is it safe to use a microwave after burning food

We’ve all been there. You read a label wrong or leave something in the microwave for too long and the inside of your microwave — and the food or packaging within it — catches fire. Sigh.

If you’ve caught your microwave on fire don’t beat yourself up — it happens to us all and (speaking from experience here) I can confirm it’s seriously easy to do. If it’s still working safely but has that god-awful burnt smell leaking from it, taints your food, or is just coated in black soot, it’s probably in need of a good ol’ clean.

The good news is that (in most cases) it’s possible to revive a microwave that’s caught on fire and get it looking and smelling clean and fresh again with some microwave cleaning hacks. And, FYI, doing so is far easier than you might think.

Helpful hints: After you get the smell out, make an effort to clean your microwave often to prevent constant odors and keep it free of debris that can catch on fire.

If it just stinks, you can safely resume using it once it’s cleaned. However, proceed with caution and consider buying a new appliance if any part of the microwave itself seems damaged or burned.
is it safe to use a microwave after burning food

Here’s what you’ll need

Take a microwave-safe bowl (like one of these Pyrex glass nesting bowls from Amazon) and fill it halfway with tepid water, a cup of vinegar (we always recommend Heinz distilled white vinegar from Amazon), and a few slices of fresh lemon.

Step 4: Remove the bowl

Once the steam has sat inside the microwave for a while, it should have loosened any stubborn soot, grease, or grime, and can be removed and the solution disposed of.

Remove Burnt Smells in Microwave and House FAST


Is it safe to use microwave after burning?

If your microwave simply smells and you can remove the burned-on residue, it’s safe to resume use once it’s clean. But exercise caution — and maybe invest in a new appliance — if any part of the microwave itself appears burned or damaged. As a general rule, a damaged appliance is a fire hazard.

Is it safe to use a microwave with burn marks?

Generally speaking, electronics with burn damage should be considered potentially unsafe, as they may be a fire hazard. Are you sure that’s burned metal? Metal doesn’t burn…

Will burnt microwave smell go away?

Yes, you can typically remove burnt smells from a microwave. Whether it’s burnt popcorn or scorched soup, a burnt smell inside your microwave can be unpleasant—but not necessarily permanent.

Is it safe to use a microwave after burning food?

If you only smell burnt foods and see some residue that you can clean using the steps in this article, then yes, it is safe to use the microwave after burning food. However, if you see flames or severe damage inside the microwave like dark black soot or burned parts or interior etc.

What are the dangers of eating microwaved food?

With regard to the nutritional quality of food, it is important to note that any heating method can lead to the loss of heat-sensitive nutrients. This includes heating in the microwave, conventional oven or any other method. Apart from that, there is no scientific evidence to prove any other harm to health caused by the use of microwaves.

Is it safe to use a microwave after a fire?

Yes, it is safe to use a microwave after a fire if it is still working. Just that you need to leave the microwave alone until the flames suffocate. The first thing you must do after the microwave catches fire is to turn it off immediately. This will ensure that the fan is stopped and no oxygen is supplied to the flames.

Can you use a microwave if it burns?

A burned microwave should not be used, as it can cause the appliance to heat up rapidly or cause a fire. Though in some cases if the burn is not too serious, you can clean the microwave interior with lemon juice and warm water, a little brushing to get rid of any soot and scorch marks, and then use it as usual.

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