is it necessary to peel apples for pie

When making apple pie, it’s incredibly important to cut the same size apple slices so they all cook evenly. You don’t want your pie to be filled with a mixture of hard and mushy apple bits, but instead, be perfectly tender. The apples should be soft, but still have texture to them when you take a bite of your pie. Follow this simple guide to learn how to slice apples for all the upcoming holiday desserts you’ll be making!

peel your apples. While the debate on whether or not to peel your apples seems never-ending, it really comes down to a matter of personal choice. Unpeeled apples will add a bit of color and texture to your pie, but they may prevent the apples from melding together when baked.
is it necessary to peel apples for pie

Common questions about slicing apples for pie

  • Should I slice or dice apples for pie? Classic apple pie is made with sliced above, as shown above. However, if you prefer to dice them into cubes, feel free! If you do so, I recommend cutting them into½in thick cubes.
  • How thick should you slice apples for apple pie?Apple slices for pie should be about ¼-inch (½ cm) thick.
  • Do you have to peel apples for apple pie?Yes. Otherwise, the apple peel will add unwanted texture to the pie filling.
  • What kind of apples should I use for apple pie?While you can use any apples you like, I personally prefer using a combination of tart apples, like Granny Smith, with sweeter apples, like Pink Ladies. The combination creates a wonderfully tasting apple pie filling.
  • Can I cut apples ahead of time for apple pie? Because apples begin to oxidize as soon as they are exposed to air, they will begin to brown shortly after you peel them. For this reason, I like to slice them immediately before I plan on using them, However, if you want to slice your apples ahead of time, I recommend tossing them in lemon juice and keeping them in a closed container in the refrigerator to keep them from oxidizing. The acid from the lemon juice helps prevent oxidation and keeping them closed helps prevent them from being exposed to too much air.

How to cut apples for apple pie

The first step is to peel the apples with a vegetable peeler. Then, using a sharp knife, slice one side of the apple as closely as possible to the core.

Repeat with remaining 3 sides, as pictured below.

For every piece of apple, hold it cut-side down and slice evenly, about ¼-inch (½ cm) thick.

How to Cut Apples for Apple Pie, Preparing Apples for Pie Filling


Can I leave skin on apples for apple pie?

Not peeling the apples in your pie filling is right up there next to sitting in grandpa’s easy chair: it should never be done. Stringy peels prevent the apple slices from combining together into the thick, smooth consistency that you want and need. Secondly, make sure you cut your apples into thin wedges.

Is it better to cook apples with the skin on or off?

Apple skins, while rich in nutrients and fiber, don’t allow heat to penetrate as readily as the soft flesh beneath. This discrepancy in texture results in uneven cooking. The peeled apple flesh will become beautifully tender and caramelized, while the skin might still be tough and chewy.

Do I need to peel apples?

“Most of the fibre and many nutrients are in or just below the skin. You can enjoy unpeeled apples as a healthy snack or part of your daily fruit intake.”

Do I have to peel apples to can them?

This also applies to home-canned apples — all the lab-tested recipes call for them to be peeled and the safety testing for home-canned apple slices and applesauce presume you have followed directions. By the way, wash even before peeling.

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