is it better to get 2 medium pizzas or 1 large

Youve seen countless deals from the best pizza chains—like two medium pizzas for $5.99 each. If a large pizza is $11.99, the two medium pizzas definitely sound better. But have we been taken in by clever marketing when it comes to two medium pizzas vs. one large? This viral Reddit post has the internet convinced that one large pizza is better than two mediums, but it assumes that a large pizza is an 18-in. pie. That doesnt sound right—so we researched standard pizza sizes and did the math. See what your pizza delivery person isnt telling you.

If offered, a standard extra-large pizza is 16 inches — so while an 18-inch large pizza is more pizza than two 12-inch medium pizzas, it’s also a harder option to find. Based on the standard sizes, two medium 12-inch pizzas will give you more pizza than one 14-inch large pizza.
is it better to get 2 medium pizzas or 1 large

2 Mediums vs. 1 Large: Here’s the MathThe standard medium pizza is usually a 12-in. circle, whereas a standard large pizza is a 14-in. circle. It seems like you’ll have nearly twice as much pizza for roughly the same price if you order two mediums.Let’s do the math before your next

To calculate the area of one large 14-in. pizza:

First, find the radius: 14-in. divided by 2 is 7. Then, 7² is 49. 49 x π is

To calculate the area of two medium 12-in. pizzas:

First, find the radius: 12-in. divided by 2 is 6. Then, 6² is 36. 36 x π is 113-in²., multiplied by two for a total of

Is it better to get 2 medium pizzas or 1 large?


Do you get more pizza with two mediums or one large?

The standard medium pizza is usually a 12-in. circle, whereas a standard large pizza is a 14-in. circle. It seems like you’ll have nearly twice as much pizza for roughly the same price if you order two mediums.

Are 2 regular pizzas bigger than a medium?

Because the quantity of a medium pizza is almost equivalent to 2 regular pizzas. So, it is almost the same whether you order a medium or a regular pizza. However, if you are sharing pizza with someone special, a medium pizza can bring you both closer as you share the pies.

What size pizza is best value?

You should always order the large pizza because it will be cheaper per square inch. While a 16-inch pizza is four times the size of the 8-inch pizza, the larger pizza will be far less than four times the price of the small.

How many people does 2 medium pizzas feed?

Medium pizzas contain around six slices of pizza, feeding two adults or three children. You can’t go wrong with ordering a medium pizza or two for pizza night with your significant other or family.

Which is better a large or 2 medium pizza?

If you want more pizzas, then it is obviously 2 medium pizzas. 2 medium pizzas have a larger surface area than 1 large pizza, with a total area of 226 in². There is no doubt that you will get the most of your money with 1 large pizza since it is cheaper, with a cost per square inch of 12 cents per square inch.

Is it good to eat 5 pizzas a day?

It is not good to consume five pizzas in one day. A healthy diet includes a wide variety of foods. The general recommendation says you should eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables. You should also include cereals, legumes, dairy products, and some portion of meat or eggs.

Should I buy a large pizza or a medium pizza?

But if the large pizza is 16 inches or 18 inches and you can order it for the same price as two medium pizzas, then get the large. Also, this math only works for round pizzas, so if you’re choosing between rectangular pizzas you won’t be able to use the same formula for area.

Why should you order two medium pizzas?

The mathematical reason is just the tip of the iceberg. Ordering two medium pizzas also offers a variety of flavors and toppings. You can choose different combinations for each pizza, satisfying the taste buds of everyone at the table. Moreover, ordering two medium pizzas allows for plenty of flexibility.

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