how long does it take to cook a luau pig

I’ve always been a huge fan of natural methods of cooking using heat and utensils all found in nature.

In Polynesia, one of the traditional methods of cooking is in a hot-rock earth oven, using only natural cooking utensils found on the islands to prepare delicious feasts.

My wife and I were invited to the Polynesian Cultural Center for the luau, and not only did we get to enjoy the feast, but we were able to see them cook a pig in a Hawaiian imu as well.

An imu is a Hawaiian traditional underground oven dug into the ground, and used to cook any variety of meat or seafood.

Throughout Polynesia, in countries like Samoa and Fiji, the underground-hot-rock cooking method is also used, though it’s prepared slightly different between each island, and is named differently.

River rocks are heated by burning wood, and once the rocks are hot, the burning wood is removed, and the meat is placed on top of the burning hot rocks. The meat is then covered by layers of banana leaves to hold in the steam and smoke, and the meat slow cooks for hours within the ground, seared by the hot rocks.

Now let’s go into a bit more details about how to cook a pig in an imu…

At the imu luau location at the Polynesian Cultural Center we met up with David, who kindly showed us how to set up an imu, and explained the importance of it in the Polynesian food culture.

This particular imu, David explained, is sort of a combination of a Hawaiian and Samoan style.

In Hawaii, typically an imu is dug a little deeper into the ground, whereas in Samoa it’s often mostly above ground, but cooked and prepared in a very similar fashion.

The first step in setting up an imu is to lay down a base of wood, and he used a type of ironwood, for its density and ability to burn and flame hot.

The river rocks were all piled on top of the base of wood, in the shape of a pyramid, ready to be lit.

Using a piece of cardboard, they lit the wood from the bottom, burning the wood in order to heat the rocks. Soon, the wood was blazing on fire, and the rocks were patiently sitting in the flames.

It took about 2 hours to heat the imu, so during that time, we walked around the Polynesian Cultural Center, and enjoyed the peace and quietness of the beautifully maintained gardens and villages.

2 hours later, we returned to the luau site, and the imu was heated to perfection and ready to begin cooking the pig.

The first thing they did was remove all the wood and burnt charcoal from the ironwood, which was still smoldering and smoking.

As opposed to grilling, in an imu the wood and coals are only used to heat the rocks, not to cook any food.

After removing all the wood and charcoal that had formed, all that was left was the pile of rocks, which by this time were white hot, and almost looked like a mini volcano.

They spread out the rocks, just to make them more even, and to provide a flatter surface for the pig.

On top of the hot rocks, they shredded down a banana trunk, tore it into fibrous strips, and placed that immediately over the hot rocks to the sound of a hiss. This I’m sure toned down the hot rocks a bit, so the meat would not make direct contact and burn.

On top of the banana stump went a grill grate, and then the pig was laid on its hot rock bed.

The pig was seasoned with little more than some Hawaiian salt, and there was an onion sliced and sprinkled on top. Other than that, there was very little other seasoning.

Using natural tongs, giant chopsticks of folded over pieces of the banana trunk, they added a couple of the hot rocks onto the top the pig, just for a little bit of top heat.

Banana leaves are one of my favorite kitchen utensils, in Thailand they are frequently used to wrap food for cooking, in India they are often used as plates, and in Polynesia, among many other uses, they are used to cover an earth oven.

For an imu, you don’t need to just cook pig, you could cook any kind of meat in an imu – fish, mango raised mutton, turkey, anything you like.

Using an entire pile of leaves, they probably added about 20 layers or so, arranging them in a criss-cross system, making sure to fully cover the pig and the hot rocks below, and to make sure there weren’t any openings where too much smoke or steam could escape.

Finally, on went a layer of moist gunny sack, to keep the imu hydrated and preserve more of the steam and smoke.

Sometimes in Hawaii, or throughout Polynesia, they also use a tarp or just a piece of plastic to cover the very top of the imu to protect it from rain and to seal in the moisture of the oven.

Depending on what you’re cooking, and how big the meat is, will determine how long it will take to cook in an imu, but typically the meat is big, and usually an animal is whole, and slow cooked for hours.

With our spare time, as we waited for the evening luau, we spent the afternoon walking around the Polynesian Cultural Center and made our way from village to village eating different Polynesian foods and snacks along the way.

The luau at the Polynesian Cultural Center started at 4:45 pm, and the first part of the ceremony was to remove the pig from the imu.

As soon as they took off the layers of banana leaves, I could immediately smell the aroma of the smoky pig.

The pig was carried on a tray to the back of the restaurant in order to be carved up and devoured.

I made sure to go straight to the pig, without passing the buffet line first – and if you go to the luau, you’ll probably want to head straight to the pig as well, because it goes fast.

I could actually see smoke pouring out of the nose of the pig, it was falling off the bone tender, and the skin was golden blackened on the outside, with juicy succulent meat on the inside.

