how long does it take to cook popcorn in the oven

The typical ways to make popcorn are on the stove top or in the microwave. Making stove top popcorn or cooking it in the microwave both provide the fast burst of heat that popcorn needs to pop.

The oven is not the ideal tool for making popcorn. The kernels could dry out, or your popcorn could burn.

You can make popcorn without a microwave, but trying to make popcorn in the oven isnt a good idea.

Place the baking sheet in the oven and cook according to the package instructions, usually around 2-4 minutes. Do I need to cover the popcorn while cooking in the oven? No, you do not need to cover the popcorn while cooking in the oven. Unlike microwave cooking, the popcorn needs direct heat to pop and brown properly.
how long does it take to cook popcorn in the oven

The Role of Moisture

A specific level of moisture is essential in popping corn. The optimal moisture content of popcorn is 13.5 percent, according to the Popcorn Board. Commercial popcorn makers use ovens to dry the moisture content of corn at the time of picking — which is typically 20 to 25 percent — to the ideal moisture content.

They then vacuum seal the popcorn into jars or seal it in airtight bags to keep the moisture content from changing before the popcorn is popped.

I eat almost no processed snacks at this point, so popcorn is my go-to when I am craving something crunchy and salty. I usually sprinkle some Parmesan cheese on it. Lately though, here in Buffalo in the middle of waves of polar vortex weather, I’ve been dissatisfied with my bowl of popcorn. First of all, it gets cold really fast. Secondly, the cheese is not really sticking to the popcorn. One day I decided to stick the whole bowl in the oven to warm it up. Something magical happened. Actually several magical things happened:

1) the popcorn got really hot and stayed that way since the bowl was warmed also

I was sold. My theory is that when you make popcorn in a paper bag in the microwave, the bag holds the heat in, but also holds in the moisture. When you heat the popcorn in the oven, it crisps it by removing that moisture. And you cannot beat having the cheese get crunchy and stuck to the kernels. I am trying really hard to not just eat this for lunch every day, and I am failing miserably.

I have an unhealthy relationship with popcorn. It all goes back to my childhood. We used to make popcorn on the stove and fill huge glass Pyrex bowls with it – one bowl per person. I remember sleeping at a friend’s house when I was in third grade. Her mom made popcorn. One bowl. For the whole family. I was deeply puzzled by this. We’re the family that goes back for the free refill on the large popcorn at the movie theater. We’ve also been known to bring a bag along so all of us can share the large.

Following you will find my recipe for crispy baked Parmesan popcorn, but first here are some other popcorn flavors that are favorites in my house and which are amped up by some time in the oven as well:

How To Make: Microwave Popcorn without a Microwave | on the stove


Why is my popcorn not popping in the oven?

Most likely it’s the moisture level. Old popcorn tends to try out. One thing you might try is to soak the popcorn kernels in water for several hours or overnight. If they still don’t pop and you know your heat source is good, throw them away and buy new.

How do you crisp popcorn in the oven?

Resist the urge to toss out that bag of stale popcorn. If you’re looking to breathe new life into the snack, spread it on a baking sheet and heat in the oven at 250°F for about five minutes. It should be as good as new!

Can I make a bag of popcorn on stove or oven?

What is the best way to pop popcorn packaged for a microwave on the stove? Open the bag and pour the kernels into a pan. Pour a tablespoon or so of vegetable oil into the pan and cover. Turn on the burner to medium high or high and cook, removing the band from heat when the popping stops.

What temperature do you cook popcorn at?

Allow pan to warm. The best popping temperature is between 400 and 460 degrees F. Oil burns at 500 degrees.

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