Does vodka evaporate in the freezer?

Yes, alcohol (I assume you mean ethyl alcohol) does evaporate in the freezer in an open container. All liquid substances have a vapor pressure which increases with temperature. The vapor pressure is a measure of the tendency of the liquid phase molecules to enter into the vapor state (evaporate).

Should vodka be refrigerated?

So, in truth, you would be much better off keeping your high-quality vodka in the fridge, which should be between 35 and 38 degrees Fahrenheit, at least if you keep it on the cold side (via Real Simple ). The solution is a simple as moving that bottle on level down from the freezer to the fridge. Plenty of people store their vodka in the freezer.

Can you freeze vodka if it’s cold?

While it’s true that vodka, due to its ethanol content, will get cold but won’t freeze solid above -27 degrees Celsius (-16.6 degrees Fahrenheit), keeping good vodka in the freezer will mask some of its best qualities, such as its subtle scents and flavors, Thibault warns.

Should you keep vodka ice cold?

It may seem like an appealing idea to keep your vodka ice cold as, thanks to its ethanol content, it won’t freeze to a solid block unless temperatures hit -27 degrees Celsius. If the vodka you’re drinking is cheap and low-quality then keeping it at such low temperatures will hide any “aggressive, burning notes,” Thibault says.

Can vodka be stored in the freezer?

Despite popular belief, storing vodka in the freezer is not necessary for preserving its quality. In fact, vodka can be stored unopened at room temperature indefinitely. The practice of freezing vodka comes from a historical perspective, as centuries ago, Russians would store their vodka outside during the winter months.

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