is fried dog good

All dog food companies boast about having good-for-your-dog ingredients or they offer foods for certain types of dogs or breeds. However, what most companies don’t usually discuss is how their dry dog food is made. Dog parents see the finished kibble, but what happens to the ingredients as they are turned into kibble can have a major impact on how nutritious the food will be for your dog.

Every dry dog food formula is different, so each company has different steps they follow to create its own specific product. However, there are a few common processes that many dog food brands follow to create their kibble.

is fried dog good

At Fresh is Best® we believe in the Prey Animal Concept for dogs, where they thrive on fresh meat, fat, minerals from bone, and plant-based fiber just as they would when hunting and foraging in the wild. Dogs don’t need processed, starchy fillers and preservatives that make regular dry dog food cheaper and last long periods in warehouses.

All our freeze-dried dog food recipes contain raw ingredients that are 100% natural, free from grains, white potato, peas, legumes, and tapioca flour or other starches. Each one is also made with fresh, whole fruits and veggies, never dried pomace, or powders, providing healthy, superior nutrition for your dog that meets or exceeds AAFCO standards.

Our dog foods are minimally processed, slowly freeze-dried in small batches, and packaged in high oxygen barrier bags, so you get the taste and nutrition as if you prepared it yourself. At Fresh Is Best®, we only use meats that are human-quality, humanely raised, and described as: USDA grass-fed, cage-free, crate-free, antibiotic-free, and wild-harvested because we care. Our dog food really is the best.

The Dry Dog Food Process

When you look at all the kibble available at your local pet store or online, odds are they all took a different process to get there. Ultimately, there are two factors you want to focus on for your dry dog food.

  • Whats in the food
  • How its cooked

22 Common Foods That Will Kill Your Dog


Is fried food OK for dogs?

Fatty and fried foods like fried chicken, bacon or spareribs are a bad idea for dogs as they are likely to have added salt and seasonings. In addition, the fat content can cause vomiting and diarrhea and lead to pancreatitis, especially in small dog breeds like schnauzers and terriers.

Is it OK for a dog to eat a fry?

While potatoes themselves are not toxic for dogs, French fries don’t quite make the “safe” list of foods dogs can eat. The high-fat, high-sodium content of fries can make your dog sick and should be avoided. That said, sniffing out an occasional fry from the floor likely won’t cause your dog serious harm.

Is air drying food healthier?

Air-drying kills bacteria making it a safer and healthier option than raw or fresh-frozen foods, and it’s not cooked at high temperatures that can destroy the flavour.

Is greasy food bad for dogs?

Threat to pets: Fatty foods such as butter, oils, meat drippings/grease, chocolate and meat scraps may cause pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) when ingested, especially by dogs. Certain breeds, miniature Schnauzers in particular, are more likely to develop pancreatitis than other breeds.

Can dogs eat fried food?

Warning: Smaller breeds are especially at risk, but all dogs are prone to the eventual consequences that come with regularly eating fried foods. Your dog will likely be OK if they got into a bit of fried food. It isn’t the end of the world if you slip up and provide this junky stuff. Of course, you may notice a bout of diarrhea later on.

Is fried food good for us?

Fried foods are high in saturated fat and trans fat. Eating them is associated with a higher risk of developing plaque in arteries that can put you at risk for coronary artery disease, heart failure, heart attack, and stroke. So, no, they are not good for us.

Are fried eggs good for dogs?

Yes, fried eggs are good for dogs as they’re a great source of protein, healthy fats, and nutrients that can boost your pup’s health. However, the most you can give to your dog is one egg for one day, and should not be given every day.

Should I give my Dog a fry?

If you give your dog one fry, they will want to keep eating and eating, and they will likely never feel full. Obesity in dogs carries a lot of the same risks it does in humans, including cancer, heart problems, and diabetes, so it’s important to keep your dog at a healthy weight.

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