how long will roasted garlic in oil last

Garlic lovers rejoice: You can make homemade garlic confit and garlic oil with only a few minutes of prep time. Slowly roasting garlic cloves in olive oil allows them to become mild, caramelized, and tender enough to spread with a butter knife.

how long will roasted garlic in oil last


We know that meat confits (such as duck or pork confit) are cooked in their own fat, but for vegetables that dont have enough fat to be cooked in, such as garlic, oil has to be added.

You can use nearly any cooking oil, but I generally choose olive oil. It adds a subtle complimentary flavor to the garlic confit, and of course the garlic returns the favor.

Garlic confit naturally comes with garlic-infused olive oil adds a kick to marinades and dressings and is perfect as a simple dip for warm bread.

You dont need a lot to make garlic confit.

In fact, you really just need 3 ingredients…

  • Garlic. Youre going to need garlic cloves for this recipe, obviously, and youre going to want a lot of it. Pre-peeled garlic cloves can save you time and effort, but if youd prefer to peel by hand, I have a tip in the recipe video that can help.
  • Extra virgin olive oil. As mentioned above, you can use many different oils, but extra virgin olive oil is a great option as its not heated high enough to burn and imparts a great flavor on the cloves.
  • Fresh herbs (or other seasonings): Rosemary is my go-to for added flavor, but you can use so many things to flavor your confit. Thyme, oregano, bay leaves, or even chili flakes all make fantastic additions.

… and youll have everything you need to make buttery soft, spreadable garlic cloves. Thats all it takes.


The garlic confit will last up to two weeks, refrigerated in an air-tight container.

If youd like to save it for longer, you can freeze the garlic confit for up to 2 months. This works especially well if you portion out the oil and garlic into an ice cube tray so you can take out a few tablespoons worth and use it to cook with whenever needed. Keep in mind that the oil will not fully solidify though, so try to keep it covered or in a spot where it wont tip over and spill.

How long will roasted garlic in olive oil last?

How long does roasted garlic last?

Be sure to keep the cloves inside the protective outer peel. You should be able to fit quite a few heads of garlic into one plastic bag. These should last for up to three days in your fridge before going bad. Roasted garlic that has gone bad may become brown, mushy, or smell rotten.

Is cooked garlic good for you?

Cooked garlic has the same health benefits as raw garlic, such as reducing high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, promotes cancer prevention, has antibiotic properties and prevents Alzheimer’s and dementia.

How long do roasted garlic cloves last?

Put the roasted garlic cloves in an air-tight container and pour enough olive oil over the top to completely cover all of the cloves. Pop the lid on and put the container in the refrigerator. These roasted cloves should stay good for about one week in the fridge. Avoid leaving oil-covered garlic out at room temperature.

How long does roasted garlic vinegar last?

Roasted garlic vinegar: Add 6-8 cloves of roasted garlic to equal parts vinegar and water, leave together in the fridge overnight for flavors to infuse. The vinegar will be ready to use the following day and the cloves can remain in the vinegar as long as they are fully submerged. Store roasted garlic vinegar in the fridge for 6 months.

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