how do you thicken pear preserves

This is the very first thing I recall learning to cook at 6 years old in Panama City, Florida. We had two cooking-pear trees that were constantly being raided by squirrels and tiny fruit-bats. So the idea was to get the pears first before the critters did. This can be a sandwich-jam or (as was done at my home) it can be chilled and then served in a bowl at family gatherings as a kind of side dish. Its VERY sweet and delicious. NOTE: This is canning. Hot, sterile jars will be needed, but if you intend to make no more than the amount given then itll probably get eaten pretty quickly.

how do you thicken pear preserves

There is no telling how long it took him to find that card. There was a cabinet in his dinette stocked full of recipe card boxes, 57 years worth of them. I am so very grateful that he took the time and found this one. It is one of the most delicious things I’ve ever made. When I finished making my first batch of these old style preserves, I was amazed by the depth of flavor and consistency. Most importantly, Pawpaw approved! His gentle suggestion and time spent searching for the recipe was rewarded with delicious genuine Old-fashioned Pear Preserves.

For many years I gathered my green “canning pears” at my PawPaw’s (grandfather’s). PawPaw had an old tree growing on his neighbor’s side of the fence that dropped a ton of pears into his back yard. The first year I ever picked pears with PawPaw I had planned on just canning halves. But he had sweeter plans. After we picked a full five-gallon bucket, he said to me: “You know, I don’t have a preserve maker any more…” That is all he had to say. His “preserve maker” was his beautiful late wife and my dearest friend, Mawmaw Edwards. I of course changed my plans of canning pear halves and went home to make preserves instead.

I was new to canning back then and didn’t know the difference between jam and preserves. I just immediately looked through my canning books and internet recipes to find a “pear preserve recipe.” They all read much the same; pears, sugar, bottled lemon juice and a box of pectin. I peeled and cut up pears into “small chunks” as called for, and quickly mixed up a batch of my first “pear preserves”. I was back at my grandfather’s within 48 hours with what I had made. PawPaw was happy to see me and gratefully accepted my jars with a sweet smile. But, what I had made for him was nothing like the genuine pear preserves he had in mind.

kids picking pears with dadMy pear pickers these days are my two sweet boys and their Dad. This year they picked a ridiculous amount of pears from our neighbor’s tree. We canned two very large batches of preserves: one of MawMaw’s classic preserves and one with added spices.

The next week he called to let me know he had picked another bucket of pears for me. I figured he must have picked them so I could get my pear halves put away. But, when I got to PawPaw’s house I found that freshly picked bucket on the front porch with a copy of Mawmaw’s Pear Preserve recipe sitting on top. He didn’t say a word about it. He never spoke unnecessary words.

How To Make southern style pear preserves

  • 1 Peel and core pears; cut the pieces into bite-sized chunks or half that size if you plan on using this more for sandwiches. Discard peel and cores.
  • 2 Place sugar, lemon juice and water in a heavy-bottomed pot at least four times as deep as what fills it; stir well until all sugar has dissolved (important!)
  • 3 Add pears and bring mixture slowly to the very beginnings of a slow, gentle boil, stirring occasionally as it heats. When it begins to boil, drop the heat down to a low simmer and lid the pot.
  • 4 Stir OFTEN, making sure that the preserves do not burn (and they will, given a chance! But dont stir too enthusiastically unless youre wanting this to be more for sandwiches.) Sometimes more water is needed depending on the dryness of the pears; if they seem to be getting too thick and sticky, add a little. It will all cook down.
  • 5 NOTE: Cooking-time given is variable! What youre waiting for is for the pears to turn translucent; they should deepen in color somewhat also, depending on the type of pear used (some become a golden brown, some remain pale.) When theyve become translucent and the liquid with them has thickened to the consistency of thin syrup, remove from heat.
  • 6 Pour the mixture evenly into heated, sterile canning jars; as this is NOT a lesson in canning, I wont go into all the specifics of canning the preserves (please look up elsewhere!) Make sure that some room is left in each jar, as preserves will expand.
  • 7 If serving in proper NW Florida style, keep a jar in the fridge at all times and occasionally serve along with baked chicken, turkey, ham or any other meal with a lot of meat; the cold sweetness is welcome.
  • Last Step: Dont forget to share! Make all your friends drool by posting a picture of your finished recipe on your favorite social network. And dont forget to tag Just A Pinch and include #justapinchrecipes so we can see it too!

Homemade Pear Preserves (NO PECTIN) Tree to Table! | Simple Canning – 2021 Harvest


Why are my pear preserves runny?

If there isn’t enough pectin in the fruit itself and you don’t add extra pectin, the result is runny jelly or jam. Additionally, if the fruit is overripe, its pectin levels are lower. Added pectin comes in a couple of forms.

What to do if pear butter is too runny?

*If your pear butter is too thin, feel free to run the mixture through a strainer to remove extra liquid. Alternately, let the mixture simmer on the stove longer to reduce more.

What is the difference between pear jam and pear preserves?

Jam: A pear jam is made using crushed or mashed pears. Preserves: Pear preserves are used made using chunks of pear.

What kind of pears are best for preserves?

Many varieties of pears are grown in Oregon. Bartlett, Bosc and Seckel are good varieties to preserve, however Anjou, Comice, Nelis and Forelle may also be preserved, depending on the end product. It is important to harvest pears at the correct time.

How do you thicken pear preserves?

To thicken pear preserves, you can either add pectin or cook the mixture for a long time until the liquid shrinks and thickens. Pectin is a natural thickener found in fruits that helps set preserves. If you want to use pectin, follow the directions on the package and add it to the pears before you cook.

How do apples and pears ripen naturally?

Apples and pears ripen over time, out of the cold of the refrigerator. Wrapping the pears in paper can help slow the process down.

How do you make pear preserves?

This recipe will make approximately five half pint jars of pear preserves. (I use these jars.) Combine 1½ cups sugar and water over medium-high heat and cook rapidly for 2 minutes. Add the pears and boil them gently for 15 minutes. Next, add the remaining sugar and the lemon, and keep stirring until the sugar dissolves.

How do you preserve pears?

Cover the pear preserves and let them stand for 12 to 24 hours in the refrigerator. Reheat the pears and syrup to boiling and add them to sterilized jars, leaving about ¼ inch headspace. Wipe the rims of jars with a dampened clean paper towel, and close them up with two-piece metal canning lids.

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