how long does it take to soften green beans

Wondering how to cook fresh green beans so they actually taste nice? Try these tips and tricks for the perfect side dish every time!

If you would have asked me a few years ago what I think of green beans, I would probably have answered with a shrug of my shoulders. You mean those tasteless frozen things that always seem to turn out either stringy and squeaky OR limp and brown? Meh.

We actually grew green beans in the garden this summer (ADORE being connected to my food, but it is a labor of love!) and over the many batches I roasted and cooked, I figured out the best formula to make them taste nice (I mean, without drowning them in condensed soup of something – WHO DOES THAT to lovely green beans??!!)

If you’re wondering how long to boil green beans to make them soft, they’ll boil for closer to 5 minutes. If you like very soft beans, keep checking every minute to test the texture to ensure that you don’t end up with soggy beans.
how long does it take to soften green beans

Cook them while fresh

There is nothing worse than old green beans. If they’re already limp when you take them out of the fridge, you already lost the game.

When you buy green beans, plan to use them soon-ish. They should be firm, brightly green and without brown flecks.

You need to trim the beans – unless you like eating the stems, that is.

BUT. Be careful when trimming:

  • Trim as little as you can, otherwise the beans will soak up too much water during cooking
  • Forget the knife! Use kitchen shears for quick and precise cutting.
  • Decide if you want to trim just the stems or both sides – they actually look quite pretty with their little tail attached!

Cook the beans until just done

You want to cook the beans in plenty of seasoned boiling water just until they’re done.

How do you know they’re done? Well, depending on the size and thickness of your beans, it will take anywhere from 5-10 minutes for them to cook.

Start checking after 5 minutes – the second they stop feeling squeaky between your teeth (yes – it’s a thing!), are tender yet still crisp: Drain them and rinse them under cold water. That way you’ll stop the cooking process ASAP.

ALTERNATIVELY, steam them in a steamer basket for 4-5 minutes and then come over to kick my butt – because I have one of those baskets. Still in its original package. Oops.

Then you’ll want to add some of the nice stuff to the pan – a bit of olive oil, some chopped onion and garlic are always nice.

If you’re feeling adventurous, some chopped ginger (LOVE!), chili or even a spoonful of curry paste are pretty nice twists.

Sauté your aromatics until tender, then add the green beans. Sauté just until they’re heated.

How to Cook Green Beans Like a Pro


How do you soften green beans?

Fill a medium saucepan two-thirds full with water, add a tablespoon of kosher salt and bring to a boil over high heat. When the water reaches a rolling boil, add the green beans and stir gently until the water returns to a boil. Cook until just tender but not mushy, about 4 to 4 ½ minutes.

Why are my green beans tough after cooking?

If your green beans are tough after roasting it most likely means one of two things. Either the green beans you used were a bit too mature and tough (this method is best with slender green beans, especially haricots verts, or French green beans) or you didn’t cook them long enough.

How long do green beans need to be cooked?

Once the water is boiling, add enough salt to it so that it tastes like the ocean, which is a tip one of my old chefs gave me. You add a lot of salt to the water to help keep the color of the beans and season them. Next, add the trimmed fresh green beans and boil them for 4 to 6 minutes.

Why are my green beans not tender?

If you don’t think your beans are old, then perhaps your water is the problem. Beans cooked in hard water will never soften properly. If this might be your case, try cooking them in distilled water instead. That should help.

How long do you cook soft green beans?

The cooking time for green beans depends on the method you choose and your desired level of tenderness. Generally, boiling green beans for 5-8 minutes, steaming them for 8-10 minutes, blanching them for 3-4 minutes, or stir-frying them for 5-6 minutes should yield soft and tender results. How can I add flavor to soft green beans?

Can you freeze refried beans?

Freezing refried beans is a simple and practical solution for dealing with leftovers. You can reheat them on the stove or in the microwave.

How do you make green beans soft?

There are several cooking methods you can use to achieve soft green beans. Boiling, steaming, blanching, or stir-frying are all popular options. Each method offers a slightly different texture and flavor, so choose the one that suits your preference. How long should I cook green beans to make them soft?

How to cook fresh green beans?

Here’s the long and short of it, Put a little oil in the bottom. Set the heat on medium. Cut the ends off of the green beans and wash them. Put them in the pan. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and then cook them until they are as done as you like. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO SAUTE FRESH GREEN BEANS?

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