how long does it take for fresh green beans to get tender

Wondering how to cook fresh green beans so they actually taste nice? Try these tips and tricks for the perfect side dish every time!

If you would have asked me a few years ago what I think of green beans, I would probably have answered with a shrug of my shoulders. You mean those tasteless frozen things that always seem to turn out either stringy and squeaky OR limp and brown? Meh.

We actually grew green beans in the garden this summer (ADORE being connected to my food, but it is a labor of love!) and over the many batches I roasted and cooked, I figured out the best formula to make them taste nice (I mean, without drowning them in condensed soup of something – WHO DOES THAT to lovely green beans??!!)

When the water reaches a rolling boil, add the green beans and stir gently until the water returns to a boil. Cook until just tender but not mushy, about 4 to 4 ½ minutes.
how long does it take for fresh green beans to get tender

Cook them while fresh

There is nothing worse than old green beans. If they’re already limp when you take them out of the fridge, you already lost the game.

When you buy green beans, plan to use them soon-ish. They should be firm, brightly green and without brown flecks.

You need to trim the beans – unless you like eating the stems, that is.

BUT. Be careful when trimming:

  • Trim as little as you can, otherwise the beans will soak up too much water during cooking
  • Forget the knife! Use kitchen shears for quick and precise cutting.
  • Decide if you want to trim just the stems or both sides – they actually look quite pretty with their little tail attached!

How To Cook Fresh Green Beans

how long does it take for fresh green beans to get tender

Fresh Green Beans | Perfectly Seasoned | Southern Style


How long does it take green beans to get tender?

Add green beans, cover and simmer, stirring occasionally, until very tender, about 20 minutes. With a slotted spoon, transfer the green beans to a serving dish.

Why are my green beans not tender?

If you don’t think your beans are old, then perhaps your water is the problem. Beans cooked in hard water will never soften properly. If this might be your case, try cooking them in distilled water instead. That should help.

Why are my fresh green beans tough?

When the seeds inside the pod are too large and mature, the bean pod becomes tough and stringy and is not as palatable. The mature bean inside the pod of a green bean can be shelled and used fresh like fava, butter, or broad beans, but the flavor will likely be inferior.

How do you keep green beans tender?

Add the green beans to the boiling water and set a timer for 2 minutes. The cook time will depend on the size of your green beans. When the timer goes off, use a pair of tongs to remove a bean and taste for a crisp-tender (not mushy) texture. If it’s too firm, keep cooking for another minute, then check again.

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