is lemonade a healthy drink

This story has been updated since it was originally published on 2/28/23 to include another item

It’s important to stay hydrated with healthy beverages throughout the day. However, there are many unhealthy options out there that can have major impacts on your overall health if you drink them on a regular basis. This is especially true when it comes to sugary, sweet drinks that can be great for our taste buds but terrible for our body.

To discover some of the worst beverages you should cut out (or at least cut back on) for your overall health, we spoke to dietitian Catherine Karnatz, creator of Nutrition Education RD. She told us that lemonade, sweet tea, and soda should be avoided as much as possible, as they can lead to a myriad of health complications due to their sugar content. Learn more about the health risks of these beverages and find some healthy alternatives below!

When youre craving something refreshing, nothing hits the spot quite like some sweet lemonade. However, Karnatz tells us that as delicious as this drink can be, its also terrible for your health. Say it aint so!

There are a few reasons you should consider cutting lemonade out of your diet. For one, Karnatz points out that “lemons contain acid that can wear down the enamel on our teeth.” But if the dental concerns arent reason enough to stick to a less acid beverage, the high sugar content is another red flag. “Lemonade packs a lot of added sugar in each glass,” she warns. And we probably dont have to tell you twice that an excess of sugar can do some serious damage to your body. Frequently drinking sugary drinks like lemonade can lead to a range of issues, such as inflammation, diabetes, high blood pressure, weight gain, and more. Karnatz also warns that “lemonade may also be an irritant to the body and worsen heartburn.”

Luckily, there are some healthy alternatives that may fill that lemonade-shaped hole in your heart. “If youre craving something citrus-y thats similar to lemonade, opt for 100% orange juice, which is sweetened from the natural sugar found in whole fruit and contains no added sugars,” she says, noting that “a glass of OJ will also pack a punch of Vitamin C and potassium.” Nice!

If lemonade isnt your thing, you may have another sweet vice: sweet tea. Although tasty, its important not to underestimate the sweetness of this drink, which Karnatz says can lead to health issues over time. “A large sweet tea at your favorite fast food chain can run you 49 grams of added sugar,” she points out. Believe it or not, that means just one beverage can put you over your daily recommended sugar intake, which is 36 grams for men and 25 grams for women.

As we mentioned above, she warns that “frequent excess sugar in the diet can increase your risk for developing Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.” Fortunately, though, you can still enjoy a great-tasting tea without all of that harmful sugar. Karnatz recommends brewing unsweetened iced tea and steeping it with fresh lemon for “a healthier option that is just as refreshing.”

You may also want to consider herbal teas, which she suggests as “another great low sugar choice that come in a variety of flavors like raspberry, pomegranate, ginger, and tea.” Yum!

All in all, its important to limit your sugar intake as much as possible if you want to keep your body healthy and thriving—and unfortunately, that may mean cutting back on some of your favorite beverages. But with so many great alternatives out there, youll be able to enjoy great flavors while still maintaining your health.

This one probably doesnt come as a surprise, but its worth pointing out anyway: Regularly drinking sugar-loaded soda can do some serious damage to your body. “Soda is high in added sugar, which can lead to weight gain and an increased risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease,” warns Barbara Kovalenko, a doctor and nutritional consultant at Lasta. “Not only that but soda is also known to be a major contributor to the obesity epidemic and has been linked to an increased risk of developing certain types of cancer. To put it simply, soda is packed with empty calories and should be avoided as much as possible.” Yikes!

Karnatz agrees: “Each gram of sugar has 4 calories, which can add up fast and lead to weight gain over time. Soda spikes our blood sugar quickly after drinking it, leaving us feeling hungry shortly after and wanting more sugar to feed our cravings for something sweet,” she says.

Its important to remember, though, that diet soda isnt necessarily a healthy alternative, as the artificial sweeteners in these drinks can lead to a range of health risks of their own. Instead, Karnatz suggests going with flavored seltzer. You could even infuse it with more flavor by adding fruit. Sounds delicious!

All in all, its important to limit your sugar intake as much as possible if you want to keep your body healthy and thriving—and unfortunately, that may mean cutting back on some of your favorite beverages. But with so many great low-sugar alternatives out there, youll be able to enjoy great flavors while still maintaining your health.

Faith Geiger is a New York-based writer and editor. When shes not covering the latest in health and wellness for SheFinds, she spends her time watching reality TV with her roommates, browsing used bookstores, and enjoying live music. You can reach Faith at [email protected].

