Come and see for yourself There are no other schools that can surpass our level of excellence!
ONLY SCHOOL IN NJ that offers 40 hours bartending classes
100% Hands-on guaranteed, no taking turns, switching nor rotating.
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Fruit Cutting Seminar (FREE)
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Parking lot in a safe convenient location (FREE)
Job placement with 90% success rating
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Finance with $0.00 down and no interest
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Local businesses Perks
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Clases 100% en español
Unlimited Online Bartending Classes
Unlimited Online Seminars
So You Want To Be A Bartender
What is the minimum age for bartending in New Jersey?
The lowest age requirement is 18, and the maximum age requirement is 21. The variations of age requirements depend on each state or country. Get the necessary information for getting a license in bartending in New Jersey. How to Choose the Best Bartending schools in New Jersey NJ?
Is a bartending school in NJ necessary?
If you are going to work in run-of-the-mill bars and dive bars going to a bartending school in NJ unnecessary, but you still need to skills of a bartender. On the other hand, if you’re going to work in cocktail bars, high-end restaurants, and classy bars, then a bartending school in New Jersey, NJ may be necessary.
Do I need a bartender license?
We will always, always strongly recommend you have a bartender license. A bartending license becomes mandatory in a state when that state’s legislature passes a law requiring alcohol seller-server licensing. The same may be true at the county or city level as well when a local government passes an alcohol seller-server ordinance.
Do bartenders need a bar card in New Jersey?
So while there are no state-wide requirements for bartenders, the New Jersey Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) gives local municipalities the power to authorize their own regulations around businesses licensed to sell alcohol. These local municipalities may or may not require bartenders to obtain Bar Cards.