is greek yogurt environmentally friendly

Driven by a huge increase in consumer demand over the past few years, Greek yogurt has grown into a $2 billion a year industry. But what the vast majority of consumers are not aware of is that the manufacturing process is creating an ecological nightmare beyond all comprehension. In order to produce one ounce of creamy Greek yogurt, three or four ounces of milk is used, and the excess milk which is left at the end of the process is so acidic that it is considered by many experts to be a toxic liquid. It’s illegal for this liquid waste to be dumped into the environment as it would cause immeasurable destruction to the natural habitat. Problem is, the industry doesn’t have a clear plan in place to deal with all this toxic waste. The boom in Greek yogurt production has led to a threefold increase in New York alone of this toxic liquid between 2007 – 2013, and in the northeast of the U.S., 150 million gallons of acid whey was produced last year.

There are strict regulations on the way in which whey acid can be disposed of, and this is for a very good reason. When released into waterways, the whey acid depletes the oxygen from the water, killing the fish and plants living in the environment. In 2008, the Minerva Cheese Factory released acid whey into an Ohio creek, killing over 5,400 fish along a 1.5-mile stretch. This is just one of several recorded cases of dumping acid whey into the environment and its immediate impact on wildlife.

1. Greek Yogurt. This tangy dairy product packs in twice the protein of regular yogurt, but the manufacturing process creates alarming amounts of waste.
is greek yogurt environmentally friendly

Livestock Fertilizer Reaching Water

One of the “solutions” to the increasing whey acid problem is for yogurt manufacturers to sell off the whey to farmers to be mixed into feed for animals and fertilizer for the land. The problem with this is that the overall acidity of the farms which are utilizing the waste product increases. Manure and fertilizer used directly on the land end up getting washed off into waterways and this is causing widespread concern to many. Some figures suggest that 70 percent of whey is discarded in this way, but there are no industry-wide figures to show where it is all ending up.

Increased Dairy Farm Sizes

To cope with the demand for more Greek yogurt, the industry leading state of New York created new laws to allow for the expansion of dairy farms. Without the need for any additional regulatory checks or animal welfare guidelines, the USDA has altered small dairy farm herd caps from 199 cows to 299 cows. This means that the environmental impact of dairy farming is going to increase with the demand for Greek yogurt. More farms breeding increasing amounts of cows will increase the strain on planetary resources and pollution levels.

What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Greek Yogurt


Is yogurt good for the Environment?

The land, water and energy use by dairy farmers is a separate area of research. Yes, dairy products, like yogurt, have a higher carbon footprint per calories than grains, oils, and sweets do. But this disadvantage is largely outweighed by their nutritional intake per calories.

What is the disadvantage of Greek yogurt?

Like other dairy products, Greek yogurt contains natural hormones, which can be harmful to people with hormonal imbalances. The pasteurized and homogenized milk used in the yogurt can lead to histamine problems such as acne and eczema, as well as gastrointestinal problems for some people.

What is the waste product of Greek yogurt?

This strained residue is called acid whey and is a mixture of lactose, galactose, calcium phosphate, and lactic acid.

Is yogurt more sustainable than milk?

Global livestock production is estimated to contribute 14.5 percent of total anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, with dairy production responsible for approximately one-third of that. While yogurt only constitutes a portion of the dairy industry’s environmental impact, it still contributes significantly.

Is Greek yogurt healthy?

If you prefer, you can add a drizzle of honey or a bit of fruit to sweeten it on your own. If you’re looking to boost your protein intake, Greek yogurt is ideal. Regular, low fat yogurt may be best for anyone looking to keep their calorie and protein intake in check. As both are healthy, you should choose the one that fits your dietary needs.

What are the benefits of organic greek yogurt?

Greek yogurt is a thicker, denser final product with a higher concentration of protein and probiotics compared to a tradicional yogurt. It helps boost the immune system, ease digestion troubles and can even elevate your mood.

Is Greek yogurt taking a toll on the environment?

Greek yogurt has seen an astronomical growth in sales over the past half decade — but it may be taking an unexpected toll on the environment. While it takes one cup of milk to produce one cup of traditional yogurt, it takes at least three cups of milk to produce a single cup of the thicker, healthier Greek variety.

What makes Greek yogurt unique?

What makes Greek yogurt unique is that after the fermentation process is complete, it’s triple-strained. As such, there’s much less water in the final product, compared with traditional yogurt. Additionally, this extra step gives Greek yogurt its strong flavor, thick texture, and protein boost.

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