Lemonade boosts the immune system Not only does it provide us with our daily source of Vitamin C, but the benefits of lemonade are also seen in its antioxidizing qualities. Lemons provide antioxidants, keeping us healthy and able to battle sickness. As a bonus, antioxidants also help keep our skin fresh!
is lemonade a healthy drink

To discover some of the worst beverages you should cut out (or at least cut back on) for your overall health, we spoke to dietitian Catherine Karnatz, creator of Nutrition Education RD. She told us that lemonade, sweet tea, and soda should be avoided as much as possible, as they can lead to a myriad of health complications due to their sugar content. Learn more about the health risks of these beverages and find some healthy alternatives below!

There are a few reasons you should consider cutting lemonade out of your diet. For one, Karnatz points out that “lemons contain acid that can wear down the enamel on our teeth.” But if the dental concerns arent reason enough to stick to a less acid beverage, the high sugar content is another red flag. “Lemonade packs a lot of added sugar in each glass,” she warns. And we probably dont have to tell you twice that an excess of sugar can do some serious damage to your body. Frequently drinking sugary drinks like lemonade can lead to a range of issues, such as inflammation, diabetes, high blood pressure, weight gain, and more. Karnatz also warns that “lemonade may also be an irritant to the body and worsen heartburn.”

This story has been updated since it was originally published on 2/28/23 to include another item

When youre craving something refreshing, nothing hits the spot quite like some sweet lemonade. However, Karnatz tells us that as delicious as this drink can be, its also terrible for your health. Say it aint so!

It’s important to stay hydrated with healthy beverages throughout the day. However, there are many unhealthy options out there that can have major impacts on your overall health if you drink them on a regular basis. This is especially true when it comes to sugary, sweet drinks that can be great for our taste buds but terrible for our body.

Lemonade is, for many of us, synonymous with hot summer days and keeping cool. But, as a delicious and nutritious beverage that can be easily made at home, it deserves wider acceptance.

The benefits of lemon + water are well known. Here’s a look at the real benefits of drinking lemon juice which have been demonstrated by scientific studies.

How To Make a Healthier Lemonade or Limeade? – Dr. Berg On Keto Lemonade


Is it good to drink lemonade everyday?

Just like moderation is the key to everything, drinking lemonade everyday could have some side effects such as: wearing of the enamel which could lead to tooth decay because of the acidity of the drink as well as causing reflux in the digestive system.

Is lemonade better for you than soda?

Fruit-flavoured fizzy drinks like lemonade and fizzy orange are slightly better choices than cola, but not ideal as your regular drink. The combination of sugar and acid can damage your teeth, and over time, excess calories from a high-sugar diet can lead to weight gain.

What are the benefits of drinking lemonade?

Lemons contain a high amount of vitamin C, soluble fiber, and plant compounds that give them a number of health benefits. Lemons may aid weight loss and reduce your risk of heart disease, anemia, kidney stones, digestive issues, and cancer.

What is the downside of lemonade?

Lemonade’s coverage limits and inclusions are not as robust as we found with other top renters insurance providers. For example, it caps liability coverage at $1 million and does not offer an option to add actual cost coverage, which can lower policy costs.

Is lemonade a healthy drink?

It can be homemade or commercially produced and is often sold in stores, restaurants, and cafes. Lemonade is known for its refreshing taste and its high content of vitamin C, which is beneficial for the immune system. It is also a popular mixer in alcoholic cocktails. The basic ingredients found in lemonade are lemon juice, water, and sugar.

Can one drink lemon?

Almost anyone can take lemon. The main advisable situation to avoid drinking lemon is for people who have allergies or gastritis, since they have less gastric protection against acids.

Is lemonade a good cold drink?

Lemonade is one of the best cold beverages to have when you are feeling warm and sticky. But then, Is lemonade healthy? Lemonade is healthy because it contains a lot of micronutrients including vitamins and minerals. It is rich in vitamin C that can enhance your immunity and help you fight against diseases.

Can you drink a lot of lemonade a day?

Drinking a couple of glasses of lemonade each day is fine, but if you are drinking a lot of lemonade loaded with excess sugar, that’s a problem. As mentioned earlier, sugar is a double-edged sword and is only good when used in moderation. It is very easy to overdo the sugar; in fact, your body wants you to.

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