How Long Does it Take to Thaw Frozen Brownies?

Frozen brownies are a convenient way to enjoy your favorite dessert without having to bake a whole batch. But how long does it take to thaw frozen brownies? The answer depends on the method you use.

Thawing Frozen Brownies in the Fridge

The best way to thaw frozen brownies is to let them thaw overnight, or at least four to six hours, in the fridge. This method is the slowest, but it will help to preserve the texture of the brownies.

Thawing Frozen Brownies in the Microwave

If you’re short on time, you can thaw frozen brownies in the microwave. Place the brownies on a microwave-safe plate and microwave them in 15-second intervals until they are thawed. Be careful not to overcook the brownies, or they will become dry and crumbly.

Thawing Frozen Brownies in the Oven

You can also thaw frozen brownies in the oven. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and place the brownies on a baking sheet. Bake the brownies for 5-7 minutes, or until they are thawed.

Tips for Thawing Frozen Brownies

  • For best results, thaw frozen brownies overnight in the fridge.
  • If you’re short on time, you can thaw frozen brownies in the microwave or oven.
  • Be careful not to overcook the brownies, or they will become dry and crumbly.
  • Once the brownies are thawed, you can enjoy them as is or warm them up in the microwave or oven.


How long does it take to thaw frozen brownies at room temperature?

It takes about 2-3 hours to thaw frozen brownies at room temperature.

Can you thaw frozen brownies in the freezer?

No, you cannot thaw frozen brownies in the freezer. The freezer will only make the brownies colder and harder.

How do you know when frozen brownies are thawed?

Frozen brownies are thawed when they are soft and pliable. You can check the brownies by gently pressing on them. If they are still hard, they need to thaw for longer.

What is the best way to reheat frozen brownies?

The best way to reheat frozen brownies is in the oven. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and place the brownies on a baking sheet. Bake the brownies for 5-7 minutes, or until they are warmed through.

4 Easy And Effective Ways On How To Defrost Brownies Quickly


Can you cook brownies from frozen?

Yes! Brownies can be frozen for three months and returned to their original fresh-from-the-oven state without an issue. While freezing brownies is simple, some types thaw better than others.

How long do brownies last after defrosting?

Brownies will last 3 to 4 days in an airtight container at room temperature and up to a week in the refrigerator. Brownies will last up to 3 months in the freezer, but if they stay frozen for a prolonged period of time, their taste and quality will begin to deteriorate.

How long do brownies last at room temperature?

Brownies can be kept at room temperature for up to five days for most brownie types. A cheesecake swirl or frosting or a ganache frosting should not be kept at room temperature. Store brownies in the fridge if they contain add-ins that are normally refrigerated.

How long does it take to thaw Brownies?

Once removed from the freezer, brownies will need approximately 3 to 4 hours to thaw completely. After thawing, you can get ready to eat your brownies by heating them in the microwave. Properly thawed brownies should take around 30 seconds on half power. If you’ve thawed a big batch of brownies, consider heating them in the oven.

Can you freeze Brownies after making them?

Aim to freeze any uneaten brownies two to three days after making them. To freeze brownies, cut the remaining portion into squares, wrap individually, and then freeze. This method means a single-serving brownie is available when you want it—or roughly 30 minutes after you take it out of the freezer and give it a chance to thaw.

How long does it take to defrost a Brownie?

It does take at least 4-6 hours. But, the slow defrosting allows the texture of the brownie to stay intact best. If thawing at room temperature, depending on how hot it is, it can take anywhere between 1-3 hours. When using the microwave, naturally, you will have a completely defrosted brownie in less than 5 minutes.

Can You reheat thawed Brownies?

If you thawed your brownies in the fridge or at room temperature, you can still reheat them to get that delicious chocolatey and gooey texture. For this, we highly recommend using the oven instead of the microwave. Again, you can place the brownies n a lined baking sheet. Then, reheat them at 320°F (160°C).

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