how much vanilla extract equals a vanilla bean

Homemade bourbon vanilla bean extract will add jazz hands to all of your baking projects! So many desserts use vanilla extract to elevate their final flavor (hellooo Mega Vanilla Chocolate Chip Cookies!) and I used a ton of it when I was recipe testing The Cookie Book and The Cake Book! I use it liberally in many, many (most?!) recipes!

In the photo above you’ll see the bottle of vanilla extract that I’ve been using for years — I originally put it together back in 2017. That ‘aged’ vanilla extract is on the right and it’s a rich, deep mahogany. The vanilla extract on the left I put together for these photos…it needs several months to take on that deep, rich color; which is why we’re talking about it now!

Whew, this is a long one. Grab yourself some tea (or bourbon) and start reading! You’re going to love this easy peasy baking project that will completely elevate your baked goods! xo

How to Substitute Vanilla Extract for Beans or Paste. As far as substitutions go, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract is equal to one 2-inch piece of vanilla bean, so 1 typical vanilla bean will equal 3 teaspoons extract.
how much vanilla extract equals a vanilla bean

Types of Vanilla Beans

The three most common types of vanilla beans are (regardless of where they are grown): Madagascar, Mexican and Tahitian. Madagascar is typically described as smooth and creamy (it’s what I use and tend to favor). Mexican is described as ‘smokey’ and Tahitian as more floral. Tahitian vanilla beans are not recommended for desserts that will endure hot temperatures, so remember that when picking vanilla beans for any high heat baking.

how much vanilla extract equals a vanilla bean

how much vanilla extract equals a vanilla bean

How To Extract Vanilla Bean Seeds

Split your bean lengthwise using a small paring knife. The smaller knife will make it easier to maintain a light, consistent pressure. Try not to press the knife through the vanilla bean, you just want to cut through one layer of the bean. You only need to perform this step if you’re making extract and are throwing the beans into your extract jar.

If you’re going to be using the bean seeds for baking, flip your knife over to the dull side (or back side of the knife). This will make it less likely that you’ll cut through the bean. Use your free hand to hold the vanilla bean open and using the dull side of the knife, scrape it down the length of the vanilla bean gathering the seeds and flesh.

The better quality the bean (Is it moist? Is it plump?) the more seeds you’ll be able to get. Add the seeds and scraped flesh into your baked good and discard the vanilla bean pod into your extract jar. This will keep building and concentrating the flavor of your extract.

how much vanilla extract equals a vanilla bean

how much vanilla extract equals a vanilla bean

Expert’s Guide to Vanilla: Extract, Paste, Powder, and Whole Beans


How much vanilla extract to substitute for 1 vanilla bean?

Vanilla Bean Equivalency to:
Vanilla Extract
Ground Vanilla Beans
1/4 Whole Vanilla Bean
1/4 tbsp
1/2 tbsp
1/2 Whole Vanilla Bean
1/2 tbsp
3/4 tsp
1 Whole Vanilla Bean
1 tbsp
1 1/2 tsp

How much extract is equal to vanilla bean?

If you need to swap one vanilla flavoring for another, we’ve found that 1/2 vanilla bean is the same as 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract or 1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste.

How many teaspoons of vanilla equals 1 vanilla bean?

Conversion: One vanilla pod equals 3 teaspoons of vanilla extract or vanilla bean paste.

How much vanilla extract is equal to a pod?

Vanilla bean seed uses Remember that 1 vanilla pod is the equivalent to 1 teaspoon of Heilala Pure Vanilla Extract or Pure Vanilla Paste. Use the seeds in any recipe that calls for vanilla essence, paste, extract or flavor.

How many teaspoons of vanilla extract in a vanilla bean?

I don’t find it all that much work to select, store, and use vanilla beans but some folks are less intimidated by the paste. I say whatever works and gets you excited about baking! As far as substitutions go, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract is equal to one 2-inch piece of vanilla bean, so 1 typical vanilla bean will equal 3 teaspoons extract.

Mexican vanilla vs Regular vanilla: Which is healthier?

Regular and pure Vanilla is made from whole vanilla beans extracted with alcohol. Whereas Mexican vanilla is made using tonka tree which belongs to pea family, extracts of vanilla are added and is entirely different from regular vanilla. Regular vanilla is healthier compared to Mexican vanilla.

What is the difference between vanilla bean and vanilla extract?

Even though they both have the same flavor profile, there are significant differences between the two. Vanilla beans are the fruit of Vanilla planifolia, while vanilla extract is a concentrated form of vanilla infused in alcohol. One of the most common questions asked by bakers is, “How much vanilla extract equals a vanilla bean?”

How much vanilla extract should I use?

A general rule of thumb is to use 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract for every 1 inch of vanilla bean. So, if a recipe calls for 1 inch of vanilla bean, use 1 teaspoon of extract instead. However, keep in mind that the flavor of vanilla extract is different from that of a vanilla bean, so the resulting taste may be slightly different.

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