One of the most famous Hawaiian foods is kalua pig, pork that’s cooked in an imu.

I managed to get one of the pig cheeks, which was an incredibly delicious honor to receive.

The pig cheek, though quite fatty and greasy, was extraordinary good. The meat underneath was creamy and juicy, and the skin on the outside was crispy, lightly salted, and packed with flavor.

The plate of kalua pork butt was also very good, much leaner, but still extremely tender, and full of smokiness.

Both versions were good, but the pig cheek was the clear winner. But no matter what piece of the kalua pig you get, it’s going to taste incredible.

Throughout the evening luau, there was entertainment, including singing and dancing, and performances from around Polynesia.

Some of the main dishes included shoyu chicken, teriyaki beef, more kalua pig (not cooked in the imu), poi rolls, and some samples of other Hawaiian foods like poke and lomi salmon.

Overall, the food at the buffet was alright, not spectacular, but decent – it was a buffet catering to lots of people.

But for myself, it was really all about the kalua pig, cooked in the imu, that was the highlight of the luau for me!

When I was in Hawaii, I was invited to the Polynesian Cultural Center to learn about how to prepare and cook a pig in an imu, and then to attend the evening luau to eat the pig.

Along with eating the pig itself, what I enjoyed most about watching and learning how to cook in an imu, was the natural process of cooking, using rocks and leaves all found within nature right on the island.

The earth oven takes hours to heat, and hours to slow cook, and so it’s a leisure, social type of cooking and communal style of eating in Polynesia, and that’s something I really loved.

*I was invited to eat at the Polynesian Cultural Center luau, but as always, all opinions throughout this blog, thoughts, photos, and videos, are my own.

how long does it take to cook a luau pig

The completed underground oven is called an imu. If you attend a luau in Hawaii today, chances are youll have the opportunity to see an imu, where your evenings kalua pig is being cooked. Most luaus have what is called an “imu ceremony” where they open the imu and remove the cooked pig. For most, its one of the highlights of the evening.

Early in the morning Polynesian men traditionally dig a round pit, called a luau, about 2 to 4 feet deep with sloping sides. Kindling material is placed at the bottom of the pit and then stones are placed on top of the wood. The kindling is lit and the stones are allowed to heat. Usually within 2 to 3 hours the stones are ready for cooking.

The good news is that even if you dont have an imu, you can still make Hawaiian kalua pig at home from pork butt purchased at your local supermarket,

Kalua pig, or kalua Puaa in Hawaiian, is the central main dish and featured element at almost every Hawaiian luau. At a traditional Hawaiian luau, cooking the pig is no easy task.

As described by Dino Labiste in her excellent feature called Imu—Hawaiian Underground Oven, “When the heated stones are ready, it is time to layer the imu with green vegetation, food, covering material, and dirt.”

Using a piece of cardboard, they lit the wood from the bottom, burning the wood in order to heat the rocks. Soon, the wood was blazing on fire, and the rocks were patiently sitting in the flames.

Using natural tongs, giant chopsticks of folded over pieces of the banana trunk, they added a couple of the hot rocks onto the top the pig, just for a little bit of top heat.

Overall, the food at the buffet was alright, not spectacular, but decent – it was a buffet catering to lots of people.

Both versions were good, but the pig cheek was the clear winner. But no matter what piece of the kalua pig you get, it’s going to taste incredible.

The first thing they did was remove all the wood and burnt charcoal from the ironwood, which was still smoldering and smoking.

Polynesian Cultural Center Luau: How to Cook a Pig in an Imu

How do you cook a pig at a Hawaiian luau?

At a traditional Hawaiian luau, cooking the pig is no easy task. Early in the morning Polynesian men traditionally dig a round pit, called a luau, about 2 to 4 feet deep with sloping sides. Kindling material is placed at the bottom of the pit and then stones are placed on top of the wood. The kindling is lit and the stones are allowed to heat.

How do you eat a luau pig?

Haul it out onto a table, cut open the basket, peel the leaves away and carve away at the pig. Prepare to eat pork for every meal for the next 6 months. Luau Pig – Hawaiian Style (In the Ground With Hot Rocks): Luau pig is a lot of *VERY HARD* work, but that is the price of becoming a living god.

How do you make Hawaiian kalua pig?

The roasted pig is then taken and shredded for serving to those attending the luau. The good news is that even if you don’t have an imu, you can still make Hawaiian kalua pig at home from pork butt purchased at your local supermarket, Trim any excess fat from the roast. Make several shallow long cuts along the roast or pierce liberally with a fork.

How do you cook a pig with banana leaves?

Time to prep the pig. Place the chicken wire down on your table all spread out, place a nice double layer of Banana Leaves on top of it, then set the pig down on top of that on it’s back. Coat the pig with a layer of soy sauce, brandy and about 5 lbs of Rock Salt. Line the inside of the pig with banana leaves.

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