how long can bacon grease unrefrigerated

Most home chefs know that pouring grease down their sinks’ drains is a big no-no. So what are you supposed to do with the excess grease from meats and oily foods? Discover some creative ideas for how to store and use excess bacon grease here.

Pure bacon fat will stay “safe” indefinitely for frying, regardless whether it’s refrigerated or not; bacteria cannot grow in pure oils, lard, and fats. But keeping bacon fat, and all fat “drippings” from roasting, in the refrigerator ensures it stays firm and at best quality.
how long can bacon grease unrefrigerated

How To Use Extra Bacon Grease

You can use excess bacon grease to fry up almost anything that you cook on the stove. Add a scoop of your preserved bacon grease to the pan when frying eggs, rice, vegetables, hash browns, grilled cheese, burgers, and more to add a savory accent to the meal.

The key to cooking with a great cast-iron skillet is to season it first. Wash your new cast-iron pan, add a scoop of your preserved bacon grease, and carefully rub it into the pan before drying it over the stove on a medium heat. This instills a savory, meaty flavor into your pan for future cooking sessions.

How To Safely Store Bacon Grease

Many home cooks store their extra bacon grease in jars at room temperature, but food safety experts don’t recommend this method if you intend to reuse the grease. The best place to safely store bacon grease is in the refrigerator. Keeping grease in the refrigerator will also help it last longer; you can keep bacon grease in the refrigerator for three to six months and in the freezer indefinitely. Just make sure to strain out any bits of leftover bacon with a coffee filter or mesh strainer before storing the grease.

How to store your bacon grease


Does bacon grease go bad if not refrigerated?

Though previous generations of home chefs kept bacon grease on the counter, experts recommend storing yours in the refrigerator or the freezer. “It’s best to not keep the bacon grease at room temperature because any microparticles of the bacon can cause the grease to go rancid,” says Abbott.

How long can bacon grease sit on the counter?

Although many of us grew up with relatives who stored their bacon grease in a jar or can set on the counter or on the back of the stovetop, food safety experts don’t recommend storing it that way now. Instead, store bacon grease in the refrigerator (up to 3 months) or freezer (indefinitely).

Can you leave bacon grease in a pan overnight?

If you’re unsure about the safety of bacon grease that has been left out overnight, it’s best to err on the side of caution and discard it to avoid the risk of foodborne illness.

How long does bacon last unrefrigerated?

The general rule of food safety is to not let raw meat or cooked food sit out for more than 2 hours, and that rule applies to uncooked or cooked bacon. It’s wise to be careful with uncooked pork products since they can harbor and grow bacterial pathogens like salmonella and trichinosis.

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