how many people would 5 lbs of potatoes feed

Question: How large a turkey do you need if you are expecting 12 guests (but possibly 14 if, by then, Aunt Sue hasnt broken up with her loser boyfriend who will bring his tag-along mother), one of whom will only eat birds raised on a gluten-free diet, three of whom are likely to get into a fistfight over the dark meat, and two others insist the stuffing be made from free-range bread?

Seriously, figuring out what — and how much — turkey and side dishes to make can be mind-boggling and sometimes frightening. We offer a cheat sheet to help you start planning for your Thanksgiving or other holiday dinner.

how many people would 5 lbs of potatoes feed

How much green beans per person?

1½ pounds of green beans make 6 to 8 servings.

How many carrots per person?

A 1-pound bag makes 4 to 5 servings.

Side dish idea: Try Brussels sprouts with caramelized onions and maple syrup

Tips continue after photo gallery

How many servings is 5 lbs of potatoes?


How many pounds of potatoes do I need for 50 people?

Lettuce for salad (heads)
Peas (fresh)
12 pounds
25 pounds
9 pounds
18 pounds

How many potatoes do I need for 10 adults?

Number of people
Total potato weight
Number of medium-size potatoes needed
0.5 lb.
2 lbs.
3 lbs.
5 lbs.

How many people can a 5 pound bag of potatoes feed?

On average, one pound of potatoes can yield 3 to 4 servings. Therefore, a 5-pound bag of potatoes can feed around 15 to 20 people. However, this estimate can vary depending on the recipe and serving sizes of the dish. If you are using potatoes as a side dish, you may need to buy more bags to serve a larger group. 1.

Should one have potatoes every day?

It depends, as it is a good source of carbohydrate. If the person is making a control in the consumption of carbohydrates, he should eat in moderation, that is, not somatising with other foods that are sources of carbohydrate. Like, macaroni and potatoes, ends up with a high load.

How many pounds of potatoes per person?

Use the guidelines below to determine how many pounds of potatoes per person you need for dinner. Potatoes can weigh anywhere from 1/10 pound to 1/2 pound, depending on their size. If you’re making mashed potatoes, figure you will need 1/3 to 1/2 pound of potatoes per person.

How many lbs of potatoes can a family of 4 eat?

These factors include how the potatoes are prepared, the serving size, and the people’s appetites. However, on average, 5 lbs of potatoes can feed a family of four for at least two meals, with some leftovers for snacking or additional dishes. In conclusion, potatoes are a versatile and nutritious food staple that can help address food insecurity.

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