how long do you keep french fries in the deep fryer

Here’s the deal: there is ONE correct way to make fries. You have to deep fry them. Twice. And before that, you have to soak them in ice water. For hours. I know! It’s ridiculous.

Yes, it’s worth the trouble. And for a mere couple dollars worth of potatoes, you’ll have a pile of golden brown, crispy fries. Waistline, beware.

Heat oil in a deep-fryer to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Cook potatoes in hot oil until golden, 5 to 6 minutes. Drain on paper towels and season with salt.
how long do you keep french fries in the deep fryer

how to cut potatoes for fries

how long do you keep french fries in the deep fryer

Make sure your potatoes are scrubbed very clean. We will be eating the outside of them.

Then we cut just cut them into French fry shapes. First, cut the ends off so the two short sides are flat. Cut them into 1/4 inch slices, then strips. This takes a few minutes of work, but it’s not hard.

But there’s another way to do this too!

❤️ Why you’ll love this recipe

  • The one true method. Of all the things that should be easy but are actually hard, fries are number one. And hard isn’t exactly the right word, either. The issue is this: there is ONE correct way to make fries. You have deep fry them. Twice. And before that, you have to soak them in ice water. For hours. I know! It’s totally ridiculous. But if you can just accept that, life will be easier.
  • Super frugal. A bag of frozen fries will cost over three dollars at the store. A few russet potatoes? Under a dollar.
  • The perfect side for any other deep-fried food. If you have your deep fryer filled and hot, throwing fries in there is no big deal.

This is an overview of the ingredients. You’ll find the full measurements and instructions in the printable recipe at the bottom of the page.

how long do you keep french fries in the deep fryer

You’ll need the following for this recipeL

How to Cook French Fries in a Deep Fryer


How long does it take for French fries to cook in a deep fryer?

Heat oil in deep-fryer to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Add potatoes, and cook until golden, 5 to 6 minutes. drain on paper towels. Season with salt to taste.

How do you know when fries are done in deep fryer?

How do you know when French fries are done frying? Color and floppiness. The color goes from pale yellow to golden brown and the floppiness reduces until the fries become crunchy. Take them out when they’re the color and crunchiness you like.

How long do I deep fry frozen french fries?

As a general guideline, it usually takes around 3-5 minutes to fry frozen fries until golden and crispy. However, it’s always best to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer on the packaging for more precise cooking times.

How do you keep french fries crispy after deep frying?

Just place them on a cooling rack set over a baking sheet. In much the same way, putting fried food on a cooling rack means the excess oil will drip off, but there’s enough air circulating underneath the food that the bottoms don’t get soggy.

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