how long does it take to cook yam

What is yam and how do you cook it? Firstly, can I burst your bubbles and break it to you that yam is a Vegetable… Well, a tuberous root vegetable!! More, importantly, yam should not be confused with sweet potatoes. They are not the same thing.

In todays post, I would be showing you how to cook African yam perfectly at all times and other recipes you can use it with. It is quick and easy to make, delicious and healthy when eaten in moderation.

According to Wikipedia, yam is a common name for plant species in the genus “Dioscorea” that form edible tubers. Yam is also often referred to as potatoes in some other part of the world. In Africa, water yam and puna as called yam. Sweet potatoes are often referred to as yam but they are not the same thing. In fact, when you do a quick search on google for yam recipes, you will be bombarded with sweet potato recipes.

Yam (Puna) is very popular in Nigeria and other parts of Africa. Do you know Nigeria produces over 70% of the yam consumed in the world? You can have boiled yam on your table in under 30 minutes. Yam is a blank canvas, it requires few ingredients to make it and it is very easy to cook too.

Some of the Nigerian Popular yam recipes include the almighty pounded yam also called Iyan. Egusi soup is a perfect accompaniment for pounded yam (Iyan) and it is often served at Nigerian parties too. Don’t add salt to yam if it is meant to be eaten as pounded yam.

Related post: learn how to preserve yam for long by freezing it for up to a year or longer.

Boiled yam is another popular way to cook and eat yam. It is very quick to make too. You only need salt in boiled yam but some people also add sugar. I do this sometimes too. Boiled yam can be eaten with Egg Sauce, Corned beef stew, Egg stew, Ata dindin (fried stew), Garden egg stew or the good old tried and trusted omelette.

Fill the pot with just enough salted water to cover the yams. Bring to a boil and cook, covered, for 20 to 25 minutes, or until tender. If you can pierce the flesh with a fork or knife, they’re ready.
how long does it take to cook yam

How to peel yam

Cut the yam tuber into 1-inch sizes round slices

Depending on the circumference of the yam, you may want to cut into halves for easier cooking. It fits better in the pan when done this way.

Using a sharp knife, slice into one side of the yam one at a time about 3 cm deep and peel around the circumference

Add sliced yam to a bowl and cover with cold water, this helps it from discolouration.

How to cook yam

Rinse yam clean thoroughly and place in a large saucepan

Add enough water to cover the yam and add salt

Place on medium heat and cook till yam is soft. Yam is cooked if a fork goes through it easily.

Drain the yam (do this to avoid soggy yam) and serve immediately.

how long does it take to cook yam

how long does it take to cook yam

How To Boil yam | Best Method ever


Is it good to boil yam?

Yam is consumed in various forms, including products prepared from raw tubers (pounded, boiled, fried or stewed) and processed in dried flour (yam chips). Boiled yam is considered an important food product that can be consumed at all meals and as a snack.

Which cooks faster yam or sweet potato?

Their tender leaves are a good cooked vegetable, too. Sweet potatoes cook more quickly than yams, are moister, and they taste distinctly sweet.

How long does it take for a sweet potato to cook?

A good rule of thumb for whole baked sweet potatoes: 45 minutes to 1 hour at 400 degrees F; 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes at 350 degrees F; 1 and 1/2 hours at 325 degrees F. You’ll know the sweet potatoes are done by piercing the center of the sweet potato with the tip of a sharp knife; the flesh should yield easily.

How do you cook a yam?

Cut the yams in half lengthwise and scoop out the flesh using a spoon or fork. Place the yam flesh in a bowl and mash it using a potato masher or fork until smooth. Add your preferred seasonings, such as butter, salt, or nutmeg, to enhance the flavor. Serve warm as a side dish or as a base for other yam recipes.

Is yam good for losing weight?

Yam can be a great root vegetable to eat if you are trying to lose weight. Although it is high in carbohydrates, it has a low glycemic index, so the sugar from the yam will be released slowly in your body. This is good because it gives you sustained energy and will keep you fuller for longer. If you want to lose weight these are great properties for a food to have. Remember that weight loss depends on consuming fewer calories than your body burns in a day.

How long do you bake yams?

You will need to bake yams in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 1 hour to get a tender and delicious result. At the end of the baking session, you can expect a naturally sweet and tender yam with a lightly crisped and salted exterior. You want your fork to easily be able to pierce through the skin and scoop out the middle.

How long do you boil yams?

Bring the water to a boil, cover the saucepan and allow the yams to continue a gentle boil for about 20 to 30 minutes. The yams are done when you can pierce them easily with a knife. Avoid overcooking the yams, because they’ll spend time cooking in the oven. Remove the yams from the heat and drain them in a colander.

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