is it better to grill shrimp with the shell on or off

Wondering what to do with the shell when youre grilling shrimp? Weve got the answers you need so it comes out perfect every time.

Ive cooked a lot of shrimp in my life, and Im here to tell you — peeling it is kind of a pain. So leaving the shell on is a cooks dream. But should you leave the shell on when you grill shrimp? The answer is maybe, depending on how you cook it. Heres how to decide.

is it better to grill shrimp with the shell on or off

When to Grill Shrimp Without the Shell

In other cases, its perfectly fine to grill shrimp with no shell.

  • If youd like to impart a smoky flavor, remove the shells and use a charcoal grill or a gas grill with wood chips. The shell will actually block and absorb the smoke in this instance, so it is best to remove it.
  • If you are marinating the shrimp, youll need to peel them before you put them in the marinade and plop them on the grill. The shells can keep the marinade from infusing the shrimp meat. Bonus: marinade adds moisture and tons of flavor to this delicate seafood, meaning that it is less likely to dry out.
  • Helpful Hack

If you remove the shells, dont throw them away. Freeze them until youre ready, and then use them to make a tasty seafood stock. Read More

When to Leave the Shell on When Grilling Shrimp

Leave the shell on if youre grilling the shrimp with no marinade or seasonings. Doing so will protect the moist meat inside and intensify the sweet, briny flavor of the shrimp. This allows you to prepare the shrimp as peel-and-eat — which is living the dream for any cook, really. You are winning the shrimp game, my friend. Related Articles

Super Quick Video Tips: The Best Way to Grill Shrimp

Should you Grill shrimp with the shell on?

It also helps to give the shrimp a smoky, grilled flavor. On the downside, grilling shrimp with the shell on can also make it more difficult to marinate or season the shrimp properly. Plus, diners will need to peel off the shell before they can eat the shrimp, which can be a messy and time-consuming process.

Is shrimp healthy to eat?

Shrimp is very healthy to eat, unless you have an allergy to shellfish. Shrimp is great because it is a low calorie, high protein food that is relatively inexpensive. Shrimp is also very versatile, so there are many recipes out there, meaning that you can eat shrimp multiple times a week each time in a different way. Don’t make shrimp your only protein source, because a healthy diet is also a varied diet.

Are shell-on shrimp good on the grill?

Shell-on shrimp are great on the grill. . Shao Z. Remember when Kenji published his article on how to grill perfect shrimp, in which he wrote that one of the best methods for ensuring tender grilled shrimp is to cook them in their shells?

Is grilling shrimp difficult?

Grilling shrimp isn’t difficult by any means, but these crowd-favorite shellfish do tend to be a little finicky. If you’ve ever tasted shrimp that were too tough or disappointingly rubbery, you probably know this all too well. No longer! With the help of this trusty guide, you’ll never have to worry about undercooked or overcooked shrimp again.

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