how many pieces of pizza does america eat

Americas love for pizza is nothing short of an obsession, and it’s not difficult to understand why. But just how loved is one of the country’s most popular foods? To explore this topic a bit further, Gozney surveyed 1,500 pizza lovers across the U.S. Discover the findings below.

Americans eat approximately 100 acres of pizza EACH DAY, or about 350 slices per second. October is National Pizza Month.
how many pieces of pizza does america eat

How Americans Are Dealing with Pizza Inflation

Its no secret that inflation is affecting everything from gas to groceries, and unfortunately, Americas famous $1 slice is no exception.

Almost three-quarters (73%) of Americans said they are concerned about inflation affecting the cost of their favorite pizza, with 68% reporting theyve already noticed an increase in the price of their favorite pies.

how many pieces of pizza does america eat

Yet despite broad concerns over rising costs, only 11% of respondents said price was the most important factor when choosing where to buy pizza. Interestingly, 66% rate quality as the most important factor, followed by the variety of options offered (13%) and speed (8%).

Ultimately, it appears pizza is priceless in the eyes of most Americans, with 1 in 4 (27%) admitting they would need more than $1M in exchange for never eating pizza again. And more shockingly, 16% said no money would be enough for them to give up their beloved pizza.

Americans Rising Interest in Making Pizza at Home

Its clear that pizza is one of the most popular dishes on the planet. But lately, more people are opting to flex their culinary skills and make their own pizza from scratch, whether in their kitchens or in their backyard with a pizza oven. According to our research, 81% of Americans have tried to make pizza at home. Most primarily make it on special occasions (36%), followed by once a month (22%), with 1 in 10 making it weekly.

The reasons for making pizza at home vary, but the most common one is for the experience (39%). Other popular reasons include the ability to choose ones ingredients (38%), to spend quality time with friends and family (35%), and because its less expensive than restaurant/take-out pizza (35%). Speaking of money, 14% of people who have tried to make pizza at home report saving over $1,000 in their lifetime by doing so.

Regardless of their reasons for doing so, making pizza at home is a trend we expect to continue to see in 2023, with 37% of respondents saying they plan on making pizza at home more frequently. While pragmatic reasons lead the way – 34% reported having less money to spend on restaurant/take-out pizza now due to the cost-of-living crisis – 21% still plan to embark on the culinary journey because its more fun to make pizza at home.

Whether youre looking for a quick snack or a hearty dinner, homemade pizza offers endless possibilities for deliciousness. Not only is it easy to make, but you can also customize your pizza however you like – from the type of dough to the toppings – and, most importantly, create new and memorable experiences with friends and family. So why not give it a try?

How many slices of pizza does America eat per second? #trivia #funquiz


How many slices of pizza does average American eat?

The average American eats 180 slices of pizza a year. 25% of people would serve pizza at their wedding. 18% enjoy eating leftovers cold. 30% prefer frozen pizza compared to fresh restaurant slices.

Which country eats the most pizza?

Which country eats the most pizza? Each person in Norway eats an average of 11 pounds of pizza a year, more than any of the people from any other country in the world.

How many Americans eat pizza once a week?

Cheese is the most popular pizza topping, followed by pepperoni and sausage. 30% of Americans eat pizza at least once a week.

How many Americans order pizza?

According to new CivicScience data, 79% of U.S. adults order pizza at least a few times a year, and 8% report ordering at least once a week. Among them, a plurality (39%) place their order directly with the restaurant via phone call.

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