is it safe to eat cactus fruit seeds

Now that the skin is removed, you can slice up the prickly pear to eat. The prickly pear has small, hard seeds that you cannot bite through, but they are safe to swallow if you prefer. Or you can chew on the fruit and seeds and spit the seeds out. You can also use a juicer or strainer to remove the seeds.
is it safe to eat cactus fruit seeds

Step 2: Carve the Prickly Pear

is it safe to eat cactus fruit seeds

is it safe to eat cactus fruit seeds

Using the tongs, place a prickly pear on your cutting board and cut off each end with a sharp knife. Then cut a seam about 1/4″ deep from end to end. Be careful to use the tongs or fork the whole time – never touch the skin of a prickly pear!

Step 1: Use Tongs to Get the Prickly Pears Off the Cactus

is it safe to eat cactus fruit seeds

The cactus itself is dangerous with its sharp needle-like thorns. But the fruits are really nasty, looking so coy and friendly with fuzzy dots on them. Those fuzzy dots are actually zillions of hair-like thorns that will sneak into your skin like shards of glass. Trust me, you dont want to touch them. There are a few ways to get the fruits off the cactus. You could wear thick gardening gloves, but the problem with that is that your gloves will then be covered with insidious hair-thorns that will attack you next time you touch them. I opt to use kitchen tongs that keep me at a safe distance and can be washed clean without ever touching my skin. Grab a prickly pear in the tongs and gently twist it off the cactus. Ripe ones are more red and will easily release from the tree. I gather a bunch of fruits in a large bowl and run the whole thing under water before the next step. 10 good size fruits will yield about a liter of juice.

How to Eat Cactus Fruit (Prickly Pear) | Taste Test


Is cactus fruit safe to eat raw?

This fruit is delicious eaten raw, added to recipes, or turned into a refreshing beverage. Cactus fruit comes from the Opuntia cactus genus that’s native to Central America and the drier, desert parts of North America. There are about 90 species of Opuntia in the United States alone, and all produce cactus fruits.

What part of a cactus fruit is edible?

The fruits are edible and can be eaten raw after removing the skin. Jellies, candies and other sweets are often made from the fruit, while some people also snack on the fleshy pads of the plant. Prickly pear cactus has been a Mexican and Central American dietary staple for thousands of years.

What cactus fruit can you not eat?

However, some cacti should be avoided because they contain alkaloids strong enough to cause severe vomiting, hallucinations, and other gastrointestinal distress. These include the Bolivian, peyote, and San Pedro cacti.

Can you eat cactus seeds?

The seeds are completely edible, but if you don’t like them, you can just spit them out. If you want to eat cactus fruit seeds, remove the pulp from around the seed and clean the outside of it first. You can do this by rubbing it off with a wet paper towel or by washing it off with water. Once the pulp is off, eat the seed—there’s no reason not to!

Can one drink cactus water?

Even the ideia of drinking cactus water sounds strange, it’s totally possible to drink it. Not only is recommended but also is a new trend among people who are trying to loose weight.

Are cactus fruit seeds healthy?

Cactus fruit seeds are actually edible and very healthy. You can eat them raw, or even make a cactus fruit seed tea! They’re full of antioxidants like beta-carotene and vitamins A and C. These antioxidants help to reduce triglycerides and bad cholesterol levels in your body.

Can you eat cactus fruit raw?

The cactus fruit, sometimes called a “Prickly Pears” are very sweet and can be eaten raw, right off of the plant. Depending on the level of ripeness, they can range from slightly sweet to syrupy sweet. Cactus fruit grows on the edges of the flat pads of the cactus, and are pear-shaped.

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