is swordfish a good source of protein

Are you looking to adopt a healthy Mediterranean-style diet that incorporates more fish? Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) is a nutrient-rich source of lean protein widely available around the world. Swordfish are typically fished responsibly and are a good choice for consumers concerned about the environmental impacts of overfishing.

Considering incorporating more Swordfish into your diet? Read on to learn what you need to know about the health benefits of Swordfish.

Swordfish are some of the largest bony fish in the sea, at 1,400 pounds in weight and 15 feet in length. These strong, swift predators get their name from a flat and blunt swordlike protrusion at the front of their head. Adult swordfish eat large bony fish and squids, using their “sword” to hit and stun their prey. Swordfish are one of the fastest hunters in the sea, reaching speeds of 50 miles per hour, and have unique adaptations that allow them to hunt in cold, deep waters for prey.

Swordfish live in the open ocean all around the world. Swordfish can live in tropical, subtropical, and temperate waters and are found in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. Large populations exist near Hawaii, along the West Coast of the U.S. and Mexico, and east of Japan.Â

It is protein-rich and loaded with niacin, vitamin B12, zinc and Omega-3. Best of all, it’s low in fat and calories. Swordfish is also a guilt-free choice.
is swordfish a good source of protein

What Are the Nutrition Facts for Swordfish?

Here are the swordfish nutrition facts for a 3-ounce serving:

Calories: 146

Protein: 19.9 g

Total fat: 6.74 g

Carbohydrates: 0 g

Protein: 19.9 g

Calcium:Â 5.1 mg

Magnesium:Â 29.8 mg

Phosphorus:Â 258 mg

Potassium, K:Â 424 mg

Sodium, NA:Â 82.4 mg

Selenium:Â 58.2 mg

What Does Swordfish Taste Like?

Swordfish is typically described as sweet and meaty. It doesnt have a strong “fishy” flavor, making it a good choice for people who dont usually enjoy seafood. Swordfish has a dense texture similar to a steak and is less flaky than other fish.Â

For the best taste, make sure your swordfish has been appropriately handled. Fresh fish should be springy and firm to the touch. Frozen fish should be free of ice crystals — crystals are a sign the fish has been frozen too long or thawed and refrozen, which compromises flavor.Â

5 of The Healthiest Fish to Eat and 5 to Avoid


How often should you eat swordfish?

Shark, swordfish and marlin: do not eat these if you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant. All other adults, including breastfeeding women, should eat no more than 1 portion per week. This is because these fish can contain more mercury than other types of fish, and can damage a developing baby’s nervous system.

Is swordfish healthier than steak?

Its nutritional profile isn’t all that different from that of sirloin, except it has something beef doesn’t: more than a gram per serving of treasured, heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

How much protein is in 8 oz of swordfish steak?

contains 160 calories per 113 g serving. This serving contains 8 g of fat, 22 g of protein and 0 g of carbohydrate.

Is swordfish inflammatory?

Swordfish contains tons of omega-3 fatty acids and has a good ratio of that omega-6. This combination is known to help reduce inflammation and high blood pressure. Researchers have discovered that swordfish also contain good omega-3 fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

Is Swordfish a good source of protein?

Swordfish serves as an excellent source of protein. Each 6-ounce portion provides you with 33.4 grams of protein. This provides 64 percent of the daily protein requirements for an average 130-pound individual, or 46 percent for an average 180-pound individual, according to guidelines reported by the Iowa State University Extension.

Is it good to eat fish?

Fish is one of the healthiest foods on earth. It is loaded with important nutrients such as protein and vitamin D. Fish is also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are very essential for body and brain growth and development. Some fish are high in mercury, which is related to brain developmental problems. Eating fish lowers the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish may combat depression. Fish and fish products are the best sources of vitamin D. Eating fish has been linked to reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes and several other autoimmune diseases. Eating fish protects vision in old age, preventing age-related macular degeneration(AMD).

Is Swordfish good for You?

Swordfish is rich in essential nutrients necessary for health, including selenium and omega-3 fatty acids. Swordfish may provide multiple health benefits, mostly due to its high omega-3, selenium, and vitamin D contents. High blood pressure and cholesterol levels are both risk factors for heart disease.

Is Swordfish a low calorie food?

It is an important antioxidant that helps with the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Swordfish is a delicious low-calorie food as it does not contain carbs and has good fats. The amount of saturated fat in this fish is also quite low, and so is the amount of cholesterol. A one-ounce serving of swordfish contains only 44 calories.

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