is plain flour ok for pasta

This homemade pasta recipe is our new favorite cooking project! Lately, Jack and I have been spending even more time than usual in the kitchen, experimenting with bread, baked goods, and even okonomiyaki. But we keep coming back to homemade pasta. It’s super fun to make together, and it only requires a handful of basic ingredients. Of course, the fact that it’s absolutely delicious doesn’t hurt either.

My homemade pasta recipe refers to the pasta maker attachment for the KitchenAid Stand Mixer, which is how we roll out our fresh pasta at home. If you don’t have a KitchenAid, don’t worry! You could also roll out this pasta dough according to the instructions on a regular pasta maker. However you make it, I hope you try this recipe. It’s an easy, fun way to spend an hour in the kitchen with someone you love, and at the end, you get to eat a big plate of chewy noodles with a perfect al dente bite.

Pasta dough also needs some plasticity for it to be moulded into all of those wonderful shapes. All-purpose flour does what it says on the tin, so it’s perfectly fine to use for making pasta. However, most pasta recipes will recommend either semola or “00” flour.
is plain flour ok for pasta

How to Make Pasta

Ready to learn how to make pasta? Check out this step-by-step guide first, and then find the full recipe at the bottom of this post!

First, make a nest with the flour on a clean work surface. Add the remaining ingredients to the center and use a fork to gently break up the eggs. Try to keep the flour walls intact as best as you can!

Next, use your hands to gently mix in the flour. Continue working the dough to bring it together into a shaggy ball.

Then, knead! At the beginning, the dough should feel pretty dry, but stick with it! It might not feel like it’s going to come together, but after 8-10 minutes of kneading, it should become cohesive and smooth:

If the dough still seems too dry, sprinkle your fingers with water and continue kneading to incorporate it into the dough. If the dough becomes too sticky, dust more flour onto your work surface.

When the dough comes together, shape it into a ball and wrap it in plastic wrap. Let the dough rest at room temperature for 30 minutes.

After the dough rests, slice it into 4 pieces.

Use a rolling pin or your hands to gently flatten one into an oval disk.

Then, run it through the widest setting of your pasta maker (level 1 on the KitchenAid attachment). I run the dough through the pasta maker 3 times on this setting before proceeding to the next step. If you don’t have the KitchenAid attachment, roll out the dough according to your pasta maker’s instructions.

Next, fold the dough… if you want to. This step is somewhat optional, but it will make your final pasta sheet more rectangular, which will yield more long strands of pasta. Plus, it’s super simple! Just lay the dough flat and fold both short ends in to meet in the center.

Then, fold it in half lengthwise to form a rectangle.

Once you’ve folded the dough, roll it out to your desired thickness. On my KitchenAid attachment, I run it through the pasta roller three times on level 2, three times on level 3, and one time each on levels 4, 5, and 6.

Repeat these steps with the remaining dough pieces. Each time you finish with a piece of dough, lay one half of it on a lightly floured baking sheet. Sprinkle the dough with flour, and fold the other half on top. Sprinkle the top with flour, too!

Finally, cut and cook the pasta. Run the pasta sheets through your desired pasta cutter attachment. Cook the noodles in a pot of boiling salted water for 1 minute, and enjoy!

Homemade Pasta Recipe Ingredients

You only need 4 ingredients to make delicious fresh pasta at home, and there’s a good chance you have all of them on hand already:

  • All-purpose flour – In the past, I thought you needed 00 flour or semolina flour to make great fresh pasta, but this homemade pasta recipe proved me wrong. In it, regular all-purpose flour yields chewy, bouncy noodles every time.
  • Eggs – The key ingredient for adding richness and moisture to the dough!
  • Olive oil – Along with the eggs, a splash of olive oil moistens the dough and helps it come together.
  • Salt – Add it to the dough and the pasta water for the best flavor.

Find the complete recipe with measurements below.

Easy Pasta Dough Recipe


Can I use plain flour for pasta?

You can use plain flour to make the pasta, but 00 flour gives it a little more bite. This pasta is called pappardelle, the thick, silky ribbons pair really well with everything – from hearty sauces to a simple pesto.

Can I use plain flour instead of 00 flour for pasta?

All this said, it’s generally fine to substitute all-purpose flour for “00” flour. You’ll notice a texture difference if you grew up in Europe or are very familiar with with products made from “00” flour, but all your recipes will still come out just fine.

What type of flour is best for pasta?

White Flour Is Best for Egg Pasta Dough Italians make fresh pasta using a particular type of lower-protein white flour called doppio zero, or 00 flour, with a talcum powder–like grind. Its protein content is similar to that of all-purpose flour, but the proprietary blend of wheat makes a difference.

Is bread flour or plain flour better for pasta?

The gluten in flour is what gives pasta dough its elasticity and plasticity. Bread flour is high in gluten, so it’s also suitable for making pasta. In fact, there’s enough gluten in bread flour that adding eggs isn’t crucial – it’s actually more suited for use in a dough without egg (pasta bianca).

Is all-purpose flour good for pasta?

All-purpose flour is a versatile flour that can be used to make a variety of foods. It can be used to make pasta, but it has a lower amount of protein than the other options on this list. With 8-11% protein, it works just fine for making pasta, but it will take some extra kneading to achieve the ideal level of gluten development.

Is wheat pasta healthy?

Many articles have explored this subject, but what is known is that there is an increasing number of people who have difficulty digesting wheat proteins. Therefore, for individuals who do not have this problem, whole wheat pasta is healthy and should be eaten in moderation. Processed wheat pasta should be avoided as it has little nutritional value.

What type of flour should I not use to make pasta?

The only type of flour we’d advise against using to make pasta is self-raising flour. This type of flour has baking powder included in it, and as baking powder is not a normal ingredient in either fresh egg pasta dough or pasta bianca dough, it can lead to some undesired results when cooking.

Can I use regular flour for pasta dough?

Yes, you can use regular all-purpose flour for making homemade pasta. For the best result it is recommended to go with either semolina or type “00” flour. Can I use olive oil for pasta dough? It’s best not to use olive oil when making pasta dough, save it for the pasta itself.

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