is misfits really cheaper

Nope, not a sponsored post! Just an honest Misfits Market review, a service Ive used on and off for over three years now. They offer organic produce and high-quality meats, seafood, dairy, and other groceries with an emphasis on reclaiming items that might otherwise be thrown away.

Updated in 2023: I still order from Misfits. I will occasionally buy produce though typically I focus on their pantry staples which I like. I have no issues with their customer service, they seem to have improved significantly as they’ve gotten more established.

If you read through this Misfits Market review and decide you want to give it a try, use this link and get $10 off your first box!

PS. In 2023, Misfits Market was acquired by Imperfect Produce, but as a semi-regular user, I haven’t found it to change much.

is misfits really cheaper

How does Misfits Market source their imperfect produce?

Its a little unclear, but they do source organic produce from retailers who have identified a food waste issue and reached out to the company.

Like most grocery store purchases, the supply chain is cloudy and the ethics and true sustainability behind the produce is really hard to suss out.

For a fair review, heres a 2018 article lambasting imperfect produce box companies for “taking food from food banks”.

I feel two ways about it: on the one hand, I agree that capitalism isnt the answer to sustainability. On the other, these do serve as a good stop-gap measure as we create more equitable systems. Plus, theres still so much food waste that comes after food banks get theirs due to over productions and inefficiencies in our systems that cant be overcome by cash-strapped non-profits.

Basically, it works for me when Id also be making bad choices at the supermarket. When I have better alternatives (locally-sourced produce in warmer months), Ill choose that!

For a current FAQ section, visit Misfit Market’s website.

is misfits really cheaper

Misfits Market review: the good

Heres what I really like and appreciate about a Misfits Market box:

  • Great in the winter when you’re not getting local produce anyway. You know I’d prefer to support local 100% of the time, but the bountiful summer produce only lasts through, you know, summer. This is a nice alternative when you can only buy mediocre produce from far away in the store anyway.
  • I love the flexibility of pausing boxes. While Misfits is a delivery service, your schedule is really flexible. You can automatically get boxes weekly or bi-weekly but pause them whenever you need. (And if you already budgeted for it, you can even pay for the box anyway and have it sent to a family in need!) Ive paused when I was out of town or couldnt afford it and just resumed when it was convenient.
  • The pricing is super affordable. While I was a little on the edge of calling this “super affordable”, I also recognize that I live in a really low cost of living area that is not representative of a lot of folks. Note as of 2023: this has changed for me a little, but I encourage you to compare the cost yourself and see if it makes sense.
  • You can now customize your order. When I first started with Misfits back in the day, it was just a “you get what you get” system. Now – if you want – you can customize your produce choices from a range of options! Theres also a marketplace of almost-expired, damaged, or mispackaged non-produce items now, too.

Is Misfits Market Worth it in 2023? Prices & Unsponsored Review!


Does misfits actually save money?

If it’s important to you to eat mostly organic food, then Misfits Market probably will save you money, as long as you don’t mind limiting your options a little compared to the typical grocery store.

Is Misfits cheaper than Trader Joes?

In my experience, the prices were mostly on par with similar food items at limited-selection grocers like Trader Joe’s and Aldi, but Misfits had a much heavier focus on organic foods which did make the prices feel like a slightly better value.

Does misfits charge monthly?

Misfits Market at a glance Cost and pricing: There are no membership fees for either the flex plan or grocery subscription. You pay for only what you purchase. Items are dynamically priced, with a claim to be up to 40% lower than traditional grocery store prices.

Is imperfect foods and Misfits Market the same thing?

Since Imperfect joined the Misfits Market family, you’ve been introduced to great new products and big savings, and together we’re rescuing an average of 500,000 pounds of delicious food from lesser outcomes each week. Pretty sweet, huh?

Does Misfits market save you money?

Yes, Misfits Market will save you money . I compared the cost of a recent order from the company to a local grocery store. The grocery store’s total cost was $62.90, well above the $40 I paid Misfits Market. That $40 included shipping, too. That’s a savings of over $20!

How much does Misfits market cost?

Prices vary widely for Misfits Market products. Some products, like herbs or single fruits, may sell for less than $1 each, while meats and cheeses can go for upward of $10 per pound. Just keep in mind that your cart must contain at least $30 worth of food in order to check out.

Is Misfits market a good grocery store?

Misfits Market isn’t one-stop shopping. While it does have inventory in just about every grocery category, making it easier to use than some platforms that mostly offer packaged or freezer items, pantry items on Misfits Market are relatively limited. This comes down to its core value, however, which they are perfectly clear about.

What is better Misfits market or imperfect foods?

Comparisons to alternatives like Imperfect Foods. Whether the service is right for you. Misfits Market has lower prices on organic produce and pantry items than a typical local grocery store. While the products may have slight imperfections in color or size, the quality of the produce is above average.

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