is falafel healthier than chicken

If you’re a big street food fan, chances are you’ve had a late-night run-in or two with a falafel-stuffed pita as tahini and hummus dripped down your chin (drool). Just me?

Heres the lowdown on falafel: Its a Middle Eastern dish made from blended chickpeas—or, in some other regions, fava beans—mixed with spices and herbs. The exact history of falafel is up for debate, says Ale Zozos, an RDN with a Mediterranean background, but it likely originated in Egypt, as Coptic Christians were looking for a nourishing replacement for meat during the long seasons of Lent and fasting. In some ways, falafels nutritional profile stacks up to red meat, since its also full of nutrients like iron, folate, magnesium and vitamin B, Zozos says.

To make falafel, ingredients are usually put into a food processor until the result is a gritty blend. Aside from the beans, other ingredients that are typically used to make falafel include onions, garlic, and spices like cumin and coriander. That blend is then made into balls, refrigerated, and deep-fried or baked.

The most popular method of preparing it is frying, which can lead to the question: Is falafel healthy? Zozos says it definitely can be if you alter the way you serve and prepare it to align with your health goals. “So, for example, if you want to watch your fat intake and you don’t want to fry them, you can bake them or hand sauté them,” says Zozos. Thats just one option. “If you’re watching your carb intake, you don’t have to serve them on pita—you can serve them with fresh vegetables or on top of a salad,” she explains.

You can also eat falafel on its own, but its more often than not served with the aforementioned pita bread, plus hummus or tahini, and Israeli salad…because, yum.

Zozos says that the health benefits of falafel are plenty. It tends to be relatively low in cholesterol, low on the glycemic index scale, and high in protein. Also, its full of complex carbs and fiber, which are good for a healthy gut and regular bowel movements, adds Zozos.

If you want to see how falafel measures up nutritionally, heres how a serving of frozen falafel from Trader Joes stacks up:

“There is no bad or good food,” says Robin Danowski, RD, assistant professor of nutrition at La Salle University. “It depends on how you cook it and how much of it you eat.”

Falafel is a great dish to encourage people to eat a more plant-based diet, which benefits the body as well as the environment, Amy Shapiro, RD says. Its high in protein and fiber from the chickpeas (one cup of which has 15 grams of protein and 14 grams of fiber).

Plus, chickpeas contain a lot of iron, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, and B vitamins. The various spices in falafel—like cumin, coriander and cardamom—are also full of disease-fighting antioxidants. “It’s a very satisfying meal that will maintain blood sugar levels and prevent excess sugar cravings,” she says.

But even some of the healthiest foods will have a couple pitfalls—or pit(a)falls, if you will— and unfortunately, falafel is no exception. Most falafels are deep-fried in oil. And while Shapiro says the oil is often unsaturated, it still ups your calorie intake considerably. “For some, it may add too much fat to the diet,” she notes. Plus, if a restaurant or vendor heats low-quality oils above their smoke point (think: canola oil), it has the potential to produce carcinogens, says Shapiro.

Generally speaking, though, “the frying doesn’t outweigh the benefits, and it can actually help to lower cholesterol levels,” says Shapiro. “But if its made with poor ingredients and cheap oils, then I say ‘pass.’”

Theres also the sodium content to consider. “If you buy a pita with falafel at a restaurant or vendor, sometimes it’ll have up to 1,500 milligrams of sodium, which is a full day’s worth,” says Danowski, adding that you start to see adverse health effects beyond 2,300 milligrams a day. “In a pita with sauces, you’re knocking out your daily minimal amount with that one food.”

As far as calories go, its important to remember that where the calories come from is way more important than the number. In the case of falafel, most of the calories come from fat, at around 18 grams per half-cup serving, according to Danowski. And while most of these fats are the heart-healthy unsaturated kind, “if you’re concerned about weight loss, you need to keep that in mind when you consume it,” she says.

In essence, the ingredient profile of falafel is in the least unhealthy. In fact, compared to other counterparts of the food, including chicken shawarma, falafel tops the list to contain the healthiest amount of all ingredients that are required by the body.
is falafel healthier than chicken

How can I make falafel healthier?

“I would recommend baking it when you have the option,” says Shapiro. “If frying is what you prefer, then use a high-quality oil that can sustain high heat, like grapeseed or avocado to prevent carcinogen production.”

If you want to give falafel a go at home, try this nutritious recipe:

is falafel healthier than chicken

You May Never Eat CHICKEN Again After Watching This


Are falafels considered healthy?

Researchers have found that falafel has many health benefits. It is high in fibre as it contains vegetables, legumes (beans, chickpeas, or almonds), and olive oil, all of which can help people stay healthy and maintain an optimal weight while reducing their risk of diabetes, heart disease, and blood pressure.

Is falafel better than meat?

In some ways, falafel’s nutritional profile stacks up to red meat, since it’s also full of nutrients like iron, folate, magnesium and vitamin B, Zozos says.

Is falafel unhealthy because its fried?

Though it contains many healthy ingredients, it’s typically deep-fried, which increases its fat and calorie content. However, baking falafel counters this issue and allows you to enjoy this dish without potentially affecting your waistline, if that’s a concern for you.

Is falafel good for Building Muscle?

Falafel is a good source of protein that helps our body produce amino acids, which increases muscle building in the body. Peas are also a good source of calcium and play an important role in bone health and bone formation. As mentioned above, one of the other benefits of falafel is its effect on weight loss.

Is falafel a healthy food?

Falafel is potentially a healthy food. It’s plant-based, and chickpeas or fava beans have many health benefits. But falafel can also have some disadvantages, depending on how it’s made and what other ingredients go into it. Salt intake. Many people order falafel at restaurants as part of a falafel pita.

Is fried chicken healthy?

No, it has a very high caloric content, in addition to excess saturated fats and carcinogenic compounds that are generated in the frying process.

What is the difference between falafel and chicken meat?

Falafel is higher in Manganese, Iron, Folate, Copper, and Magnesium, however Chicken meat is richer in Vitamin B3, Selenium, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B5. Chicken meat’s daily need coverage for Vitamin B3 is 47% more. Chicken meat contains 35 times less Manganese than Falafel. Falafel contains 0.691mg of Manganese, while Chicken meat contains 0.02mg.

Is falafel a good substitute for chicken?

Generally speaking, falafel is a great healthy, vegetarian and vegan substitute to meat options. It is an impressive source of vegetable protein, being half as much of that in chicken.

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