is it safe to wash and reuse styrofoam cups

Styrofoam (Polystyrene) is very bad for the environment, and yet it can’t be recycled in most places (including a large part of the US). Therefore, reusing it is a great way to be eco-friendly and sustainable.

But, how the heck can you reuse styrofoam into useful things that you would actually want to keep?

Well today you’re in for a treat, because I’ll be showing you some of the top 30 ways you can reuse styrofoam, including the how-to instructions and/or details of each item on the list!

Polystyrene foam is commonly used to hold food and beverages, and due to the porous and flimsy nature of the material, it’s hard to clean it enough to be recycled. It’s also not great for reuse, since the porous material can also harbor bacteria.
is it safe to wash and reuse styrofoam cups

Tighten Loose Screws

When you have a screw that is slightly loose, put it through a piece of styrofoam, and then insert it into the hole. The foam will take up the extra space and make it a tight fit.

Organizer for small items

If you like hoarding small items for projects, then you know that it can get very messy after a while.

The fix? Use styrofoam cups to organize small items that you may be hoarding, or keeping for projects in the near future.

Keep your work area clean and organized!

is it safe to wash and reuse styrofoam cups

You’re probably staring in awe at this lantern made of a styrofoam cup.

Now, you are probably wondering how they were made. If you want to find the safe instructions on making these lanterns, then you can click here for the tutorial.

Note: The original tutorial for these lanterns on was taken down, so I linked to an alternative tutorial instead.

Watch the video below to find out how you can make your own DIY Floam! (That kind of rhymes!)

Plastics that are safe to reuse in your home


How many times can you reuse a Styrofoam cup?

Styrofoam is a type of foam that are generally a porous materials. Reusing of the containers that have these types of foam for the purpose of food seems danger as it can cause bacterial contamination. Therefore, if you wants to become healthy then do not use it again.

Can you wash a Styrofoam cup?

Styrofoam has tiny crevices which you can never get clean. Thus you have been washing breeding grounds for bacteria. The heat of the dishwasher will kill most bacteria… but some nasty ones can survive. If its hot enough to kill all potentially harmful bacteria, it will deform the cups.

Can you use a Styrofoam container more than once if you clean and sanitize it?

When the styrofoam item is first produced, it is considered clean and sanitary. Once it is used, it cannot be properly cleaned and sanitized for re-use.

Is it safe to drink out of Styrofoam cups?

Styrofoam drinking leach Styrofoam into the liquids they contain. The cups apparently lose weight during the time they are in use. The migration of styrene from a polystyrene cup containing cold or hot beverages has been observed to be as high as 0.025% for a single use.

Are styrene foam cups safe?

Based on what we now know, you’re probably safe using styrene foam cups for cold drinks, but I wouldn’t use them for hot coffee or tea, and I would avoid using plastic containers for hot foods. You can recognize styrene foam cups at a glance.

Are reusable cups better than Styrofoam cups?

Producing a styrofoam or paper cup requires much less energy input than reusable alternatives such as plastic, glass, or ceramic. This probably isn’t a big surprise to you. Disposable cups are smaller, lighter, and easier to make, while their counterparts require more input of resources and energy.

Do plastic foam cups go away?

But as we know, the plastic foam cups we throw away don’t really go away. And it simply doesn’t make sense to continue using them when more sustainable options are available. That’s why PIRG has been calling on fast food chains to stop handing out polystyrene foam cups.

Can you recycle foam cups and food containers?

Get the facts on recycling foam cups and food containers. You see the stuff everywhere. The foam cup your coffee comes in. The foam clamshell container that’s holding your takeout order. Many people commonly (but mistakenly) call this material “Styrofoam.”

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