Do you have way too many cardboard boxes sitting around and taking up space? Join the club! Before you throw them out and let them go to waste, consider storing them for future use. Read on with BoxGenie to learn everything you need to know about how to store all types of corrugated boxes in addition to recycling them and repurposing them.
Pests are attracted to cardboard boxes and their contents. Moist areas can be dangerous for cardboard boxes. Stacking cardboard boxes comprises the bottom box walls and increases the chance of the stack falling. Cardboard boxes exposed to moisture can start growing mold or mildew.
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The Best Way to Break Down, Flatten, and Store Cardboard Boxes
Is it bad to keep cardboard boxes?
Is it better to store in cardboard or plastic boxes?
Is storing cardboard boxes a fire hazard?
How long do cardboard boxes last in storage?
How do you store a cardboard box?
Here are a few tips to keep in mind when storing cardboard and other packaging boxes. In humid conditions, take your packaging boxes out of its original shipping carton and lay them out flat to let them dry quicker. You can put them under a fan or in an air conditioned room. Ideally, store your boxes in a cool place.
Should you store cardboard boxes unnecessarily?
One of the biggest arguments against storing cardboard boxes unnecessarily is that they make an ideal environment for lots of nasty critters to live in. Spiders are the obvious culprit. Many types of spider love to nest in dry, dark hiding places, so a bundle of cardboard boxes makes an ideal home.
Why should you keep your storage space free of cardboard boxes?
Cardboard degrades over time and if it’s stored in a space that gets hot, such as a shed or loft in the summer, it gets very dry. By keeping your storage spaces free of cardboard boxes, you’re protecting the residents of your property against an unnecessary fire hazard.
Are cardboard boxes dangerous?
Storing boxes carelessly can create problems. Boxes can be damaged by high humidity and moisture, which can promote mold. Because insects love cardboard, pests, such as spiders and roaches, can become an issue. Finally, cardboard boxes are flammable, especially if they’ve dried out in a hot location.