how long do cuties last in fridge

Here’s everything you need to know about the shelf life and storage of clementines. Learn how long clementines last, how to store them, and how to tell if one is spoiled.

Bought a bunch of clementines or a bag of Cuties and wondering how long they are good for?

Or maybe you’re not quite sure if you should refrigerate them or let them sit on the counter?

What’s the best way to store Cuties? To keep Cuties Clementines as sweet and fresh as possible, simply store them in the refrigerator. The cooler temperature will keep them juicy and fresh for two to three weeks.
how long do cuties last in fridge

How to Tell if a Clementine Is Bad?

Throw out clementines that:

  • Are super soft to the touch, shriveled, or oozing water. All three signs mean the fruit has lost lots of water and is pretty bad quality-wise. If other signs of spoilage aren’t present, you could probably eat those without getting sick, but I suggest you discard them anyway. The juice is not worth the squeeze.
  • Are moldy or their peel is severely damaged. Obviously, some minor blemishes or soft spots are okay, and you can cut them off. But if the citrus fruit starts to grow mold, toss it.
  • Smell off. Whole clementines don’t have a strong aroma. If your can easily sense yours, and the smell isn’t fresh, citrusy, and sweetish, discard them. That said, it’s highly uncommon to find a clementine that smells funny (unless it sat near fresh meat that wasn’t wrapped well, obviously).
  • Are peeled and sit in the fridge for more than 4 – 5 days. They might not necessarily be spoiled at that point, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

As with all citrus fruits, water loss is the most common sign of spoilage.

If your clementines have been stored for way too long, they’ll rarely rot, grow mold, or smell funky. In most cases, they’ll be squishy and feel light for their size, that’s all. And that’s when you toss them.

If everything seems okay, peel the clementine and break it into sections or individual segments.

Before you dig in, take a quick look at the peeled clementine and give it a good whiff, just in case. 99 out of 100 times, everything will be okay, but if you notice anything off, trust that instinct and discard the fruit.

How Long Do Clementines Last?

Counter Fridge
Clementines (whole) up to 7 days 2 – 3 weeks
Clementines (peeled, sections) 4 days

Clementines last for up to a week at room temperature and for 2 to 3 weeks in the refrigerator. Once you peel or section them, they keep for 3 to 4 days in an airtight container or freezer bag in the fridge.

As you can tell, those storage times are a bit shorter than the shelf life of oranges and quite similar to how long tangerines last.

If you want to make sure your clementines last as long as possible, choose ones that are relatively firm to the touch (not super soft) and feel heavy for their size. But if you’re looking for something to snack on today or throw in your kid’s lunch box tomorrow, pick ones on the softer side.

(Make sure you don’t buy super soft ones – more on that in the section on spoilage.)

While the 2 to 3 weeks period seems quite long, don’t assume that your clementines will always last that long. Giving them a gentle squeeze between your fingers in the grocery store isn’t enough to calculate precisely how long they’ll be good for.

In other words, every now and then, your clementines might start to soften after only a week in the fridge. Unfortunately, that’s how things are with storing fruits and veggies, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

If you want to use those overripe clementines quickly, juice them. Fresh clementine juice keeps for about four days, just as fresh orange juice does.

Now, to make sure your tangerines keep fresh as long as possible, they need to be properly stored. Let’s cover that.

How long do latkes last in the refrigerator?


How do you know when cuties go bad?

Softness: Once clementines start to go bad, they become soft and mushy. Feel and lightly squeeze your clementines to see if they have soft spots. If you find soft spots, that’s a sign to throw the fruit away. Discoloration: Old clementines can become discolored on their skin.

How can you tell if Cuties oranges are good?

Feel for firmness. Clementines shouldn’t be soft or mushy. The best of the bunch are firm, with a little bit of give.

How do you keep cuties from getting moldy?

In the Refrigerator If you buy citrus in plastic bags, don’t store the fruits in the plastic—transfer them to a mesh bag before putting them in the crisper drawer. “This allows air to circulate and slows down the growth of mold, lesions, or softened rind,” says Gull.

What to do with cuties before they go bad?

If you can’t make all of these lovely clementine recipes before they all go off, then I’d go ahead and zest what’s left, then juice them. Freeze the zest, and the juice, and you’ll be able to make recipes that require orange juice and orange zest for a good long while.

Should Cuties be refrigerated?

Dryness: Refrigeration can dehydrate Cuties, especially if they are stored without a protective cover. This can result in less juicy fruit and affect the overall eating experience. To help you decide whether to refrigerate your treats or store them at room temperature, consider the following factors:

Should kiwi fruit be refrigerated?

You don’t need to refrigerate kiwi if it is the whole fruit, if you cut it then you store the pieces in the refrigerator. One thing to keep in mind is that a kiwi will ripen and then eventually go bad, so if you might not eat your kiwis for a while, refrigerating them can help them keep for longer.

How long do Clementines last in the fridge?

In the refrigerator, clementines should last up to 2 weeks. While some people don’t like the taste of cold clementines, putting them in a relatively cold and dark place like the fridge will help them keep their freshness and keep them out of the way of natural light.

What happens if you eat a cutie at room temperature?

Flavor changes: Cold temperatures can mute the flavor of cuties and affect their natural sweetness. Some people prefer the enhanced flavor of cuties when eaten at room temperature. Dryness: Refrigeration can dehydrate Cuties, especially if they are stored without a protective cover.

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