is peppermint oil good for humidifier

For centuries, people have harnessed the power of scent to relieve tension, ignite joy, and create a sense of calm around them.

If youre an avid aromatherapy fan, you know that different oils evoke different emotions. They also serve different treatment purposes. This fresh, invigorating oil is one of the most powerful in your collection and delivers a host of therapeutic benefits.

is peppermint oil good for humidifier

Clear Nasal Passages

We might be in the thick of summer, but fall and winter are quick on its heels. This can only mean one thing: Its time for the sniffles to kick back in again!

If youre used to battling seasonal allergies, youre not alone. In fact, more than 50 million Americans battle some form of allergy each year. The same research reveals that allergies are the sixth most leading cause of chronic illness in the United States!

Of course, there are myriad over-the-counter and prescription products designed to help you breathe easier and find relief from the sniffling, coughing, and runny nose. You can even run your cool mist humidifier to help improve the relative humidity in your room and open up your sinuses.

Still, its unwise to pump your body full of allergy medicine on a regular basis. Its also unrealistic to walk chained to a box of tissues all day and night!

Thankfully, you can take control of your sinuses by diffusing peppermint oil! This crisp, refreshing scent helps to reduce inflammation in your nasal passageways. It also helps reduce congestion, so you can breathe more deeply and comfortably.

Do you have poor circulation? Some of the symptoms that might point to the affirmative include:

  • Tingling or numbness in your extremities
  • Throbbing or sharp pain in your limbs
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Swollen feet, legs, or ankles
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Memory issues
  • Joint and muscle cramps

Poor circulation is also a symptom of a more serious condition, known as peripheral vascular disease, or PVD. Research shows that PVD, which affects 8.5 million Americans, occurs when cholesterol begins to build up in critical arteries responsible for carrying oxygen and other nutrients to bodily tissues.

When this happens, it can restrict blood flow to the sufferers limbs, which can sometimes exacerbate into a full blockage.

On its own, diffusing peppermint oil alone isnt an adequate treatment for poor circulation or PVD. Still, it can help stimulate blood flow and improve your circulation as you walk around your home.

Relieve Tension and Anxiety

Do you have a big test coming up? What about a major presentation at work? If so, you might be feeling all sorts of butterflies.

Before the big moment, it can help to close your eyes and take deep, centering breaths. While youre in this peaceful moment of Zen, go ahead and diffuse some peppermint oil nearby, too.

This scent can help relieve any pent-up tension that youre carrying around, along with anxiety and fear of the future. It does so by relaxing your muscles and allowing you to shed that burden youve been carrying.

While youre at it, go ahead and steep some peppermint tea to sip on, too! The warm beverage can help ease your stress even more and even freshens your breath as you prepare to face the day!

Peppermint Oil Benefits and Uses

Can you use peppermint oil in a humidifier?

If you often suffer from tension headaches, using peppermint oil in your humidifier could help to provide relief. Using essential oils with a humidifier is simple. First, add water to your humidifier according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Then, add a few drops of your chosen essential oil or oils to the water.

What are the benefits of using peppermint oil?

Peppermint oil comes from the peppermint plant, which is a hybrid of spearmint and water mint. By using peppermint oil, it helps to treat a range of illness, including digestive conditions, cold and headaches. It kills germs, stop itching, relieve pain, prevent or reduce vomiting, help the body to eliminate mucus, reduces muscle spasms, reduce flatulence, promoting sweating.

Can you use essential oils in a humidifier?

Adding essential oils to your humidifier is a great way to enjoy the benefits of essential oils and transform your home. Essential oils can help to boost your mood, improve your sleep, and purify the air. However, essential oils should only be used with ultrasonic humidifiers.

Does eucalyptus oil help a humidifier?

Eucalyptus oil is a common option when it comes to humidifier essential oils. This essential oil is found in many cold and flu remedies, thanks to its powerful effect on easing congestion. However, the benefits of eucalyptus essential oil don’t end there.

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