how long does absinthe stay good for

These days, absinthe is making a comeback and attracting new drinkers and enthusiasts alike! It gives you a chance to experience the past as seen by people like Oscar Wilde, Vincent Van Gogh, and Ernest Hemingway.

With this much history and such a massive resurgence in popularity, many people are wondering how to properly store absinthe.

This article will give you tips on what type of glassware to use, where to store your bottle so it doesn’t get ruined by light or heat, and more!

Absinthe should be stored in a cool, dry place at a temperature of around 55ºF. It should also stay away from direct sunlight, especially the Verte variety, as the color can fade into an unappetizing brown. If stored correctly, unopened absinthe can last decades as it ages inside the bottle.
how long does absinthe stay good for

Keep Your Bottles of Absinthe Out of Direct Sunlight

Another common mistake while storing absinthe is keeping it out in the sunlight.

It’s important that you always keep your bottles of absinthe away from direct sun as this can cause them to change color, lose flavor and quality, and even affect its alcohol content. Because absinthe’s flavor is derived from aromatic plants like wormwood, anise, and fennel, sunlight can wreak havoc on your absinthe’s flavor quality.

If your absinthe is a verte, its green color comes from chlorophyll in the botanicals used to make it. Direct light speeds up the rate that the color fades just like you would see with leaves.

Keep your favorite bottle of drinkable art hidden from the light by storing it on a shelf or cabinet with other alcoholic beverages so they’re less likely to be affected by any harmful UV rays!

Brown and green bottles are helpful at blocking UV rays from damaging the aromatic compounds in absinthe.

A high-quality absinthe is sure to be expensive, so it’s worth taking the time to make a storage area that will protect your investment for years to come.

Be Mindful of Temperature Changes

And don’t forget about temperature: make sure your storage area is between 55°-75°F (ideal humidity level) for best results or else there will be an increased risk for mold growth over time which could ruin everything you’ve worked hard to create.

Do not store in direct sunlight or anywhere with temperature fluctuations (this includes your kitchen!)

Your product deserves the same care and attention you put into creating it!

What is Absinthe? | Everything You Need To Know


Does absinthe expire?

Unopened absinthe can last indefinitely due to its high alcohol content which acts as a preservative. Once opened, a bottle of absinthe can remain good for up to 3 to 5 years if stored properly in a cool, dark place.

How long is Absinth good for?

How Long Will an Opened Absinthe Bottle Keep? Absinthe is very stable for its high alcohol levels and refined production method, so an opened bottle will not only keep for years in the right environment; it will continue to age and develop.

Do you have to refrigerate absinthe after opening?

No, absinthe should not be refrigerated. If you refrigerate absinthe some of the compounds within it can start to crystallize under 68°F. That can affect the overall flavor and composition of the spirit. Since absinthe is chilled with ice water or ice in different drinks, there is no need to refrigerate it.

Do you age absinthe?

Barrel aging is a crucial part of the production process for many spirits, including whiskey, rum, brandy, gin and as well Absinthe. By aging in oak barrels, spirits gain complex flavors and aromas that cannot be achieved through any other method.

How long do absinthes last?

Although it may seem a bit counterintuitive, don’t worry about (properly) storing your absinthe for months or even years on end. Some high-quality absinthes age quite well, in fact, which means you’ll have something to look forward to when you’re celebrating becoming an expert home bartender, or some other, less exciting occasion.

Can my abscess go away on its own?

No, abscess cannot go away on its own and can spread to other parts of the body leading to infection. Hence it is important to take help from a registered medical practitioner.

How do you store absinthe?

They are as follows: 1. Store your absinthe in a glass bottle, right side up, away from direct sunlight. Make sure that the temperature around the absinthe doesn’t exceed about 85 degrees Fahrenheit — especially for green absinthe — as any temperature higher than that will likely damage the chlorophyll in the absinthe. 2.

Do absinthes age well?

Some high-quality absinthes age quite well, in fact, which means you’ll have something to look forward to when you’re celebrating becoming an expert home bartender, or some other, less exciting occasion. Ideal conditions for storing your absinthe.

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