is it normal to be bloated after thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is great for gathering with friends and family—but can we dig down to the truth? Going into a day telling yourself you can eat whatever you want is THE BEST. Seriously though. You can do your Turkey Trot to feel better about yourself before the big binge, but in the end were all blissfully unconcerned about one thing: Feeling too stuffed to move. Until the next morning, when we still cant move. Heres how to combat the post-feast bloat:

I know, chugging water when it feels like youve ballooned over night probably sounds wrong, but making sure your body is amply hydrated is key to ensuring that it can flush out all that food you ate yesterday. Even if you feel so full you could burst, keep that H2O flowing, including our Detox Lemonade, which will make you feel so.much.better.

A big mistake people can make is feeling so full (or guilty) from yesterdays caloric marathon that they skip breakfast. This is the time to get your body back on track with slimming, protein-rich foods (so about that Egg McMuffin …). Go for eggs and multigrain toast or oatmeal with toasted pistachios and dried cranberries.

Health care workers have long observed, at least anecdotally, that emergency room visits increase on Thanksgiving and the following days for stomach-related issues (as well as cooking injuries, heart attacks and alcohol-related accidents). “People always feel bloated and uncomfortable after holiday meals,” said Dr.
is it normal to be bloated after thanksgiving


If you clogged your system with fatty, rich foods yesterday, you need to flush them out (yeah, you know what I mean). Make sure you take in a good amount of digestion-friendly grains, which will help keep things moving and you feeling satiated.

Doctor explains BLOATING, including causes, treatment and when to see your doctor.


Does Thanksgiving food make you bloated?

“For the vast majority gathering around the Thanksgiving table, a much more realistic concern is overeating and the uncomfortable feelings that go along with it: Abdominal discomfort, bloating, heartburn and indigestion are common symptoms,” NYU Langone gastroenterologist Dr. Balzora wrote in the Washington Post.

What happens to your body after Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving can really do a number on the digestive system (evidently mostly a number two). “The foods we eat on Thanksgiving tend to be fried, fatty or processed. Then there’s the sheer amount of how much people eat. All of this can lead to bloating, constipation or diarrhea,” said Dr.

Why does my stomach hurt after Thanksgiving?

It isn’t surprising, then, that stomach upset may develop after a holiday feast. Pain in the upper or lower abdomen, nausea, belching, “gas” pains, and feeling bloated are all symptoms that can occur as a result of overeating.

How long does it take to digest Thanksgiving?

Protein (there’s plenty in turkey) and fatty foods (basically everything else on your plate) take a long time to digest, so you could spend up to 12 hours feeling the effects of your Thanksgiving dinner, says Braddock.

Does Thanksgiving cause bloating?

Constipation can also play a big role in bloating, Dr. Talley added, so getting into a regular bowel pattern well before Thanksgiving Day can help ensure that food keeps moving along after it passes through the stomach. Ramping up your exercise or increasing your fiber intake can help you become regular well before the big day. Imbibe carefully.

How long does bloating last?

Bloating typically lasts for a few hours to days, but it can last for longer in some cases. The duration of bloating depends on the underlying cause. For example, bloating caused by eating a large meal or drinking a lot of carbonated beverages will usually go away within a few hours. Bloating caused by a medical condition, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), may last for several days or even weeks.

Do you feel bloated after a holiday meal?

“People always feel bloated and uncomfortable after holiday meals,” said Dr. Baha Moshiree, a gastroenterologist at Atrium Health in Charlotte, N.C., who studies how the stomach empties. But with a little planning, she said, you can keep those symptoms at bay. What can I do during the meal to avoid stomach problems later?

What happens if you eat too much during Thanksgiving?

As a result, you may feel gassy, bloated, and that your clothes are too tight,” says McGrane. Nausea, abdominal discomfort, and fatigue can also all be attributable to indigestion. The best way to avoid it is to make sure you eat slowly during Thanksgiving dinner and pay careful attention when you feel full.

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