is it okay to eat ice cream once a week

I scream, you scream: When I think of summer, I think of ice cream! I live with my family in Los Angeles, where for more than a decade Ive work as a certified nutritionist and yoga instructor…and being a nutritionist can still mean enjoying the occasional dessert. As the days grow hotter and the sun blazes longer, my body craves ice cream just like when I was growing up in New England, when wed all climb into our stationwagon and drive to Dairy Queen as a special summer treat. Its such a memorable part of my upbringing and just one of many reasons I love ice cream so much.

But for all my love of ice cream, Im not so sure it loves me back. In my early twenties, I discovered a sensitivity when I ate a certain amount of dairy. Since then, Ive found plenty of delicious alternatives I can also enjoy.

At the moment, we simply don’t have enough good quality evidence to suggest that ice cream definitely has any health benefits. But a couple of small portions a week – paired with an otherwise healthy diet and exercise regime – is unlikely to do much harm.
is it okay to eat ice cream once a week

Here’s what happened when I switched to gelato every day

After two days of B&Js, I switched to my favorite gelato brand: Talenti. If youve ever grabbed a pint of Talenti from the supermarket freezer case, then you know: This brand definitely calls to mind the rich Italian gelato formula that inspired this US brand. (In fact, in 2013 CNBC reported that the brand is named after Bernardo Buontalenti, the Italian from Florence whos been credited with creating gelato during the Renaissance. Buontalentis last name translates to “good talents”…as any gelato lover would probably agree.)

At the store, they didnt have my Talenti Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup flavor in stock, so instead I grabbed the Double Dark Chocolate and added my own peanuts and peanut butter. (Chocolate and peanut butter, my favorite flavor combo! I often add peanut butter to my chocolate bars, and love it with my ice cream, too. Im well aware that peanut butter adds saturated fat to my treat, which is another reason I dont usually eat ice cream every day!)

Here are a few observations I made when I started eating gelato for a few days:

  • I felt satisfied after just two to three spoonfuls. I felt like Id had a yummy treat, but I didnt feel stuffed.
  • I didnt have any stomach issues, but that could be thanks to the smaller portion sizes that satisfied my appetite.
  • Since gelato is cream-based and not milk-based, it seemed easier on my stomach and overall digestion.

Ice cream & dairy intolerance

Boston Childrens Hospital says 30 million to 50 million Americans experience lactose intolerance. “Eating ice cream could negatively impact your digestion if you are sensitive to dairy or lactose intolerant,” says registered dietitian Erika Jacobson, MS, RD, CDN. “Ice cream is a higher-lactose food, so if you have lactose intolerance, you may experience stomach pain, cramping, gas, and diarrhea with dairy ice cream. This happens when your body lacks the lactase enzyme needed to break down lactose (a sugar naturally found in milk and dairy).”

So, for the purpose of this experiment, I switched up the types of dairy I tried and also opted for a non-dairy ice cream (a delicious recipe that you can try, featuring what data shows is Americas favorite fruit!).

Being a nutritionist doesnt mean practicing dietary restriction; its more about knowing how much of which nutrients each of us needs and understanding that some of us experience symptoms that can be addressed with certain foods. Employing that awareness was important for this week-long trial when I ate ice cream every day.

Is ice cream good for you? Here’s what the experts have to say


Can I eat ice cream once a week and still lose weight?

The diet suggests that you can add the sweet creamy treat to your daily life and still lose weight. This isn’t because ice cream contains any magic weight loss powers, but because you’re limiting calories. In addition to ice cream, dieters are given low fat, high fiber meal plans.

Is it OK to have ice cream occasionally?

Go ahead and savor that ice cream cone, cup or sundae this summer. Just do so as an occasional treat, rather than a daily indulgence.

How often can you have a bowl of ice cream?

If you love the delicious treat, you can definitely put a little bit of it in your diet. However, since you are trying to watch what you put into your body, you can have the dessert, but within reason. For women, you’re allowed to have one cup of ice cream per day.

How many days in a row can you eat ice cream?

“The good news is that you can still eat ice cream daily and lose weight,” Jacobson says. “The key is to be mindful of the portion size and how that fits into your overall calorie and added sugar intake.

Should you eat ice cream every day?

Registered dietitian Kiran Campbell, RD, is a firm believer that all foods can be part of an overall nutritious diet. You do not have to give up ice cream in order to live a healthy life. The key, she says, is moderation. When it comes to how eating ice cream every day impacts the body, Campbell says it really depends on the serving size.

Why do people suggest eating ice cream when suffering from a common cold?

Because eating ice cream can even bring relief to the acute pain and sore throat caused by the flu, since the cold has anti-inflammatory properties, in the same way that a cold compress, such as an ice pack, can relieve muscle inflammation, which ice cream or even a glass of ice water can help.

Should you eat ice cream after dinner?

You may be so used to eating ice cream after dinner that you may find yourself pulling the carton out of the freezer without even thinking about it. For a more mindful approach, Schlichter says to resist living on autopilot. When a craving for ice cream hits, wait 10 to 15 minutes before actually going over to the freezer.

How much ice cream should you have in a day?

Jacobson explains that how much ice cream you should have in a day depends on several individualized factors, including overall diet and sugar intake, the type of ice cream and portion size, as well as any particular health conditions. It’s important to discuss your diet with your licensed healthcare professional.

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